ETTOS Frequently Asked Questions
What is ETTOS?
ETTOS stands for the Energy Theft Tip Off Service. The service allows members of the general public to report suspected energy theft either on line or via a dedicated phone line.
Is ETTOS different from the Energy Theft Tip Off Line?
The ETTOS was originally referred to as the Energy Theft Tip Off Line Service (ETTOLS) or simply the tip off line. However, the ETTOS includes an online service for reporting energy theft and therefore the project was renamed. The energy theft tip off line is being delivered as part of the ETTOS project.
Is ETTOS part of the Theft Risk Assessment Service (TRAS)?
An energy theft tip of line was initially included in the scope of the TRAS. However, it was subsequently removed from the scope of the TRAS arrangements and is now being delivered as a stand-alone service.
What is the interaction between ETTOS and TRAS?
The ETTOS project is being delivered independently to the TRAS. However, the TRAS provisions require suppliers to provide details of all theft investigations on a monthly basis. This includes theft investigations carried out as a result of tip offs received through the ETTOS service.
Who is the ETTOS Service Provider?
A tripartite contract has been signed between SPAA Ltd, DCUSA Ltd and Treble 5 Treble 1 (a subsidiary parent company ofCrimestoppers Trust) for the delivery of the ETTOS (the ETTOS Contract).
Where are the ETTOS provisions documented?
The ETTOS operating model is included as a schedule to the ETTOS Contract which is available to SPAA and DCUSA Parties on request.
High level details of the ETTOS service, together with details of the obligations on SPAA and DCUSA Parties will be included as a new schedule to the SPAA and DCUSA agreements. These are being introduced via SPAA CP 15/325 and DCUSA CP 264 which are expected to be issued to the Authority for approval in June/July 2016.
Who is impacted by the introduction of the ETTOS?
All SPAA and DCUSA Parties with registered supply points/metering points may receive tip offs from the ETTOS Service Provider.
How will the ETTOS Service Provider identify the relevant recipient?
For electricity tip offs, the ETTOS Service Provider will use the Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service (ECOES) to identify the relevant supplier based on the address details received as part of the tip off. Where the ETTOS Service Provider does not have sufficient information to identify the supplier then the ETTOS Service Provider will use ECOES to determine the relevant distributor.
Forgas tip offs, the ETTOS Service Provider will use data and a phone / email service provided by Xoserve to identify the relevant supplier based on the address details received as part of the tip off.Where the ETTOS Service Provider does not have sufficient information to identify the supplier then the ETTOS Service Provider will use data provided by Xoserve to determine the relevant transporter.
Where the ETTOS Service Provider is unable to identify a supplier or network operator, then the tip offs will be stored as unmatched.
What happens if the tip off highlights a potential safety concern?
Where the ETTOS Service Provider receives a tip off which highlights a potential safety concern e.g. the small of gas or sparking electricity equipment then the operator will immediately contact the relevant gas or electricity emergency number and provide details of the reported safety concern. The operator will also seek to identify the relevant supplier / network operator and issue the tip off via the standard process.
What will happen with unmatched tip offs?
Crimestoppers will store unmatched tip offsfor up to a month. A report will be provided to SPAA and DCUSA detailing the number of unmatched tip offs per month. Additional information regarding unmatched tip offs could be provided to SPAA and DCUSA regarding the content of these tip offs if required. The process for monitoring and reviewing unmatched tip offs will be agreed once there is clarity on the likely number of unmatched tip offs.
How are tip offs issued to recipients?
Tips offs will be issued to recipients via Crimestoppers secure web portal. All recipients will be provided with log in details which will enable them to view and download tip offs assigned to them.
How many log ins will each recipientbe provided with?
Recipients should only request a reasonable number of log ins to maintain access control.They can request further log ins for users, but there may be an additional cost due to software licences needed.
What should recipients do when they receive a tip off?
Where a supplier receives a tip off then they should initially confirm that the relevant supply point/metering point is registered to them. If not, then the supplier should provide feedback to the ETTOS Service Provider via the web portal stating that they are not the registered supplier. Details of the correct supplier should be provided if known. If the recipient is the registered supplier, then they should follow the processes set out in the relevant Theft Code of Practice (SPAA Schedule 33/ DCUSA Schedule 23).
Where a network operator receives a tip off then they should initially confirm that the relevant supply point/metering point is registered on their network. If not, then the network operator should provide feedback to the ETTOS Service Provider via the web portal stating that they are not the relevant network operator. Details of the correct network operator should be provided if known.
Where a network operator receives a tip of for a supply point/metering point that is registered on their network then they should carry out the following steps:
- Identify the address and notify this to the ETTOS Service Provider;
- Identify the supplier and notify this to the ETTOS Service Provider;
- Where applicable, comply with its obligations under the relevant Theft Code of Practice (SPAA Schedule 33/ DCUSA Schedule 23, for example where the tip off indicates theft in conveyance;
- If none of the above apply, then feedback to the ETTOS Service Provider that no action can be taken so the tip off will be logged as unmatched.
Are recipients required to report back the results of their tip off investigations?
Recipients can provide feedback to the ETTOS Service Provider via the web portal for example, if they are not the correct recipient.
Where a supplier initiates a theft investigation as a result of a tip off then the results of this investigation should be included in the supplier’s monthly TRAS theft outcome file with the theft source identified as a Crimestoppers tip off.
General feedback on the quality of the information included in tip offs received can be fed back directly to Crimestoppers or via the SPAA and DCUSA Code Administrator, so that this can be used to refine and improve the service going forward.
What are SPAA and DCUSA Parties required to do as part of the ETTOS implementation process?
All SPAA and DCUSA Parties with registered supply points/metering points should provide a single point of contact to ElectraLink. Contact details will be passed to the ETTOS Service Provider who will contact parties directly in order to arrange for access to the web portal. All SPAA and DCUSA Parties with registered supply points/metering points must have access to this web portal to receive tip offs.
What training will be provided to suppliers and network operators prior to the implementation date?
No training is anticipated necessary for the suppliers and network operators. Written instructions will be provided to use Crimestoppers’ secure web portal which is similar to accessing a web-based email service eg Hotmail / gmail.
What training will ETTOS Service Provider operatives receive prior to the implementation date?
Crimestoppers’ staff will be trained on various aspects of the ETTOS, including:
• Overview of energy theft and the purpose of service
• Expected content of contact from the public and specific information requirements
• Overview of safety concerns and process for handling them
• Where reports go and what happens to them
• Glossary/Company jargon buster
Suppliers and network operators have been asked to provide some of the training. Staff will need to learn the systems from ECOES and Xoserve to match reports to recipient.
What provisions are in place to ensure personal data included in tip offs is shared in accordance with the data protection act?
The ETTOS Service Provider has met with the Information Commissioner to make sure tip offs are produced in accordance with the Data Protection Act. The ETTOS Service Provider will apply a ‘test’ to information received / shared to make sure they are working to appropriate data protection principles. The ETTOS Service provider’s staff will assess the contact for relevance. That means:
- Is the information about criminal activity?
- Is there sufficient information for a start point for an investigation? e.g. name and/ or address and relevant information that an investigator could use to add some value. In brief, is the information supplied actionable?
The ETTOS Service provider is producing a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) in order to manage any potential risks throughout the process.
What provisions are in place to ensure all data is held securely?
The ETTOS service provider holds a certification for information security, ISO 27001, for its contact centre and associated processes.
What Management Information is provided by the ETTOS Service Provider?
A monthly report will be provided to SPAA and DCUSA containing:
- Quantity of contact received by phone and online
- Quantity of information logs disseminated by phone and online
- Quantity of information logs disseminated by Supplier or Network Operator
- Quantity of information logs with safety concerns or no safety concern
- Quantity of information logs relating to gas, electricity or both
- Quantity of information logs unmatched and therefore not disseminated, with reason code.
- Quantity of information logs incorrectly matched and re-sent to another Supplier or Network Operator.
- The Secure Email Portal accounts that have not been accessed within the past 10 working days at time of the report being compiled.
- The number of Tip Offs that have not been accessed at the time of the report being compiled, broken down by Supplier / Network Operator.
- Crimestoppers’ performance against service levels agreed
The following service levels will be used as a benchmark for the service:
- 95% of tip offs to be disseminated to the relevant Supplier or Network Operator within 24 hours.
- 95% of tip offs with a serious safety concern to be reported to the emergency gas and/or electricity service within 1 hour.
- 95% of calls to be answered within 2 minutes.
- Website availability of 99.8% excluding planned maintenance (to be measured across a period of 24 hours on a monthly basis using IP Patrol or similar reporting tool).
When is the ETTOS service being implemented?
The formal implementation date for the ETTOS service is 1st September 2016. Ahead on this, Crimestoppers will deliver an interim service where historic tip offs will be issued to suppliers/network operators and tip offs received through Crimestoppers’ charitable service which relate to energy theft will be issued to suppliers/network operators.
When does the ETTOS Contract expire?
The ETTOS Contract is a rolling 12-month contract, therefore there is no formal expiry date.
What is the difference between Crimestoppers’ charitable service and the ETTOS?
Crimestoppers delivers a service where members of the public can anonymously report crimes, which are shared with the police to solve and prevent crimes. The ETTOS will have a separate on line reporting tool and dedicated phone line for members of the public to report suspected energy theft. However, tip offs received through Crimestoppers’ charitable service that relate to energy theft will also be provided to the relevant energy supplier/network operator.
What is ElectraLink’s role in the ETTOS?
Following on from its role in the procurement and implementation of TRAS, ElectraLink has been appointed by SPAA and DCUSA Ltd to manage the implementation of the ETTOS on behalf of industry.
How do I find out more?
Information regarding the ETTOS service will be issued to SPAA and DCUSA Parties via e-bulletins. An party wishing to be added to the distribution list for e-bulletins should email .