Welcome to Chemistry!
Instructor: Mrs. Minsal
Room: T219
Phone: (305) 253-9920
Welcome to Chemistry! This year we will cover a wide array of topics, from atoms and matter to thermodynamics and stoichiometry. While some of these may sound intimidating, the best way to succeed is to know what is expected of you.
Supplies for your own use:
· Folder with prongs and pockets (for handouts and homework)
· 3 ringed binder for lab reports
· Blue/Black ink pen (for assignments)
· Pencil (for assignments)
· Work completed in any color other than dark blue or black ink or pencil will not be accepted.
· *Other colored ink pens can be used for notes*
· Highlighter (any color)
· Red pen
· Lined paper
· Graph paper
· Scientific calculator (with exponent and log functions
· 2 to 3 sheet protectors (to keep the periodic table and reference sheets.
Some items are scarce in school and it is strongly suggested as a contribution to lab experiments.
§ Roll of paper towel (for lab hygiene)
§ Hand sanitizer
Class Rules and Procedures:
· Come to class every day.
o If you miss a class, provide an official admit within 72 hours of your return.
§ It is your responsibility to get the notes missed and to pick up any make up work.
§ Make up work will only be accepted with an official admit.
§ Late work is not accepted.
o Make up test or quizzes will be held on Fridays in room T219 during lunch time. Bring your lunch and be prompt. If you arrive late you will not have enough time for the make-up assignment. Use your time wisely.
o There will be no make-ups for labs or in-class projects. With an admit, the grade will be an X (exempt). Without an admit the grade will be Z (zero).
o If you have 10 or more unexcused absences by the end of the year, you will receive NO CREDIT for the course.
· Be on time to class. This means you are in your seat when the bell rings. Walking through the door as the bell rings is considered tardy.
o After three unexcused tardies, your conduct grade will drop a full letter grade. Your conduct grade will continue to drop for every unexcused tardy thereafter.
· Field trips
o Field trips are not counted as absences from school. Field trip forms need to be signed by a parent/guardian before I sign them. A field trip is not a reason to turn in late work. Stop by and turn in homework and pick up that day’s work on the day of your field trip (or the day before).
· Come to class prepared and ready to learn.
o Each class will provide a different learning experience – from notes, to discussion, to laboratory experiments. Bring your supplies daily.
· Be respectful – to your teacher, to your classmates, to all school personnel, to yourself.
o Be polite and courteous. This means raising your hand if you want to speak, staying in your seat unless told to move, not talking while someone else is talking, not sleeping in class, etc. Stay in your seat until I dismiss the class. Do not pack up early. The bell does not dismiss you.
o Respect school property.
· Be safe.
o Do not eat or drink in the laboratory classroom.
o Because of this specialized environment; all safety rules must be followed. Laboratory apparatus and materials must NOT be touched unless instructed by the teacher. Most of the apparatus and materials used in the science laboratory can be hazardous if not used correctly.
o Closed toed shoes must be worn on lab days.
· Cellular phones/smart phones are allowed in class only for educational purposes. Students who use their phones inappropriately during class (i.e. texting, surfing the web, taking selfies, posting to social media) will have their phones confiscated. Parents may retrieve their child’s phone from administration.
· Dress Code: Students with uniform violations, including IDs, will not be allowed in class.
Out of dress code includes the following:
· Wearing leggings
· Wearing ripped jeans
· Wearing pants above mid-calf
· Wearing flip-flops or sandals
· Not in an academy polo (Mon-Thurs)
· Wearing a Friday Shirt (white, black, gold, pink polo or club shirt) on a Mon-Thurs
· Cheating: A grade of F will be given for Cheating. Cheating is defined as giving or receiving information on work that is meant to be individual work. This includes copying homework, using someone else’s work as your own, or any form of communication during a test or quiz. Cheating is considered a very serious offense in chemistry. Since you may ask for a college recommendation, I strongly urge you to do all of your own work on lab reports, homework, tests and quizzes.
Penalties for cheating:
1. Automatic zero on the ENTIRE assignment or test
2. Parent notification
3. Referral to Guidance, creating an official record of the incident
4. Repeat offenders will be given administrative referral
Please be advised that this policy is department-wide and will be strictly enforced.
Grading scale: A letter grading scale will be used in this class:
3.50 – 4.00 A, 2.50 – 3.49 B, 1.50 – 2.49 C, 1.00 – 1.49 D, 0 - 0.99 F
There will be NO OVERRIDES of grades at the end of the term.
Grades: Grades will be earned by participating in the following activities: tests, quizzes, laboratory exercises, and homework
Homework will be checked for completion, but collected randomly for grading.
· Internet access is required for this course; as there will be several online assignments. If you do not have internet access at home, please make arrangements to use the library.
· There will be several multi-grade projects throughout the school year.
Lab reports are individual. You will receive a student guide that will explain how to write a lab report. Please follow the guidelines carefully so that you may receive full credit for the report. Lab grade is based on:
· Attitude and conduct during the lab class.
· Follow of safety precautions
· Observation during the experiment and proper collection of data
· Treatment of results (mathematical analysis, graphs, etc.)
· Analysis, conclusions, criticisms and suggestions to improve procedure.
First penalty: In classroom detention may be issued to students who fail to follow the classroom rules. Washing and drying laboratory glassware as well as classroom desks may be one of the shores assigned during classroom detention.
Mrs. Minsal
Name of Student: ______
Grade: ______Period: ______
· I have read the rules of this chemistry class and agree to follow them to the best of my ability.
· I am aware of the safety procedures and know what to do in case of an emergency.
· I know the objectives of this chemistry course and intent do the best I can to achieve a satisfactory grade in this course.
Please initial.
______Attendance policy
______Make up work policy
______Field Trip policy
______Tardy policy
______Uniform policy
______Safety policy
______Cheating policy
______Grading policy
Student Signature: ______
I have read and discussed these rules and procedures with my child. Please initial below. I understand that it is the student’s responsibility to abide by these rules.
______Attendance policy
______Make up work policy
______Field Trip policy
______Tardy policy
______Uniform policy
______Safety policy
______Cheating policy
______Grading policy
Name of parent/guardian:______
Parent/guardian signature: ______
Email address: ______
Home phone number: ______
Cell phone number: ______
Work phone number: ______