Biology Terms Worksheet Name(s)

Fall 2001

The follow words are made up of Latin or Greek roots. Write the meaning of the each root in the space provided.

  1. Amphibious Amphi Bious
  2. Aquaplane Aqua Plane
  3. Anthropomorphic Anthropos Morph
  4. Arthropod Arthro Podos
  5. Automobile Auto Mobile
  6. Biped Bi Pedis
  7. Biography Bios Grapho
  8. Carnivore Carni Vorare
  9. Chlorophyll Chloro Phyll
  10. Chromosphere Chromo Sphere
  11. Cytology Cyto Logy
  12. Epidermis Epi Dermis
  13. Ecology Eco Ology
  14. Geography Geo Graphy
  15. Hydrozoan Hydro Zoo
  16. Hypodermic Hypo Dermis
  17. Isometric Iso Metric
  18. Hyperopic Hyper Optic
  19. Monoecious Mono Ecos
  20. Morphology Morpho Ology
  21. Neuritis Neur Itis
  22. Photography Photo Graphy
  23. Postscript Post Script
  24. Telescope Tele Scope
  25. Thermometer Thermo Meter

Define each of the words in the space following the word. Follow the directions below.

Bio of Bi Anthros Anti the Geo

Bi (1.______) Anthros (2. ______) Bioed (3. ______) A (4. ______) Aqua (5. ______) or Carni (6. ______). The bi anthros bioed on Chloro (7. ______) Phytes (8. ______) and Chromo (9. ______) Phylls (10. ______). They Amphi (11. ______) Scoped (12. ______) Mono (13. ______) Micro (14. ______) Saur (15. ______) in the Hydro (16. ______) Voring (17. ______) chloro phytes. The bi anthros vora the micro saur. Proto(18. ______) their Derm (19. ______) Cytos (20. ______) became Itis (21. ______) Post (22. ______) which their Arthros (23. ______) and Neuro (24. ______) cytos amphi became itised.

On your own paper:

1. Rewrite the above story in your own words.

2. Write your own story using at least 25 Latin or Greek root words. Write it out using the original Latin or Greek roots, and then write it again in English.

3. Define the following word : Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

4. Make up two words of your own to describe someone or something you know. Try to use as many root words as possible. Write the definitions after the words.

5. Divide a sheet of paper into 4 equal parts. Make four drawings which represent four particular root words. Be neat and color your drawings. Write the root word below the drawing. Try to be creative.