Brief for the
issued by Avoch and Killen Community Council
on behalf of
the Black Isle Tourism Team (BITT)
June 2015
1.Background to this brief
This brief for a site audit,feasibility and funding study into a Black Isle Wildlife Trail as a pilot project for integrated development of visitor experiences and information in the Black Isle arose out of an interest in creating a wildlife trail on the Black Isle. This originated from Avoch and Killen Community Council who were interested in interpreting the tern rafts moored in the bay off Avoch and thought this could be expanded to include the whole of the Black Isle.
At a meeting of BITT on Tuesday 28th April 2015 the project steering group met for the first time. There was enthusiasm for a Black Isle Wildlife Trail along with an understanding that wildlife is only one of many areas of interest which appeal to visitors and local people: the Black Isle also offers rich arts, culture, heritage and history, a range of outdoor activities, local food and drink, crafts etc. Connecting up these different strands is crucial: e.g. through linking wildlife to local history, or encouraging cyclists to visit local food and drink producers. It was also agreed that “wildlife” should be broadened to include plantlife and other natural interests (e.g. geology/landscape) as appropriate.
Other possible themed trails would include food & drink – farms supplying food, cafes, shops selling local foodstuffs, restaurants, B&Bs, hotels etc – and heritage & culture – connecting museums, historic sites, churches, theatre activity etc., while recognising the need to cross-connect and cross-market these.
Therefore, while the primary focus of this brief is a wildlife trail it was decided to include broader background research so that the development of a wildlife trail sits firmly in the context of the strategic development of flexible, integrated, easy-to-access facilities, experiences and information.
2.Aims and objectives
The aims of this project are:
A .to audit the wildlife resource and facilities already present in the Black Isle, i.e. to look at where wildlife is present in significant numbers, to assess the infrastructure already supporting visitor access where it exists, and to highlight where it could be improved and developed e.g. by installing cameras, displays, providing digital content virtually, etc. Note should be taken of ownership and management of particular sites where this may affect the design/required style of any outputs.
B. to assess the practicability of offering Black Isle visitors themed trails generally, clearly presenting all the locations involved within overlapping areas of interest, collating contact details for their owners/operators/landowners and clarifying issues such as access, seasonality or sensitivity of sites/species for each location. We also expect the consultant to look at the potential environmental impact of any themed trails implemented.
C. to define the visitor audience in the Black Isle: to include tourists passing through, tourists who stay on the Black Isle, frequent/repeat visitors, holiday cottage owners/residents, Highland day trippers and local people, including friends and family staying with them. Walkers, cyclists, marine tourists and horse riders should be considered. Seasonality should also be considered.
D. to clarify and cost the different media through which the BITT trail(s) could be delivered with a recommendation for the optimum approach. We would expect the following to be among the media considered, but the list is not definitive:
Web-based media
Digital/virtual media (including apps, Satnav and social media)
Interpretive panels and signage
Traditional printed leaflets
Other ways of promoting the trail(s) e.g. through the creation of events work out how easily different visitor groups, including those with disabilities, could access the different media explored, highlighting and costing any specific marketing needs. recommend which funding options would be open to BITT to implement the Wildlife Trail
G. To clarify and advise the best approach for implementation of the contract in terms of human resources(i.e. whether a consultant or project officer is required, how volunteer effort can best be harnessed, which corporate human resources from larger organisations active in the Black Isle (e.g. RSPB, FCS, SWT) could be channelled into the project).
3.Visitor intelligence
We would expect the consultant appointed both to pool existing relevant visitor intelligence from organisations such as VisitScotland, Highland Council, RSPB and FCS and to conduct fresh visitor consultation during the summer months. Some information about visitors to the Black Isle already exists, and the project team would work closely with the consultant appointed, advising on which stakeholders to consult, etc.
We think it unlikely that most visitors to the Black Isle would plan a week’s holiday around a single themed trail. We think most visitors may ‘chop and change’, choosing a museum one day, the beach the next, a forest walk the day after etc. This is likely to be governed by weather, interests and to a degree disposable income. We want to understand this better.
We are therefore interested in exploring the concept of tailor-made trails which could be created around visitors’ own needs and interests. Flexibility is the key here: we want visitors to be tempted out of their usual areas of interest and broaden their experience of the area, thereby staying longer and returning more often.
We know we need more intelligence about Black Isle visitors, both those who live here and those who visit them. We would like to find out who would use the proposed trail(s) and which media they would respond to best. We would anticipate the consultant appointed would undertake both qualitative and quantitative surveying of visitors for this project.
BITT members will be invited to participate voluntarily in supporting in any survey activities/material the consultant appointed may produce, in conjunction with the BITT Themed Trails steering group.
4.Tender value
We anticipate the value of this contract will be £5,500to include all costs.
The consultant will be appointed on the basis of:
- evidence of success in similar projects
- knowledge of the local area
- innovative approach to the tasks required
- clear outline methodology for the project
Please note that the contract will not be appointed based simply on the lowest tender provided.
We anticipate this contract being awarded in July 2015. We would expect survey work to take place during the summer visitor season. The finished feasibility study should be presented by the consultant to the steering group by the end of September 2015. The study can be submitted in .pdf electronic format plus one printed copy.
All tenders should include:
- a quality statement (one side of A4) – why choose you?
- relevant and successful previous projects (one side of A4)
- summary CVs for consultant(s) (one side of A4 each)
- methodology (up to four sides of A4) – how would you go about the project?
- relevant company policies and insurance details
- 2 client referees for similar work (please provide name, job title, phone number and email)
- Schedule of prices and day rates with associated timescales in the format overleaf:
Activity (what does the task consist of?) – please add to this list if appropriate: / Complete by (use week 1, week 2 etc) / Consultant (if more than one) / Days required / @ Day Rate / Costs
Wildlife audit
Assessment of practicability
Audience research and visitor intelligence collection
Clarification and costing of media
Clarification and costing of human resources required for implement-ation
Assessment of access needs
Funding options
Presentation of findings to BITT
Please detail costs to include overheads e.g. project mileage, day rate, office costs, printing etc within the project.
6. Submission
Please do not include photographs, previous reports, company brochures etc at this stage.
Please return your tender in electronic format by email to Lizbeth Collie, and Verity Walker, on or before 5pm on Wednesday 15th July 2015.
If we opt to shortlist and interview for this contract, interviews would take place during the week of Monday 27th July 2015 with appointment made immediately afterwards.
Contract completion would be expected by 30th September 2015.
We reserve the right to appoint straight from the application stage if there is a clear preference.
For any further information, please contact Lizbeth Collie, , or Verity Walker, .
Date of issue: Wednesday 24th June 2015