Biology 30 Unit 2: Human Reproduction and Development

From Gametes to Birth Timeline


30–B3.1k trace the processes of fertilization, implantation and extra-embryonic membrane formation, (placenta, amnion, chorion, allantois, followed by embryonic and fetal development, parturition and lactation)and describe the control mechanisms of these events(progesterone, LH, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), prostaglandins, oxytocin, prolactin)

30–B3.2kdescribe development from fertilization to parturition (birth) in the context of the main physiological events that occur in the development of organ systems during each major stage (trimester)

(zygote, blastocyst, gastrulation, general morphogenesis)

30–B3.3k identify major tissues and organs that arise from differentiation and morphological

development of the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm in the embryo;

• ectoderm: nervous system, epidermis

• mesoderm: skeleton, muscles, reproductive structures

• endoderm: lining of the digestive and respiratory systems, endocrine glands

30–B3.4k describe the influence of environmental factors on embryonic and fetal development;

e.g., maternal lifestyle, teratogens such as alcohol, drugs, viral infections and radiation

30–B3.5k describe the physiological or mechanical basis of different reproductive technologies;

i.e., conception control, in vitro fertilization, infertility reversal.

Twins? In the Womb Multiples (approx. 1hr)

Video Link -


1)Create a timeline of eventsoutlining early human development, beginning with gamete formation (Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis)and ending shortly after birth.

At each stage you need to:

identify the key changes/processes taking place,

where the change is occurring,

which structure(s) are involved and,

any hormonal control of each process

Identify at least 1 thing that could go wrong or negatively impact development at that stage

To help you plan…

Gametogenesis – in males & females…

Fertilization – where? how? what is involved?

Embryonic Dev’t – requirements & processes, role of hCG and endometrium, extra-embryonic structures, organs and systems developed,products of germ (gastrula) layers

Fetal Dev’t – primary changes, when over 50% viable

Birth/Parturition – phases of labour, lactation, hormones

2)Identify and describe a technology for enhancing conception and a technology for preventing conception. Map each technology onto your timeline to indicate when it would be most helpful/useful to prevent or enhance reproduction. Identify an ethical consideration associated with each technology.

HINT: many technologies are targeted for very early stages of development…

How to do well…

Include all required events and details outlined by this task sheet

Include appropriate visuals to support your information

Cite your sources!!

Complete the task and hand it in ON THE DUE DATE!

Mark: ______%

Teacher Comments:

Marking Guide - Gametes to Birth Timeline

Task / 1/3 / 2/3 / 3/3
Gametogenesis /
  • Attempted but missing more than one requirement
  • Not thoroughly completed
  • OR
  • Thorough but missing one point
  • ID the organs involved
  • ID where the change is occurring in the organ
  • ID what change is occurring
  • ID hormones involved and feedback
  • describe something that could negatively impact gamete production or function

Fertilization /
  • Attempted but missing more than one requirement
  • Not thoroughly completed
  • OR
  • Thorough but missing one point
  • ID what occurs during fertilization
  • ID where fertilization happens
  • ID problem or negative impact on fertilization

Embryonic Dev’t /
  • Attempted but missing more than one requirement
  • Not thoroughly completed
  • OR
  • Thorough but missing one point
  • ID location and requirements
  • ID key changes occurring between time of fertilization and fetus
  • ID role of hCG
  • ID and describe functions of extra-embryonic structures
  • ID organs and systems developed
  • ID time frame and approximate size at end of stage
  • ID problem or negative impact on stage

Fetal Dev’t /
  • Attempted but missing more than one requirement
  • Not thoroughly completed
  • OR
  • Thorough but missing one point
  • ID key changes occurring between end of embryo and fetal dev’t
  • ID when over 50% likely to survive if premature
  • ID time frame of stage and approximate size at end of stage
  • ID problem or negative impact on stage

Continued on next page…
Task / 1/3 / 2/3 / 3/3
Birth / Parturition /
  • Attempted but missing more than one requirement
  • Not thoroughly completed
  • Thorough but missing one point
  • ID stages of labour
  • ID hormonal control of labour and lactation
  • ID problem or negative impact on stage

Technologies /
  • Attempted but missing more than one requirement
  • Not thoroughly completed
  • Thorough but missing one point
  • ID and describe a technology for enhancing conception
  • ID location of above technology on timeline
  • ID and describe a technology for preventing conception
  • ID location of above technology on timeline
  • ID and describe an ethical consideration associated with each technology discussed

Total / / 18