I.  ASSIGNMENT: One insect collection including 3 different examples of the 8 most common orders of insects. Project due date is May 8, 2014


1.  Straight silver straight pins (no colored tops)

2.  Insect box (see below)

3.  White poster board – Title and Names of the 8 orders will be printed on it

4.  Styrofoam – ½ inch thick – enough to cover the bottom of your box.

5.  Kill Jar – a jar with a tight fitting lid, ammonia, and cotton balls

6.  Net – (optional, but very handy)


Method A: 4 cigar boxes glued together with flaps opening to the top and bottom. Cardboard may be attached to the bottom for support. Boxes MUST be spray painted (black covers the best) so that no words are showing. 10 points will be deducted for not being painted.

Method B: Box build out of wood. MUST have a cover, either wood or plexi-glass (NO GLASS)

Method C: Plastic Sterilte Box with lid

These are the only acceptable methods. No boot boxes, picture frames, trophy display boxes. 10 points will be deducted for an inappropriate box.

1.  Each type of box must be lined with styrofoam.

2.  White poster board must be top of the styrofoam.

3.  The Title “Orders of Insects”, must be at the top of the wooden boxes and in the top left box of cigar boxes.

4.  Your name, class, and date must be in the top left-hand corner of both types of boxes.

5.  The name of each order must be printed on the poster board so that the insects can be neatly displayed underneath.


A jar with a tight fitting lid is required. Ammonia/Alcohol will be placed on a cotton ball and placed in the jar with the insect or insects. Do the thoracic pinch on moths and butterflies before putting in the jar so that they will not damage their wings. It may be wise to attach the soaked cotton ball on the lid or on the side of the jar so that insects will not get entangled in it or soak in the ammonia. They will become discolored or the legs will break when you try to get them out of the cottonball. Leave the insect in the jar until dead. 10 points will be deducted for each live insect in the collection.


Shortly after the insect dies, a straight in should be placed through the thorax (middle section) of the insect. The legs should be placed in a “landing position” and secured by pins so that it looks alive (ready to walk, fly, or jump). Leave the pins in place until the insect dries completely. This may be several days. 1 point will be deducted for each insect which is not properly mounted.

1.  Butterflies and moth wings should be pressed between thin pieces of styrofoam to have a flat appearance.

2.  Termites will be glued, using Elmer’s glue, to a ¾ inch high triangular-shaped piece of white poster board and the poster board will have a straight pin in it.

NOTE: Only termites will be glued. All other types of insects must be pinned. If it is too small to pin, get another insect.

3 points will be deducted for each insect missing legs or antennae.

VI.  8 common Orders of Insects ( a minimum of 24 insects required – 3 from each Order)

*** You DO NOT have to have each insect listed. You just need three examples of each order*****

1.  Order Orthoptera – 3 different specimens – grasshoppers, crickets, Cadydids

2.  Order Odonata – 3 different specimens – 1 dragonfly and 1 damsel fly, the third can be either a dragonfly or damselle fly

3.  Order Coleoptera – 3 different specimens – beetles, lady bugs, June bugs

4.  Order Lepidoptera – 1 butterfly and 1 moth, the third may be either

5.  Order Diptera – 3 different specimens – flies and mosquitoes (1 pair of wings)

6.  Order Hemiptera – 3 different specimens – stink bugs, giant water beetle, (wings crisscross X on back)

7.  Order Hymenoptera – 3 different specimens) – Most have stingers. Wasps, ants, hornets, yellow jackets, mud dobbers, bees.

8.  Order Isoptera – 3 each – termites ( may all be the same)


1 point for each insect 24 points

1 point for mounting 24 points

1 point correct classification 24 points

1 point for name of each order 8 points

Correct box 20

90 points

1 additional point for each extra, correctly classified, properly mounted insect up to 10 points.

1 Bonus point for each extraordinary insect.


If any of the following are seen, it will result in a ZERO (0) for your collection.

1.  Do not use old poster board from old insect collections. Old insect boxes are permitted, but NEW poster board is required.

2.  Do not use old insects from previous collections, or store bought insects.

3.  Do not glue broken legs or antennae back on a broken insect. Find another insect.

4.  Do not try to “fake” insects ( ex. use rice or fuzz for termites)

IX.  GRADE – Major test grade for 6th six weeks

X.  Due Date: May 23, 2014

XI.  20 points will be deducted for each day late. Insect boxes are to be brought to school before 8:00 on the due date.

XII.  ALL insects will be kept by the teacher. If you want to keep an insect, do not put it in your collections. Boxes, styrofoam, and posterboard will be returned to the student.

XIII.  After all insects are removed from the boxes, students must remove the boxes from Mrs. Huckaby’s room. Each box left will result in a 20 point deduction from your insect collection grade.

Insect Collection Grading Rubric




Criteria / Goal / Possible Points / Earned Points / Comments
Title and Labeled
Orders / Correct insect box.
There should be a title: “Orders of Insects” somewhere on the poster board and each Order (8 total) should be labeled with their specimens under the label. The student’s name, date and period should also be visible. / Title: 2
Labels: 8
Box: 15
Total: 25
Correctly classified and mounted insects / There should be at least 3 specimen under each order (24 insects total/ 1 point per insect) and should be mounted correctly (1 point per insect) with all parts intact and also classified in the correct order (1 point per insect) / 3 points per insect
Total: 72
Extra Insects / Any extra insects (does not include the three required insects in each order). Up to 10 Extra insects are allowed. / 10
Bonus / Any extraordinary insects that are fascinating to the teacher. (I am very easy to impress!) / Up to 13 points
Deductions / 3 points will be subtracted from the total for any insect is missing legs, antenna, wings, etc. 10 points will be subtracted if any insect is found alive inside the box.
Final Grade / 120