Biology I Fall 2005

Course Practices & Expectations

Course website:

About your teacher:

Ms. Lupa

Room 324


Phone: (248) 426 - 2654

My name is Ms. Lupa. I graduated from MSU with a secondary education degree in biology. I also teach chemistry and math. I love teaching high school and am very excited that you will be in my classroom this year. I love sports, taking pictures, and making scrapbooks. GO GREEN!

About your class:

What are my expectations? My expectation is for each of you to become scientifically literate by the end of this year. By scientifically literate, I mean that you will be able to describe and explain real world phenomenon and processes using biology concepts that I will present and help you understand in this class. The world is a complicated place, and I hope you leave this class with a better understanding of how it works so that you can reach your fullest potential and become a productive member of society. We are coming to a point where science and technology are everywhere we look.

How will I help you do this?I have high academic and behavioral expectations that I know you are capable of attaining. I will encourage you to participate in all classroom activities such as discussions, debates, experiments, demonstrations, group work, field studies, etc. I will encourage you to research topics of your interest and tailor lessons to incorporate real world situations and events. I will always supply you with learning objectives stating what it is you should achieve or be able to do to accomplish mastery of the class content. Most importantly, I will always be available for extra help in and outside of the classroom.

What will we be learning? We will study the following concepts and ideas: scientific method, biomolecules, water, cells, osmosis & diffusion, cell division, cellular metabolism, photosynthesis, genetics, DNA, classification & evolution, plants, and human anatomy & physiology. A complete schedule of daily lessons & tasks is available on the class website. If you do not have access to the Internet, please let me know so that we can make arrangements to get you the materials you need. For a weekly schedule, please see the course website at the top of this page.

About hall passes:

I expect that you will not leave the classroom without my permission. In the event of any emergency, I need to know where you are at all times. To leave the classroom, you must have a pass filled out in your planner and signed by me. I prefer to keep the bathroom pass usage to a minimum, no more than three passes per cardmarking.

Students and parents please initial that you have read and understand the hall pass policy.


About tardies:

My expectation is that you will be on time to class. You are considered tardy if you are not in my classroom when the bell rings. If you choose not to follow this expectation, you will miss the most important part of class – the beginning - when directions and plans for the day are discussed. Do not expect that I or another classmate will spend extra time going over what you’ve chosen to miss. I understand that lockers get stuck and/ or that the bathroom lines are long. Therefore, you will not receive a consequence until your third tardy per semester. If you choose to be tardy for a third time, you will be choosing to volunteer a half hour of your time before or after school with me.

Students and parents please initial that you have read and understand the tardy policy.


About absences:

I expect you to be in class everyday. In the event of an absence, you are expected to turn in any collected work when you return, and you have the opportunity to make up the work you missed so long as your absence is excused. If it is not excused, you will receive no credit for the work that was collected or passed out on that particular day. For an excused absence, please get a WAMS (was absent and missed school) pass for each absent day, and fill out the top half. See me before or after class to fill it out and attach your missing work. You will have two days per every class period absent to turn in the work – the due date will be on the WAMS pass. After this date, you will not receive credit if you have not turned in the work. It is your responsibility to do this, failure to do so will result in no credit on assignments from when you were absent. Exceptions – labs or activities in which a make up must be scheduled. Quizzes and tests are expected to be made up on the day of your return.

Students and parents please initial that you have read and understand the absence policy.


About grades:

Throughout the year, you will demonstrate your mastery of the concepts and skills we will learn in this class. Your grade will be based upon that demonstration through homework assignments (10%), class activities/participation (15%), quizzes/tests (50%), and labs/projects (25%). I will try to have your current grades posted once a week. They will also be available on the class website. In the event that your grade is a 69% or below, you will be asked to conference with me to fill out an academic plan (see page 8) that will be required to be signed by your parents. The following grading scale (%) will be used:

A = 100 – 94 B+ = 89 – 87 C+ = 79 – 77 D+ = 69 – 67 F = 59 or less

A- = 93 – 90 B = 86 – 84 C = 76 – 74 D = 66 – 64

B- = 83 - 80 C- = 73 – 70 D- = 63 – 60

Students and parents please initial that you have read and understand the grading policy.


About your homework assignments:

My expectation is that you will be responsible and do all of your assignments to the best of your ability, complete them, and turn them in on the due dates. I also expect that you will seek help from me as necessary before the assignments are due. I will always have the daily schedule and homework assignments and due dates posted in the classroom. I highly recommend that you use your school planner daily to record assignments and due dates. The first thing you should do on the day an assignment is due is put the assignment into the collection basket. Any assignment not turned in at the beginning of class is considered late. The following guidelines will be followed for late work: Late work = no credit. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. You should still complete the work as it is imperative to your understanding of the material and is fair game for tests and quizzes, but you will not receive credit. I understand that circumstances arise such that completing an assignment by the due date is not possible. Each semester, you will receive three WHOOPS passes (see page 7), allowing you to turn in three assignments (not quizzes, tests, projects, presentations, etc) one class meeting late without penalty. Simply fill out the pass, attach it to the late assignment, and turn it in the following class meeting. Use them wisely. After all your WHOOPS passes are gone, no late work will be accepted. Ms. Lupa reserves the right to make an exception based on extenuating circumstances and professional judgment. You may not share, trade, sell, or copy WHOOPS passes. If you chose to break this guideline, you are choosing to forfeit all of your WHOOPS passes and receive no credit for the assignments in which you have already used a WHOOPS pass.

Students and parents please initial that you have read and understand the assignment & late work policy.


About class activities & participation:

I expect that you will be active participants in your learning. Everything that we do, in or out of class, is important for helping you learn. Participation in class activities is critical to your learning and the learning of your classmates. Please do not deny yourself or others the opportunity to learn from each other in class. 5 points will be given per class period to each student that meets the class expectations. Choosing not to follow classroom guidelines (see page 5) and teacher expectations is not considered actively participating in class and will result in no credit for the day. This means no sleeping, grooming, doing homework, reading, eating food, and listening to music in class. In the event of an absence, a student will need to see me for a WAMS pass (see about absences) and then make up the assignment to receive credit.

Students and parents please initial that you have read and understand the class activities & participation policy.


About quizzes & tests:

Quizzes and tests are the main component of your grade in this class. They are your chances to show me what you really know and how well you can apply it. Quizzes are shorter, cover less material, and are worth less than tests. I may only give a one day notice before a quiz. The quiz format is variable. These quizzes are designed to keep you continuously reviewing the material and for me to check your understanding and progression. I will always give at least a week notice before a test and expect that you use the week to study for it. Most tests will be composed of multiple choice and short answer sections. Any material covered in class, assigned readings and homework, labs, activities, etc is fair game for quizzes and tests. If you are absent the day of a quiz or test, expect to take it the day you return to class.

Students and parents please initial that you have read and understand the quizzes & tests policy.


About cheating:

I expect that every student will produce his or her own work. I don’t mind if students work together, in fact I encourage it. BUT each student should have their ideas in their own words. Direct copying or paraphrasing from the Internet, textbooks, or other reference material is also considered cheating, unless the source it came from is documented. Trying to cheat off another student’s work will not be tolerated. Talking during a quiz or test is also considered cheating. If a student chooses to cheat, the grade for the task will result in no credit and a parent will be notified. If a student chooses to allow another student to copy his work, BOTH students will receive no credit for the task, and their parents will be notified. For second and third offenses, consequences will be implemented as outlined in the Harrison Honor Code. Any student in violation of this Honor Code has forfeited his or her possibility of obtaining extra credit. Cheating is a very big offense and will not be taken lightly. If you ever have a question about plagiarizing or documenting sources, please ask.

Students and parents please initial that you have read and understand the cheating policy & consequences.


Please remember that ….

“Life is a result of your actions”

So please be responsible, respectful, and make good choices.

Discipline Plan for Ms. Lupa

Classroom Guidelines

To ensure that class runs smoothly, efficiently, and safely, please follow the guidelines at all times:

1. Have all materials and supplies ready and be on time to class.

2. Respect the people, equipment, and classroom at all times.

3. Do not do anything that would distract yourself or others from learning.

4. Do your assigned work to the best of your ability and turn it in on time.

5. Follow directions the first time that they are given.

6. Observe all rules in the safety contract at all times. (separate handout)

7. Observe all rules in the school handbook at all times.

If You Choose To Break A Rule

First time: verbal warning

Second time: stay after class to discuss problem with Ms. Lupa

Third time: call to parents & completion of my action plan (see page 6)

Severe disruption: immediate removal from classroom

STUDENTS: I have read this classroom discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it while in Ms. Lupa’s classroom.

Signature: ______Date: ______

PARENTS: My child has discussed the classroom discipline plan with me. I understand it and will support it.

Signature: ______Date: ______



Thank you

My Action Plan for Ms. Lupa

Student: ______

Date: ______

Hour: ______

1. What is the problem?

What rule or rules the student has violated.

2. What is causing the problem? (Please list all of the factors)

List all the factors that are causing the problem to occur.

3. What is your plan to solve the problem?

Look at the factors causing the problem and write an action plan to change,

eliminate, or correct those factors to help solve the problem.

4. What is a fair and agreed upon consequence for not following the plan?

Determine a consequence for not following the devised plan. This is to be agreed

upon by the student and Ms. Lupa. Additional administration may be advised.


Student’s Signature


Teacher’s Signature


Date Signed

Late Work Policy for Ms. Lupa

Fall 2005

All students are expected to do all of their own work to the best of their ability and turn it in on time. No late work will be accepted. Situations do arise in which a student may not be able to have his or her work completed on time. Therefore, the following policy is set for late work.

  • Each student will receive three (3) WHOOPS passes per semester for Ms. Lupa’s class.
  • Each WHOOPS pass enables a student to turn in an assignment at the next class meeting without penalty. No excuses or reasons need to be given. Simply staple the pass onto the assignment and turn it in. All three passes may be used on one assignment to turn it in three class periods late, or each pass may be used to turn in three assignments one class period late.
  • These passes are to be used wisely. Once a student uses all three passes, late assignments will not be given credit. (Ms. Lupa reserves the right to make an exception based on extenuating circumstances and professional judgment).
  • You may not share, trade, sell, or copy WHOOPS passes. If you chose to break this guideline, you are choosing to forfeit all of your WHOOPS passes and receive no credit for the assignments in which you have already used a WHOOPS pass.
  • WHOOPS passes are to be used on individual assignments – passes may not be used on group assignments, presentations, projects, quizzes, or tests.

Students and parents please initial that you have read and understand the late work & WHOOPS policy.


My Academic Plan for Ms. Lupa

Student: ______

Date: ______

Hour: ______

1. What is the problem?

What is the student’s grade? Which types of assignments/ tasks are low?

2. What is causing the problem? (Please list all of the factors)

List all the factors that are causing the low grade to occur.

3. What is your plan to solve the problem? Please be specific.

Look at the factors causing the problem and write an action plan to change,

eliminate, or correct those factors to help improve your understanding of the material and grade in

the class.

4. What is the goal or expected outcome from creating this plan?

List the reasonable goal (s) that should be accomplished as a result of this plan. Discuss a logical

timeframe for expected improvement and choose a date for when this plan should be reevaluated?


Student’s Signature


Teacher’s Signature


Parent’s Signature


Date Signed