A2 Resources for Developments of Christian Theology
A2 Theology of Religions and Feminist Theology
Books for Pupils
1. Theology of Religions
Avis, P (Editor) Divine Revelation (DLT, 1997) Chapter 7 (by Gavin D’Costa) Useful analysis of inclusivism, exclusivism and pluralism.
Cupitt, D After God: The Future of Religion (Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1997Part III in particular
Cupitt, D Solar Ethics (SCM Press, 1995)
D’Costa, G Christianity and World Religions (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009)
The Doctrine Commission of the Church of England The Mystery of Salvation (Church House Publishing, 1995; ISBN: 0715137786) Chapter 7. Sets out the three views - exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism and considers the implication of each on the Christian notions of salvation
Dominus Iesus (Catholic Truth Society, 2000)
Grenz, S and Olsen, R 20th Century Theology: God in a Transitional Age (IVP 1992) pages 65-77 (Barth); 238-264 (Rahner).
Hart, T (editor) The Dictionary of Historical Theology (Eerdmans Publishing, 2000)Very goodintroductions to many of the topics covered in this unit
Hick, J God Has Many Names (Macmillan, 1980) Includes an autobiographical account of his conversion to pluralism.
Hick, J God and the Universe of Faiths (Oneworld, 1973) Note that this sets out his initial position which has developed since that time.
Nottingham Timeline on invaluable resource with talks by scholars on many the topics covered in the course.
Smart, N The Religious Experience of Mankind (Macmillan, 5th edition 1996)
Wilcockson, M Christian Theology (Hodder Education, 2011) Covers AS course but useful for reference back to Barth-Brunner debate, person of Christ etc.
2. Feminist Theology
Cahill, L Sex, Gender and Christian Ethics (CUP,1996)
Cone, J and Wilmore Black Theology A Documentary History Volume 2 (Orbis Books, 1993). Particularly helpful for feminist/Womanist developments in Black Theology
Cone, J and Wilmore, G (editors) Black Theology Volume 2 (Orbis, 1998) Part IV This sets out a wide range of articles on Womanist and feminist theologies
Daly, M Beyond God the Father (The Women’s Press 1986). Her famous radical post-Christian feminist position
Hampson, D Theology and Feminism (Blackwell Publishers 1990) Outlines her post-Christian feminismbut also analyses the various other feminist theologies.
Loades, A Feminist Theology: Voices from the Past (Polity, 2001)
Messer, N Christian Ethics (SCM Press, 2006) Chapter 8 A very good discussion of feminist theologies and Christian ethics
Nottingham Timeline on invaluable resource with talks by scholars on many the topics covered in the course.
Pagels, E The Gnostic Gospels(Phoenix Press, 2006)
Ruether, R Women and Redemption (SCM Press, 1998) A very clear survey of early Christianity, Augustine, Luther, Julian of Norwich, Mary Daly etc.
Tong, R Feminist Thought (Routledge, 1989) A comprehensive introduction to all the main secular feminisms. Useful for Marxist, existentialist and radical feminism, motherhood and reproduction.
Trible, P Texts of Terror (SCM Press, 1984) Analysis of some Old Testament stories about the appalling treatment of women.
Wilcockson, M Sex and Relationships (Hodder and Stoughton, 2000; ISBN 0340 72489 7) Gives an introduction to the main secular feminisms and how this has affected moral reasoning in relationships.See chapter 8 on the family.
Books for Teachers
1. Theology of Religions
Barth, K Church Dogmatics (Continuum International Publishing) I.2 section 17 (‘The Revelation of God as the Abolition of Religion’).
D’Costa, G Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered: The Myth of a Pluralistic Theology of Religions(Orbis Books, 1990)
Rahner, K Foundations of Christian Faith (The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1978)
Sinkinson, C The Universe of Faiths: A Critical Study of John Hick’s Religious Pluralism (Paternoster Press, 2001) Explains how Hick’s views have developed over time. Offers his own critical insight of Hick.
Ward, K A Vision to Pursue (SCM, 1991) Ward’s plural view of religions.
Webster, J Barth(Continuing Publishing Company, 1999).
Webster. J (editor) The Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth (CUP, 2000) Chapter 15 (by J.A. di Noia) on Barth’s theology of religion.
White, S Don Cupitt and the Future of Christian Doctrine (SCM Press, 1994) A good summary and analysis of Cupitt.
2. Feminist Theology
Fiorenza, S In Memory of Her (SCM Press, 1994 (second edition)) Important study and reconstruction of the place of women in the EarlyChurch.
Fiorenza, SMiriam’s Child, Sophia’s Prophet(SCM Press 1994)
Pagels, E Adam, Eve and the Serpent (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1988)
Parsons, S Feminism and Christian Ethics (CUP, 1996, ISBN 0521 46820). Sets out clearly the liberal, (re)constructionist and naturalist paradigms.
Parsons, S (editor) The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Theology (CUP, 2002)
Ruether, R Sexism and God-Talk (SCM Press, 1983; ISBN 0334023297). Useful for considering language and re-imaging of God from a feminist theological perspective.
Russell, L and Clarkson, J Dictionary of Feminist Theologies (Mowbray, 1996) Useful general resource.
Sawyer, D and Collier, M (Editors) Is There a Future for Feminist Theology? (Sheffield Academic Press, 1999)
Tong, R Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (Westview Press, 1997)
Wilcockson, M ‘Is There a Future for Feminist Theology?’ in The New Theologian (Volume 13 Number 1, Winter 2002)
Williams, D Sisters in the Wilderness (Orbis 1993) The classic work on Womanist theology beginning with the story of Hagar.