Welcome to this month's edition, highlighting diocesan training opportunities -
spiritual, practical, creative and fun.
♦ Major Conferences ♦ Training, Retreats & Resources ♦ Children & Young People♦ Safeguarding ♦ Looking Ahead ♦Best of The Rest ♦
Major ConferencesBishop's Bible DayTheme: 'Saint Paul for Today'
This year, the Bishop’s Bible Day is running twice:Saturday 24 February 2018 at Peterborough CathedralSaturday 03 March at Northampton High School
A day of studying the Bible with Bishop Donald.Open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Bible.
This event is free (donations welcome). 9.30am-4pm
There will be two addresses from Bishop Donald, a variety of workshops, worship, fellowship and bookstall.
Just bring a Bible and a packed lunch. Do encourage others to come with you. We look forward to seeing you there, for another great diocesan day together.
Please indicate your venue when booking.
For full details & workshop titles - download flyer/poster:
Peterborough (pdf)
Northampton (pdf)
Join our Facebook group for the Bible days:
Dementia Friendly Churches top
Saturday 03 February
St Columba’s Church, Corby, NN17 1LG
10.30am - 3.30pm
A FREE workshop led by Sarah Thorpe, Dementia Enabler in the Diocese of Shrewsbury
Please bring lunch; drinks will be provided.
or contact Sally on 01604 887049
Training, Retreats & Resources
Evangelism training
Evening sessions coming up over the next few weeks. Free and open to all:
Wed 24 Jan - Sharing the Story – sharing our own faith story, and training others to do so -
with Liz H in Desborough
Wed 31Jan – Evangelism around life events – making the most of baptisms, weddings, funerals -
with Linnet in Rushden
Wed 7 Feb – Resources for evangelism – exploring a variety of these - with Liz H in Geddington
Wed 14 Feb – Practical street work – come out with us and have a go - with Liz H in Northampton
Creative Use of Resourcestop
Bouverie Court, The Lakes, Bedford Road, NN4 7YD
7.30pm - 9.30pm
Free for anyone who is interested!
Monday 22 January - Leading Worship with Young People
Monday 29 January - Leading Worship when Children are present
Monday 05 February - Leading Worship for People with Dementia
Monday 12 February - Leading Worship with non-church people
More information about each event can be found on the flyer below:
Icons for All a clergy retreat top
Monday 05 - Friday 09 February
Based in Northampton
There are two Icons to choose from the Virgin of the sweet kiss or
Christ Pancreator,
There will also be a visit to the Orthodox Church of St Anne
£95 (includes all materials and meals)
Expository Preaching top
Saturday 10 February
Bouverie Court, The Lakes, Bedford Road, NN4 7YD
10.00am - 1.00pm
The art of expounding the Bible in preaching is somewhat neglected in
today’s Church of England. Yet God can speak powerfully through it.
Open to all church leaders, lay and ordained, who preach or give talks.
Speaker: Revd Andrew Coleby
Free (no lunch)
A six week discipleship journey in 2018 through the Gospel of John, exploring what it means to be a witness. For each day from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day there is a short reading, a pause for reflection and prayer, and an idea for a simple action that will enable the light of Jesus to shine through our everyday lives.
It is written by John Kiddle in association withThy Kingdom Come, the global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus, with an Introduction by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York
There is also a weekly 5-session Lent course that can be run with or separately from the daily Let your light shine material, as part a range of downloadable materials to support parishes.
Booklets: 112pp, full colour copies, areavailable to purchase from Church House Publishing- individual copies @ £2.99 and bulk discounts for parishes.
Social media: In addition, you can receive the daily reflections by textingLent to 88802or by following on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, where they will be posted daily.
Everything is available at
LiveLent Sampler
Children & Young People
Including Young People top
Tuesday 23 January
Bouverie Court, The Lakes, Bedford Road, NN4 7YD
10.00am - 1.00pm
Come and be a part of the conversation and re-imagine youth ministry
with speaker Pete White who will be joined by Becky Wills and Chad Chadwick.
Free (no lunch)
BOOK NOW ______
Training, fun and encouragement top
for Young Leaders
Saturday 26 -28 January
The Gen2 Team are hosting the annual Inspire weekend away for Young Leaders aged 14-18. Held at the Caldecott Centre, (a multipurpose residential centre in Milton Keynes with comfy accommodation, a range of activities and a beautiful lake!) the young leaders will take part in indoor and outdoor activities plus learning sessions, all aimed at building confidence, character and skills as a leader.
Cost: £70 per young leader all inclusive
for more information, contact the Inspire Co-ordinator, Imogen Allen:
BOOK NOW ______
The Eucharist in Schools top
Wednesday 07 February
Bouverie Court, The Lakes, Bedford Road, NN4 7YD
2.00pm - 4.30pm, Free
How can a Communion service be sensitively introduced into our church schools,
when many of our pupils are either nonchurched or members of other religions?
Speakers: Liz Youngman and Chrys Tremththanmor
The Diocese of Peterborough Gen 2 team are working in partnership with theSouster Youth Trust to deliver 10 monthly sessions over 1 year. exploring big questions in youth ministry. a home-cooked meal followed by 3 sessions to support and inspire you in your youth ministry.
What is it?
Each month has 3 sections broken into 30 minute chunks:
1. Youth Culture -
We have chosen the top 10 issues that young people are facing at the moment - key themes we think that all youth ministers should be aware of
2. Youth Ministry Skills -
The practical ‘how to’ of youth ministry.
3. Developing Character -
Reconnecting with the ‘who’ of youth ministry and
how that speaks to our own formationand growth.
Arrival and dinner* from 6.45pm. Content starts at 7.30pm prompt.
We finish at 9pm. It costs £5 per session, or £40 for all 10. (Dinner is FREE)
Further details and booking info can be found at sousteryouth.org/events
*If you aren’t able to come for dinner you can still join us for training at 7.30pm
Why are we doing it?
This is a crucial time for young people and they are facing huge challenges; the digital age,
relationships & sex, and increasing incidents of self harm and emotional wellbeing issues.
As much as at any point in history, the next generation needs youth ministry.
The local church, and local volunteers hold the key. One young person at a time.
To promote awareness of possible safeguarding concerns and to equip people in relevant roles to feel confident to share with the appropriate person.
C1 Safeguarding Foundation Module top
Monday 22 January
Bouverie Court, The Lakes, Bedford Road, NN4 7YD
10am - 12noon
Monday 25 January
Diocesan Office, The Palace, PE1 1YB
9.30am - 11.30am
C2 Leadership Module (must complete C1 first)
Monday 22 January
Bouverie Court, The Lakes, Bedford Road, NN4 7YD
1pm - 3pm
Monday 25 January
Diocesan Office, The Palace, PE1 1YB
12.30pm - 2.30pm
Looking Ahead
Facilitating Difficult Meetings top
A special workshop day by Bridge Builders
Thursday 22 March
Bouverie Court, The Lakes, Bedford Road, NN4 7YD
9.30am – 4.30pm
There are many reasons why a church meeting may be difficult. Perhaps the purpose is misunderstood, there’s an “elephant” in the room, trust is thin on the ground, there are hidden agendas at work. Whatever the reasons, a calm and confident facilitator, rooted in the peace of Christ, can make a significant difference.
This workshop will equip you with tools and skills for being a more effective chair or facilitator.
With practically-focused training, it is designed for people who are part of a church’s leadership group in the parish, deanery or diocese.
The programme includes worship, demonstrations, teaching, and skills practice.
Peterborough Diocese church leaders, lay and ordained:
First 10 places at £40 per person (=£35 discount)
Clergy can use part of their annual CMD grant for this.
Usual cost: £75 per person or £60 per person for group bookings of 4 or more places.
This includes training materials, refreshments and a simple buffet lunch.
Click here for flier and full details
The updated full CMD training menu for clergy and lay leaders
will be on the diocesan website next week.
Best Of The Rest
Engaging with the Engaged top
Tuesday 13 March
Ramada Hotel, Solihull
A one day conference revealing the results of new research on what motivates couples
in their wedding choices. How the church can engage with couples, in a changing culture,
as they make choices about their wedding day and the life they will share together.
the importance of talking marriage, not just weddings, and practical ideas on how churches
can encourage contact with couples through wedding shows and other media, and how to
create and maintain contact from the first call throughout the engagement.
£45 for bookings received by 31 Jan 2018
Mission Matters
A new monthly mailing -
to resource and support you in mission
there will be a new monthly mailing on the 21st day of each month
Highlighting resources and events across the
Five Marks of Mission and the Five Values of a Missionary Church.
If there are others in your church who would find these mailings useful, please email and we will add them to our mailing list.
(Anyone may unsubscribe at any time – though we’d rather you didn’t!)
If you have mission resources or ideas that have worked well,
do let us know so we can include them.
Many thanks.
Our mailing address is:
Bouverie Court, 6 the Lakes, Bedford Road, Northampton NN4 7YD
Follow us on Twitter
/ Find us on Facebook