Birmingham and Solihull Youth Promise Plus (YPP)

ParticipantJourney Tracker & Full/Interim Transfer Form

Please note:

  • If a participant is being referred to another organisation, please complete this document to record/track the transition. Your organisation’s referral process will need to be followed and you must ensure you comply with the YPP Data Processing/Sharing Agreements.
  • For each participant please use the same document when adding further entries.

Name of Registering Organisation:
(Delivery Partner or contracted Provider) / First Intervention Worker/Lead Professional Name:
Worker/Lead Professional Email:
Tel. Contact Details:
Participant Name: / Participant YEI ID Number:
Name of
Current Service Provider
(if different to above) / Name of Lead Professional & Tel No.
(if different to above) / Transfer Status
(use Transfer Status Codes below) / Name of Service provider the Participant is going to
(if applicable) / Date From / Date To / Key Intervention – including transfer details
if applicable - please use a short narrative / Type &
Location of Evidence
(e.g. Letter in Client File) / Matrix code
(See notes below)
Participant Name: / Participant YEI ID Number:
Name of
Current Service Provider
(if different to above) / Name of Lead Professional & Tel No.
(if different to above) / Transfer Status
(use Transfer Status Codes below) / Name of Service provider the Participant is going to
(if applicable) / Date From / Date To / Key Intervention – including transfer details
if applicable - please use a short narrative / Type &
Location of Evidence
(e.g. Letter in Client File) / Matrix code (See notes below)

Transfer Status Codes

TI = Transfer Interim - means temporary referral arrangement whereby the lead professional role remains with the referring organisation and therefore the referring organisation retains the ability to claim YPP outputs and/or Payment by Results (PBR).

TF = Transfer Full - means complete hand over arrangement whereby the lead professional role is transferred from the referring organisation to the receiving organisation and therefore the receiving organisation gains the ability to claim YPP outputs and/or PBR.

N/A = Not Applicable means there is no referral arrangement and you are just logging a key intervention in the participant’s journey.

Matrix Codes

YPP Matrix Stage / HIGH LEVEL / MEDIUM LEVEL / LOW LEVEL / Guidance on STAGE meanings
ENGAGE / Significant Barriers
(Matrix Code EH) / Moderate Barriers
(Matrix Code EM) / Positive Full Engagement (Matrix Code EL) / Registration Form has been completed and (with or without support) the participant is actively taking part in planning and decision making processes.
STABILISE / Multiple Barriers
(Matrix Code SH) / Disruptive factors are present but evidence of consistency and move towards stability with a level of independence
Matrix Code SM) / Managing Independently
(Matrix code SL) / Wrap around/Personal Support has been directly delivered or by external referral/signposting undertaken by an Intervention Worker. The support relates to improving the participants ability to take part in an EET* related activity.
(EET* related activity undertaken for at least 2 weeks) / Unable to attend and achieve without intensive support
(Matrix Code PH) / Able to attend and achieve with moderate support
(Matrix Code PM) / Can attend and achieve independently
(Matrix code PL) / Evidenced progression into a meaningful (structured and formal) work, training or education environment, e.g. work shadowing, volunteering or vocational training for a minimum of 2 weeks.
ACHIEVE / High level of support required to achieve EET* outcome
(Matrix Code AH) / Moderate Support required to achieve EET* outcome
(Matrix Code AM) / Low or no Support required (Matrix code AL) / Evidenced progression, specifically – Offer of Employment, continued education, apprenticeship or traineeship (can be within 4 weeks of leaving the YPP** project) or Exit into Self Employment (can be within 4 weeks of leaving the YPP** project)
SUSTAIN / 26 Weeks with high level of support required
(Matrix Code UH) / 26 Weeks with moderate level of support required
(Matrix Code UM / 26 weeks with low or no Support required
(Matrix code UL) / Participant sustains an evidenced EET* outcome for a period of 26 weeks

*EET means Employment, Education orTraining

This part of the form is optional and can be completed if you wish to use this Journey tracker as the ‘Action Plan evidence’ for the Participant Outcome Form at Annex 1 ‘Completion of YEI supported Intervention’ box under ‘Result Type’.


Information will be processed and shared as part of the Birmingham and Solihull Youth Promise Plus project, with: Birmingham City Council and its contracted providers; Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and it’s contracted providers; and project Delivery Partners Prince’s Trust; Transport for West Midlands (part of West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)); and University Hospitals Birmingham Consortium, and with the Department for Work and Pensions (including Job Centres) for referral and support for the purposes of advancing my employment, education or training prospects. The information provided will be held and used in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 by Birmingham City Council and its providers and partners whilst participating in the Birmingham and Solihull Youth Promise Plus project and will not be held for longer than is necessary or used for any other purpose including passing it on to any organisation without your permission.

Personal data will be used for audit purposes and to prevent fraud or the misuse of resources; and to evaluate this project and to report to Birmingham City Council, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and European Social Fund for monitoring purposes. You may be contacted to discuss you involvement in the project. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998, the DWP is the data controller in respect of information processed which relates to your participation in the project funded by the European Social Fund, whilst the Birmingham City Council is the data processor. If you have any questions about the use of personal data, find out from Birmingham City Council by visiting”.

I confirm I have undertaken all of the key interventions stated as part of the support plan provided through the Youth Promise Plus project.
Signature of YPP Participant / Date:
I confirm to the best of my knowledge all of the key interventions stated, in respect of the named participant, have been undertaken.
Form Authorised by Lead professional : (Print Name) / Date:
Signed: / Participant YEI ID Number Given:
Position in Organisation: / Provider reference/s:
Name of Organisation:

Youth Promise Plus is a Birmingham and Solihull Employment Pathway Project supported by the European Social Fund And the Youth Employment Initiative

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