CREDITS: 1 credit
COURSE DATES: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Thursday, March 12, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
INSTRUCTOR: Woodrow Wiedenhoeft
Executive Director, WASBO
4797 Hayes Road, Suite 101
Madison, WI 53704
PHONE: 608-249-8588 Fax: 608-249-3163
FRAMEWORK STATEMENT: The Viterbo University Graduate Studies in Education Program has adopted a Teacher as Reflective Decision Maker Model and the Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure, also known as INTASC (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium) Standards. Each course is designed to contribute to the development of one or more of the WI/INTASC Standards and, if applicable, IRA, ISLLC or ASBO Standards.
Franciscan values permeate the program. The focus of every professional education course is on the learning of the PK-12 pupil. Viterbo education courses infuse constructivist practices, use of technology, PK-12 collaboration, awareness of diversity, traditional and authentic assessment, research, and real-world experiences into the professional development of the teacher.
Attendees at this conference/course will learn hands-on implementation of ideas covering everything from automating the business office to understanding and communicating key budget variables.
-To share multiple ideas gained during the seminar for application to everyday practice into the school districts of the participants in the course.
-To have participants consider all of the latest information to serve the schools of Wisconsin
-To learn to be proactive and lead for the present as well as for the future.
ISLIC Standards: S3, 4, 7 will be addressed during the seminar.
ASBO Standards: S1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 will be addressed during the seminar.
-Attendance at all general sessions.
-Attendance at sectional presentations of interest to the individual course participant.
-Written summary report addressing multiple ideas gained during the two full day seminar to be mailed, e-mailed or faxed in to: Woody Wiedenhoeft, WASBO, 4797 Hayes Road, Suite 101, Madison, WI 53704 – no later than March 27, 2015 –there is required reading of the book “Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t” by Simon Sinek. Information is located in the back of the credit validation form.
Lecture, small group workshops, videos, ITV, LCD presentations, overheads, large and small group sharing sessions and other related teaching and presentation aids will all be covered in the various lectures, large and small group work and general sessions.
-Attendance at the March time-frame outlined above – including all general sessions and small group presentations – group sharing sessions, luncheon.
-A written report addressing multiple application ideas gained at the conference. Implementation ideas should be expressed in a clear, concise manner to be used at the participant’s school district after the seminar is concluded.
-In addition to attendance at the conference, outside work is required. Please obtain and read “Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t” by Simon Sinek. Summarize how you will be able to utilize the information in your district.
See information in the credit validation form on how to obtain the book on Amazon.
Participation and written work should be done at the highest standard of quality and at the graduate level and needs to include the following:
A-100% attendance – 2 days during the time-frame illustrated in this syllabus; participation in small and large group discussions and sharing sessions; concise written report with multiple application ideas gained specifically during general and breakout sessions at the conference. Read the book and the written assignment was done in a clear, concise manner.
AB-100% attendance and 90% of the above assignment, participation levels, etc.
B-100% attendance and 85% of the above assignment, participation levels, etc.
BC – 100% attendance and 80% of the above assignment, participation levels, etc.
C – 100% attendance and 75% of the above assignment, participation levels, etc.
If below a C is to be awarded, it means that participant did not attend the full conference and did not complete the written assignment on time and in a satisfactory manner.
See information under Assignments.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015:
A.M. Session Choices:
Spring at a Glance: Budget Adjustments
Affordable Care Act Updates
SBS, MAC and Annual Medicaid Cost Settlement Program Update
Sales Tax Issues for Schools
Development of an On-site or Near-site Employee Clinic
Unemployment Insurance Basics for School Districts
Procedures for Handling School Level Funds
Special Education Fiscal Auditing
Things You Can Do to Reduce Workers’ Compensation Claims and Save Money
New GASB Statements Impacting Post-Employment Valuations
Ways to Strengthen Internet Controls in the Business Office
WASBO and Legislative Updates
P.M. Session Choices:
Importance of Fund Balance and Practices/GASB Pronouncements
Unscheduled Absences-What’s it Costing your District?
Overview of the Omni Circular
Microsoft Excel for Intermediate Users
Account Based Plans – The Alphabet Soup
The Other Funds: Funds 21, 41, 46, 60, 80 & 90
Impact of the 2014-2015 Financial Decisions on Your 2015-16 Budget
Using Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables
DPI Spring Workshop
Networking Reception
Thursday, March 12. 2015:
A.M. Session Choices:
Open Enrollment and Financial Implications
W-9 and 1099 Reporting
Taking a New Approach to Your Cash Flow Borrowing
Self-Funded Insurance Part I
Maintenance of Effort
Payroll Best Practices
Debt Financing Options w/Accounting Entries and Reporting Requirements
Self Funded Insurance Part 2
Debt Service Management 102
Wage and Hour Laws in an Era of Increased Workplace Audits
Explaining the Audit Report to the Board of Education
Self Funded Insurance Part 3
LUNCH and Program –Announcement of Collaborating for Change Winner
P.M. Session Choices
Understanding & Communicating Key Budget Variables
FMLA Compliance and Administration: Confession of a Lawyer
Fraud Prevention
IDEA Excess Cost Calculation Compliance Requirement
General Session:
The IRS is Watching: What are They Seeing?
Please check out the required reading information on the back of the credit validation form.