

Intended Program Outcomes / Methods of Assessment and Criteria for Success
Direct Measures / Indirect Measures
Written and Oral Communication Skills [Student Learning Outcome]
Start Date: 08-25-06
End Date: 08-24-07
Outcome Type: Communication Skills.
Define Outcome:
Upon completion of the doctoral degree, the student will be able to demonstrate oral and written communication skills in the technical aspects of biomedical engineering. / Direct Measures:
The assessment measures used were:
  1. class presentations and reports in graduate level courses
  2. doctoral qualifying examination
  3. dissertation prospectus defense
  4. dissertation defense
  5. presentations at technical meetings.
Doctoral students in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering are required to take a set of at least ten (10) graduate level courses during their academic careers. Many of these courses include in-class oral presentations as well as written reports on technical matters.
Students are required to take and pass the doctoral qualifying examination that requires the students to defend, both orally as well as in writing, a critical analysis of a research problem from the literature.
After successfully completing the doctoral qualifying examination, students start working on an original research problem. After 1-2 years, students present an outline of their proposed research (prospectus) to their dissertation committee. If the committee approves this plan of research, students are expected to make an original research contribution in their research area. A written dissertation is required along with a public oral defense.
This assessment will require that 80% of the students being assessed scoring 75% or higher as determined by the above assessment standards.
Class performance or presentation, department assessment, departmental exam/comprehensive exam/preliminary exam, faculty committee evaluation of dissertation, thesis, or treatise, public performance or presentation (juried). / Indirect Measures:
Four indirect measures for assessment of this student learning outcome have been instituted.
1. A Graduate Student Survey will be administered to all current graduate students annually. This is a self-assessment by each graduate student of their perceived success in meeting the criteria for each outcome. In the Graduate Student Survey, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 3 out of 5 on the Graduate Student Survey. Alternatively, a Graduate Student Annual Evaluation will be performed by the Graduate Committee annually. The outcome is assessed using numerical data of publications, presentations, and other criteria.
2. An electronic Alumni Survey Questionnaire will be administered to our graduate student alumni biennially. In the Alumni Survey, a scale of 1 to 3 is used. The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 2 out of 3 on the Alumni Survey.
3. A Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form will be filled out by each member of a graduating student's MS thesis or PhD dissertation committee. In the Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum of 3 out of 5 on the overall score of the Outcome Assessment Committee.
4. A Town Hall Meeting (focus group) for graduate students will be held every year in the Spring, during which verbal feedback from graduate students will be sought on topics such as academics and student welfare. The results will be compiled without attributing individual students' names to the comments, organized into subject categories, analyzed, and discussed at the Annual Faculty Retreat.
Analysis of Literature [Student Learning Outcome]
Start Date: 08-25-06
End Date: 08-24-07
Outcome Type: Critical Thinking Skills, Content/Discipline Knowledge & Skills.
Define Outcome:
Upon completion of the doctoral degree, the student will be able to critically analyze the literature and determine the state-of-the-art in a given research topic. / Direct Measures:
The assessment measures used were:
  1. class presentations and reports in graduate level courses
  2. doctoral qualifying examination
  3. dissertation prospectus defense
  4. dissertation defense.
Students are first assessed on their capability to critically analyze the literature via projects in graduate level courses. The doctoral qualifying examination tests the students' ability to survey the literature and determine what has been solved and what remains to be solved in a fundamental area of biomedical engineering. The prospectus defense and the dissertation defense require the students to determine the frontier of their chosen field and critically evaluate open research problems in this field.
This assessment will require that 80% of the students being assessed scoring 75% or higher as determined by the above assessment standards.
Class performance or presentation, department assessment, departmental exam/comprehensive exam/preliminary exam, faculty committee evaluation of dissertation, thesis, or treatise, project evaluation, written report or essay / Indirect Measures:
Four indirect measures for assessment of this student learning outcome have been instituted.
1. A Graduate Student Survey will be administered to all current graduate students annually. This is a self-assessment by each graduate student of their perceived success in meeting the criteria for each outcome. In the Graduate Student Survey, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 3 out of 5 on the Graduate Student Survey. Alternatively, a Graduate Student Annual Evaluation will be performed by the Graduate Committee annually. The outcome is assessed using numerical data of publications, presentations, and other criteria.
2. An electronic Alumni Survey Questionnaire will be administered to our graduate student alumni biennially. In the Alumni Survey, a scale of 1 to 3 is used. The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 2 out of 3 on the Alumni Survey.
3. A Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form will be filled out by each member of a graduating student's MS thesis or PhD dissertation committee. In the Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum of 3 out of 5 on the overall score of the Outcome Assessment Committee.
4. A Town Hall Meeting (focus group) for graduate students will be held every year in the Spring, during which verbal feedback from graduate students will be sought on topics such as academics and student welfare. The results will be compiled without attributing individual students' names to the comments, organized into subject categories, analyzed, and discussed at the Annual Faculty Retreat.
. Critical Thinking Skills [Student Learning Outcome]
Start Date: 08-25-06
End Date: 08-24-07
Outcome Type: Critical Thinking Skills.
Define Outcome:
Upon completion of the doctoral degree, the student will be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills in the field of biomedical engineering. / Direct Measures:
The assessment measures used were:
  1. graduate level courses
  2. doctoral qualifying examination
  3. dissertation prospectus defense
  4. the dissertation.
The graduate level courses introduce the students to advanced techniques for critically analyzing research problems in biomedical engineering. Students need to demonstrate their proficiency in these skills via homework and class assignments. A major component of the doctoral qualifying examination is to read a paper from the classical biomedical engineering literature and critically evaluate the results presented in this paper.
The dissertation prospectus requires the students to demonstrate their competence in tackling an unsolved research problem. The dissertation requires the students to solve an original problem in biomedical engineering.
This assessment will require that 80% of the students being assessed scoring 75% or higher as determined by the above assessment standards.
Department assessment, departmental exam/comprehensive exam/preliminary exam, faculty committee evaluation of dissertation, thesis, or treatise, faculty designed comprehensive or capstone examination and assignment, instructor constructed exam, problem-solving exercise, public performance or presentation (juried), written report or essay. / Indirect Measures:
Four indirect measures for assessment of this student learning outcome have been instituted.
1. A Graduate Student Survey will be administered to all current graduate students annually. This is a self-assessment by each graduate student of their perceived success in meeting the criteria for each outcome. In the Graduate Student Survey, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 3 out of 5 on the Graduate Student Survey. Alternatively, a Graduate Student Annual Evaluation will be performed by the Graduate Committee annually. The outcome is assessed using numerical data of publications, presentations, and other criteria.
2. An electronic Alumni Survey Questionnaire will be administered to our graduate student alumni biennially. In the Alumni Survey, a scale of 1 to 3 is used. The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 2 out of 3 on the Alumni Survey.
3. A Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form will be filled out by each member of a graduating student's MS thesis or PhD dissertation committee. In the Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum of 3 out of 5 on the overall score of the Outcome Assessment Committee.
4. A Town Hall Meeting (focus group) for graduate students will be held every year in the Spring, during which verbal feedback from graduate students will be sought on topics such as academics and student welfare. The results will be compiled without attributing individual students' names to the comments, organized into subject categories, analyzed, and discussed at the Annual Faculty Retreat.
Solve Biomedical Engineering Problems [Student Learning Outcome]
Start Date: 08-25-06
End Date: 08-24-07
Outcome Type: Content/Discipline Knowledge & Skills.
Define Outcome:
Upon completion of the doctoral degree, the student will be able to solve biomedical engineering problems using biomolecular theories and engineering principles. / Direct Measures:
The assessment measures used were:
  1. the core courses in biomedical engineering.
Doctoral students in biomedical engineering are required to take following core courses: 1) Advanced Chemical Engineering Mathematics, 2) Advanced Transport Phenomena, 3) Research Methods, 4) Cellular and Tissue Engineering, and 5) an approved course in Advanced Anatomy and Physiology. In these courses, students are introduced to biomolecular and biomedical theories and engineering principles for solving complex research problems in biomedical engineering. Students' ability to utilize these theories is evaluated via homework and class assignments.
This assessment will require that 80% of the students being assessed scoring 75% or higher as determined by the above assessment standards.
Department assessment, instructor constructed exam, problem-solving exercise. / Indirect Measures:
Four indirect measures for assessment of this student learning outcome have been instituted.
1. A Graduate Student Survey will be administered to all current graduate students annually. This is a self-assessment by each graduate student of their perceived success in meeting the criteria for each outcome. In the Graduate Student Survey, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 3 out of 5 on the Graduate Student Survey. Alternatively, a Graduate Student Annual Evaluation will be performed by the Graduate Committee annually. The outcome is assessed using numerical data of publications, presentations, and other criteria.
2. An electronic Alumni Survey Questionnaire will be administered to our graduate student alumni biennially. In the Alumni Survey, a scale of 1 to 3 is used. The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 2 out of 3 on the Alumni Survey.
3. A Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form will be filled out by each member of a graduating student's MS thesis or PhD dissertation committee. In the Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum of 3 out of 5 on the overall score of the Outcome Assessment Committee.
4. A Town Hall Meeting (focus group) for graduate students will be held every year in the Spring, during which verbal feedback from graduate students will be sought on topics such as academics and student welfare. The results will be compiled without attributing individual students' names to the comments, organized into subject categories, analyzed, and discussed at the Annual Faculty Retreat.
Solve Original Research Problem [Student Learning Outcome]
Start Date: 08-25-06
End Date: 08-24-07
Outcome Type: Content/Discipline Knowledge & Skills
Define Outcome:
Upon completion of the doctoral degree, the student will be able to solve an original research problem in the field of biomedical engineering. / Direct Measures:
The assessment measures used were:
  1. the dissertation
  2. the dissertation defense.
Doctoral students are expected to make an original research contribution in their research area. A written dissertation is required along with a public oral defense. It is expected that this original work will be presented in technical meetings and published in a peer-reviewed journals.
This assessment will require that 80% of the students being assessed progress satisfactorily toward completion of their dissertation within 5 years after matriculation as determined by written dissertation and its oral defense.
Department assessment, faculty committee evaluation of dissertation, thesis, or treatise, public performance or presentation (juried), written report or essay. / Indirect Measures:
Four indirect measures for assessment of this student learning outcome have been instituted.
1. A Graduate Student Survey will be administered to all current graduate students annually. This is a self-assessment by each graduate student of their perceived success in meeting the criteria for each outcome. In the Graduate Student Survey, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 3 out of 5 on the Graduate Student Survey. Alternatively, a Graduate Student Annual Evaluation will be performed by the Graduate Committee annually. The outcome is assessed using numerical data of publications, presentations, and other criteria.
2. An electronic Alumni Survey Questionnaire will be administered to our graduate student alumni biennially. In the Alumni Survey, a scale of 1 to 3 is used. The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 2 out of 3 on the Alumni Survey.
3. A Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form will be filled out by each member of a graduating student's MS thesis or PhD dissertation committee. In the Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum of 3 out of 5 on the overall score of the Outcome Assessment Committee.
4. A Town Hall Meeting (focus group) for graduate students will be held every year in the Spring, during which verbal feedback from graduate students will be sought on topics such as academics and student welfare. The results will be compiled without attributing individual students' names to the comments, organized into subject categories, analyzed, and discussed at the Annual Faculty Retreat.
Utilize Mathematical Skills [Student Learning Outcome]
Start Date: 08-25-06
End Date: 08-24-07
Outcome Type: Content/Discipline Knowledge & Skills.
Define Outcome:
Upon completion of the doctoral degree, the student will be able to use mathematical skills to solve problems in the field of biomedical engineering. In particular, students will demonstrate the capability to solve complex problems involving cellular and biomolecular components with time and spatial variations. / The assessment measures used were the following core courses in biomedical engineering:
  1. Advanced Chemical Engineering Mathematics
  2. Advanced Transport Phenomena
  3. Cellular and Tissue Engineering.
In these courses, students are introduced to a variety of mathematical techniques for analyzing cellular and biomolecular systems, and develop skills for solving complex research problems in biomedical engineering. Students' ability to utilize these theories is evaluated via homework and class assignments.
This assessment will require that 80% of the students being assessed scoring 75% or higher as determined by the above assessment standards.
Instructor constructed exam, problem-solving exercise, project evaluation. / Indirect Measures:
Four indirect measures for assessment of this student learning outcome have been instituted.
1. A Graduate Student Survey will be administered to all current graduate students annually. This is a self-assessment by each graduate student of their perceived success in meeting the criteria for each outcome. In the Graduate Student Survey, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 3 out of 5 on the Graduate Student Survey. Alternatively, a Graduate Student Annual Evaluation will be performed by the Graduate Committee annually. The outcome is assessed using numerical data of publications, presentations, and other criteria.
2. An electronic Alumni Survey Questionnaire will be administered to our graduate student alumni biennially. In the Alumni Survey, a scale of 1 to 3 is used. The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum average score of 2 out of 3 on the Alumni Survey.
3. A Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form will be filled out by each member of a graduating student's MS thesis or PhD dissertation committee. In the Graduate Student Educational Outcomes Assessment form, the outcome is assessed on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to excellent). The criteria for success for this outcome are a minimum of 3 out of 5 on the overall score of the Outcome Assessment Committee.
4. A Town Hall Meeting (focus group) for graduate students will be held every year in the Spring, during which verbal feedback from graduate students will be sought on topics such as academics and student welfare. The results will be compiled without attributing individual students' names to the comments, organized into subject categories, analyzed, and discussed at the Annual Faculty Retreat.