Legacy High School11th Grade Course Selection Worksheet2018 / 2019

Last Name / First Name / M.I.

Course selections are for the entire year. You must select the appropriate English, Math, Science, and Social Science coursefor a minimum of 4 core credits. After completing the first section of Required Core Academic Courses, select Additional Required Courses for a total of 6 credits. If you are taking a Music course or Legacy 2000, your schedule may consist of 6.5/7.0 credits which is subject to change due to space availability. Contracts for AP Courses must be submitted to the Counseling department by Feb. 9 or the class will be dropped from your requests.

Section 1 (Required Core Academic Courses): If you select two semester-long classes for science, please be sure to sign up for a year-long science class as an alternate.

SECTION 1 / Required Core Academic Courses (Request this Course)
Course # / English – choose ONE / 1 Credit
1153 / American Literature & Composition OR
1131 / AP English Language
Course # / Math – choose ONE credit / 1 Credit
Course # / Science – choose a total of ONE credit / 1 Credit
Course # / Social Science – choose ONE / 1 Credit
3011 /3012 / US History I and US History IIOR
3025 / AP US History
Academic cores must equal4 credits / 4.0

Section 2 (Additional Required Courses):When completing section 2, consider your post-secondary plans: Are you meeting CCHE requirements and/or NCAA eligibility? List electives and special programs here. If you apply for a special program but are not accepted, alternates from Section 3 will be used to fill your schedule.

SECTION 2 / Additional Required Courses (Request this Course) Minimum of 2 credits
Course # / 2Credits
GRAND TOTAL Sections 1 + 2 must total 6 credits (6.5/7.0 possible with music/ L2k – see note above)
Course # / Bollman Technical Education Center
BTEC / Add this course code to your Request this Course section if you want to take class(es) at Bollman. DO NOT count BTEC classes in your 6.0 credit total. You will meet with a BTEC counselor after course selection is complete to add/subtract the appropriate course(s). / NA

Section 3 (Alternates): Students must select 5 alternate classes. If the classes in section 2 are full or not available and/or you are not accepted into a program, an alternate will be assigned. If no alternates are requested, a course will be chosen for you. Please list your alternates in order of preference. The credit total for this section does not matter, but it is highly recommended that you have both 1.0 and .5 credit classes listed here. Additionally, if you requested two, semester-long courses for science than you must select at least one year-long science class as an alternate.

SECTION 3 / Alternate Courses (Request as an Alternate)
Course #

Register for courses by logging on to the

Infinite Campus Portal fromJanuary 30 – February 8.