Communication Disorders and DeafnessResearch Resources


Circulating Books, Electronic Books, and U.S. Government Documents

To find circulating books, as well as electronic books and U.S. government online documents, on wide-ranging topics using your key words or ideas:

Go to the Kean University Library’s home page located at

Click Books, E-books, Videos, & More to access the Kean Catalog.

Type your key words in the search box underneath Find This:

Limit your search results to particular types of records (such as, Main Collection books, Reference Collection books, or U.S. Government Online Document) by selecting an option from the Limit Your Search menu.

Click Search.

Evaluate your search results.

Make note of the Library Location designation for any titles of interest. A designation of Main Collection means that the book is a circulating title, while Reference Collection means that the book does not circulate. A designation of U.S. Government Online Document or Electronic Resource means that the item is available online; you may access the material online by clicking the title, then clicking the hyperlink next to the words Linked Resource.

Make note of the call number and status for any Main Collection titles of interest. When a Main Collection book’s Status is Available, this means that the book is not checked out. Circulating titles are located in the Main Collection on the second and third floors of the Kean University Library.

Reference Books

Listed below are select print reference titles provided for quick look-up by call number in the Reference Collection (located on the first floor of the Library) or in the Reference Collection Annex (located on the second floor of the Library). The first column displays the reference call number. The second column displays the corresponding title.

Call Numbers Reference Titles

Ref HQ 767.9 .C352 2005 Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development

RefHV 888.5 .D57 2006 Children with Disabilities in America: A Historical Handbook and Guide

RefHV 2545 .A33 2004 Handbook to Service the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

RefLC 4019 .P524 2007 EDM: The Educator’s Diagnostic Manual of Disabilities and Disorders

Ref RC 423 .G626 2010 Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Desk Reference

RefRC 423 .M56 2004 MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders

RefRC 423 .N52 2004 Terminology of Communication Disorders

Ref RC423 .R662 2011 – Ref Annex (2nd floor) Advanced Review of Speech-Language Pathology: Preparation for the PRAXIS

and Comprehensive Examination

Ref RC 424.7 .S637 2004 Articulation and Phonology Resource Guide for School-Age Children and Adults

Ref RF 290 .M55 2008 Hearing Disorders Handbook

Ref RF 290 .T93 2004 Encyclopedia of Deafness and Hearing Disorders

Ref RF 291 .S73 2003 Comprehensive Dictionary of Audiology

Ref RF 291.3 .S78 2004 Study Guide for the Audiology Test

Ref RF 291.5 .C45 C66 2011 Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology

Ref RJ 50 .C483 2003 Childhood Disorders Diagnostic Desk Reference

RefRJ 247 .L48 2009 Manual of School Health


Provided below is a list of select journals available in electronic format through the Library’s databases. To check holdings information for these titles and numerous other journals, go to the Library’s Periodicals Listavailable fromthe Library’s homepage ( by clicking Periodicals List and then clicking Periodicals List again.



Advances in Speech Language Pathology

American Journal of Educationin Language Teaching

American Journal of Speech Language Pathology

Brain and Cognition

Brain and Language

Child Language Teaching and Therapy


Hearing Research

Journal of Child Language

Journal of Communication Disorders

Journal of Medical Speech Pathology

Journal of Neurolinguistics

Journal of Phonetics

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Language Acquisition

Language and Cognitive Processes

Language and Education

Language Learning

Language, Speech and Hearing Services in School

Journal of School Health

Journal of School Nursing

Speech Communication



Electronic Databases

To start using the Library’s electronic databases to search for articles on certain topics using your key words, go to the Library’s homepage ( Click Articles & More to access the Databases. The databases are organized in two different lists. In one list the databases are listed alphabetically, and in the other list the databases are listed by subject. Brief directions are provided on the next pages to help you navigate these electronic databases. Note: When you are off-campus, you will need tolog in with your Kean Google username and password after you click on a database name.

ComDisDomeTo search ComDisDome for scholarly articles using your key terms:

Go to the Library’s home page (

Click Articles & More to access the Databases page.

Click the letter Con the alphabetical menu.

Click ComDisDome (ProQuest).

Type your key terms in the search box.

Use the “and” operator to combine terms and retrieve items that contain all of the terms. Use the “or” operator to retrieve one or more of the grouped terms (not necessarily all of the grouped terms). Use the asterisk (*) as a truncation symbol after a word root to retrieve articles with the word root and all of its possible word endings. For instance, type:

"cerebral palsy" and articul* and (child* or teen*)

Limit your results to articles reviewed or judged by scholars in the field (in other words, scholarly or peer reviewed articles) by selecting Scholarly journals.

Click the search button.

Result: The first 20 retrieved article titles will be displayed. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see a Full text link, a Full text - PDF link, or both immediately below the item. Click one of theselinks to view the full-text article.

E-mail the article you are viewing by clicking Email located at the top left-hand side of your screen.

If full-text link options are not present, click (when present) to check the availability of full-text for the article in other Kean University Library databases.

ProQuest ResearchTo search ProQuest Research Databases for scholarly articles from

Databasesmultidisciplinary journals:

Go to the Library’s home page (

Click Articles & More to access the Databases page.

Click the letter Pon the alphabetical menu.

ClickProQuestResearch Databases.

Type your key terms in the search box.

Use the “and” operator to combine terms and retrieve items that contain all of the terms. Use the “or” operator to retrieve one or more of the grouped terms (not necessarily all of the grouped terms). Use the asterisk (*) as a truncation symbol after a word root to retrieve articles with the word root and all of its possible word endings. For instance, type:

(school nurs* or school-based intervention*) and hearing loss*

Limit your results to articles reviewed or judged by scholars in the field (in other words, scholarly or peer reviewed articles) by selecting Scholarly journals.

Click the search button.

Result: The first 20 retrieved article titles will be displayed. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see a Full text link, a Full text - PDF link, or both immediately below the item. Click one of theselinks to view the full-text article.

E-mail the article you are viewing by clicking Email located at the top left-hand side of your screen.

If full-text link options are not present, click (when present) to check the availability of full-text for the article in other Kean University Library databases.

EBSCOhostTo search theEBSCOhost Research Databases for scholarly articles using your

Research Databaseskey terms:

Go to the Library’s home page (

Click Articles & More to access the Databases page.

Click the letter Eon the alphabetical menu.

ClickEBSCOhost Research Databases (EBSCOhost).

ClickEBSCOhost Web.

Select databases pertinent to your research topic, such as Alt HealthWatch, CINAHL with Full Text, Communication & Mass Media Complete,MEDLINE, PsycARTICLES, and/or PsycINFO.

Click Continue.

Click Advanced Search.

Type your key terms in the first, second, or third search boxes.

Use the “and” operator to combine terms and retrieve items that contain all of the terms. Use the “or” operator to retrieve one or more of the grouped terms (not necessarily all of the grouped terms). Use the asterisk (*) as a truncation symbol after a word root to retrieve articles with the word root and all of its possible word endings. For example, type: First Search Box: autis*

Second Search Box: echolal*

Limit your results to articles reviewed or judged by scholars in the field (in other words, scholarly or peer reviewed articles) by selecting Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals under the Limit your results heading.

Limit your results to articles focusing on evidence-based medicine by selecting some additional limiters under the Limit your results heading. You will see additional limit categories depending upon the databases you initially selected. For instance, under Special Limiters for CINAHL with Full Text, you can select Evidence-Based Practice from the Special Interest drop-down menu. Under Special Limiters for MEDLINE, you can put a checkmark next to EBM Reviews.

Result: The first 10 retrieved article titles will be displayed. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see one or more of the following links immediately below the item: HTML Full Text, PDF Full Text, or Linked Full Text. Click one of these links to view the full-text article.

E-mail the article you are currently viewing by clicking E-mail (envelope icon) located on the right-hand side of your screen.

If full-text link options are not present, click Full Text Finder (when present) to check the availability of full-text for the article in other Kean University Library databases.

ScienceDirectTo search ScienceDirect for scholarly articles using your key terms:

Go to the Library’s home page (

Click Articles & More to access the Databases page.

Click the letter Son the alphabetical menu.

Click ScienceDirect (Elsevier).

Click the Search button to access the search form.

Type your key terms in the first and second search boxes.

Use the “and” operator to combine terms and retrieve items that contain all of the terms. Use the “or” operator to retrieve one or more of the grouped terms (not necessarily all of the grouped terms). Use the asterisk (*) as a truncation symbol after a word root to retrieve articles with the word root and all of its possible word endings. For example, type: First Search Box: phonological disorder*

Second Search Box: cerebral palsy

Click Search.

Result: The first 100 retrieved article titles will be displayed. If the full-text article is available online for a specific item, you will see aPDF link below the item. Click PDF to view the full-text article.

SAGE Journals OnlineTo search SAGE Journals Online for scholarly articles using

your key terms:

Go to the Library’s home page (

Click Articles & More to access the Databases page.

Click the letter Son the alphabetical menu.

ClickSAGE Journals Online.

Type your key terms in the box next toSearch All Journals.

Use double quotes (“”) to retrieve items that contain specific phrases. Use the “and” operator to combine terms and retrieve items that contain all of the terms. Use the “or” operator to retrieve one or more of the grouped terms (not necessarily all of the grouped terms). Use the asterisk (*) as a truncation symbol after a word root to retrieve articles with the word root and all of its possible word endings. For example, type: hearing impair* and child*

Click Go.

Result: The first 10 retrieved citations will be displayed. For any item that shows the message Article Available on the left-hand side of the screen, click the Full Text (PDF) link immediately below the item to view the full-text article.

E-mail the full-text article you are viewing by clicking E-mail this article to a colleagueon the right-hand side of your screen.

If you do not see the Article Available message,search for the journal in the Periodicals List to check the availability of full-text for the article in other Kean University Library databases.

ProQuest DissertationsTo search ProQuest Dissertations & Theses(PQDT)using your

& Theses (PQDT)key terms:

Go to the Library’s home page (

Click Articles & More to access the Databases page.

Click the letter Pon the alphabetical menu.

Click ProQuest Dissertations & Theses(PQDT)(ProQuest).

Click the Advanced search option

Type your key terms in the first, second, and/or third search boxes.

Use the “and” operator to combine terms and retrieve items that contain all of the terms. Use the “or” operator to retrieve one or more of the grouped terms (not necessarily all of the grouped terms). Use the asterisk (*) as a truncation symbol after a word root to retrieve articles with the word root and all of its possible word endings. For example, type, First Search Box: stroke*

Second Search Box: phonolog*

Third Search Box: disorder* or impair*

Click the search button.

Result: The first 20 retrieved dissertation or thesis titles will be displayed. If full-text is available online, you will see a Preview - PDF link, a Full text - PDFlink, or a combination of theses links immediately below the item.

E-mail the document you are viewing by clicking Email located at the top left-hand side of your screen.

Gale Virtual ReferenceTo search Gale Virtual Reference Library for encyclopedia and other reference

Librarybook articles using your key terms:

Go to the Library’s home page (

Click Articles & More to access the Databases page.

Click the letter Gon the alphabetical menu.

Click Gale Virtual Reference Library(Gale Cengage Learning).

Type your key terms in the basic search box.

Use the “and” operator to combine terms and retrieve items that contain all of the terms. Use double quotes (“”) to retrieve items that contain specific phrases. Use the asterisk (*) as a truncation symbol after a word root to retrieve articles with the word root and all of its possible word endings. For example, type:
“cochlear implants” and child*

Click the magnifying glass icon to run the search.

Result: The first 20 retrieved article titles will be displayed. Examine retrieved items. Click either the View Textor PDF link immediately below the item to view the full-text article.

E-mail an article from the View Text option by clicking E-mailtoward the top-left corner of the screen.

Sage KnowledgeTo search Sage Knowledge for encyclopedia and other reference book articles using your key terms:

Go to the Library’s home page (

Click Articles & More to access the Databases page.

Click the letter Son the alphabetical menu.

Click Sage Knowledge.

Type your key terms in the search box. For example, type: echolalia

Click the magnifying glass icon to run the search.

The results list will include links to reference books (labeled as Encyclopedia, Handbook, or Dictionary) and to articles (labeled as Encyclopedia Entry or Handbook Chapter). Click an article title to view a full-text encyclopedia entry or handbook chapter. Click a link to an encyclopedia or handbook to browse the entire e-book.

E-mail an article by clicking the envelope icon towardthe top right corner of the screen.

DSM-IV-TR OnlineTo search DSM-IV-TR Online(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition):

Go to the Library’s home page (

Click Articles & More to access the Databases page.

Click the letter Don the alphabetical menu.

Click DSM-IV-TR Online (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition; American Psychiatric Association)to access the Psychiatry Online web page.

Type your key terms in the search box toward the top of the screen, then change the drop-down menu to the right of the search box from All Journals to DSM-IV-TR® Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Click Search.

As an alternative, move the cursor over DSM Libraryon the top toolbar, then click DSM-IV-TR to access the table of contents for DSM-IV-TR® Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Click the chapter titles to access full-text content.

Health and PsychosocialTo search Health and Psychosocial Instruments(HaPI)for information

Instruments (HaPI)about measurement instruments (such as, questionnaires, interview schedules, checklists, rating scales, tests, and more) in the health fields and psychosocial sciences:

Go to the Library’s home page (

Click Articles & More to access the Databases page.

Click the letter Hon the alphabetical menu.

ClickHealth and Psychosocial Instruments(OvidSP).

Type your keyword or phrase in the search box. For instance, type: aphasia

Select Keyword, Author, Title, or Journal, as appropriate, from the options above the search box.

Click Search.

Browse the result list for relevant documents about measurement (assessment) instruments.

Click either a document title or Complete Reference to see details about an instrument.

Click Find Citing Articles to find journal articles that cite the document.

If full-text link options are not present, click Full Text Finder (when present) to check the availability of full-text for the article in other Kean University Library databases.