Biology 127 Lab Resources DRAFTEssential of Human Anatomy and Physiology*Author: bebener

Origin: 7/13/08Page 1 of 8

Revised: 8/13/08

Biology 127 Lab Requirements Highlighted

Wk.Ex / Focus / Objectives / Activity / Expendables / Hardware / Slides / Models
1.App. A / Lab Safety / Safety agreement
Cadaver agreement
Microscopes / Cheek cell / Gloves, gowns, biohazard bags / Compound microscope, Small metric rulers, / Letter “e”, measurement grid
2.1 / The language of Anatomy / Describe the anatomical position. Demonstrate ability to use anatomical terms describing body landmarks, directions, planes, surfaces. Name body cavities, and indicate important organs in each. / Cadaver Thigh cs / Torso, articulated skeleton,
2.2 / Organ Systems Overview / Identify several organs of the various organ systems on a dissected rat. Identify several organs on a dissectible human torso model and assign each to the correct organ system. / Dissect rat / Rats, gloves, gowns / Dissection instruments (probes, needles, forceps, scalpel, scissor, tray) / Torso, articulated skeleton
3.5 / Classification of Tissues / List the general structural characteristics, functions, and locations of epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissues in the body and identify subcategories/types. / Microscopy / Compound microscope / Tissues (epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous)
3.6 / Integumentary System / List several important functions of skin. Recognize and name epidermal and dermal layer, hair and hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands. Describe the distribution and function of eccrine and apocrine sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Identify the major regions of a hair and hair follicle. Identify the major regions of nails. / Sweat map / Iodine solution, cotton swabs / Coins, markers, bond paper, tape, 500ml beakers, small metric rulers / Hair, hair follicle, Meissners corpuscle, Pacinian corpuscle / Skin
4.7 / Overview of the Skeleton / List 3 functions of skeletal system. Identify several surface bone markings and functions. Identify 4 main kinds of bones. Identify the major anatomical areas of a longitudinally cut long bone. Contrast the roles of inorganic salts and organic matrix in providing flexibility and hardness to bone. Identify major elements of an osteon. / Baked vs acid bones / Chicken legs / Compound microscope / Bone / Articulated skeleton, disarticulated bones (long, short, flat, irregular), spongy and compact bone
4.8 / The Axial Skeleton / Identify bones of axial skeleton and name important markings on each. Distinguish different types of vertebrae. / Skull, articulated skeleton, articulated vertebral column, isolated cervical, thoracic, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx
4.9 / The Appendicular Skeleton / Identify the bones of the pectoral and pelvic girdles and their attached limbs. Differentiate between male and female pelvis. Arrange unmarked, disarticulated bones in proper relative position to form a skeleton. / Articulated skeleton, disarticulated skeleton,
6.11 / Microscopic Anatomy and Organization of Skeletal Muscle / Describe the microscopic structure of skeletal muscle and explain the role of myofibrils and myofiliments. Describe gross muscle structure, and indicate the names of its connective tissue coverings. Describe the structure and function of the neuromuscular junction. List the criteria used in naming muscles. Define terms used to describe muscle actions. / E.K.G. / EKG tabs / Compound microscope, computers (LabPro), Vernier EKG probe / Skeletal muscle (ls, cs), neuromuscular junction / Skeletal muscle cell, neuromuscular junction
6.12 / Gross Anatomy of Muscular System / Name and locate the major muscles of the head and neck, and state their actions. Name and locate major muscles of the trunk. Name and locate major muscles of the upper limb. Name and locate major muscles of the lower limb. / Rec.Center / Thin man / Torso
7.13 / Neuron Anatomy and Physiology / Distinguish functions of neurons and neuroglia. Identify important anatomical characteristics of a neuron. Explain how a nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another. Describe the functional importance of myelin sheaths and describe how those sheaths are formed by schwann cells. Classify neurons according to structure and function. Briefly describe how a nerve impulse is generated. Describe the structure of a nerve and identify the connective tissue coverings. / Video: nerve impulse / Compound microscope / Ox spinal cord smear, nerve
7.14 / Gross Anatomy of the Brain and Cranial Nerves / Identify externally visible regions of cerebral hemispheres, diencephalons, brain stem, and cerebellum. Locate well recognized functional areas of cerebral hemispheres. Identify important internal areas of the cerebral hemispheres, diencephalons, brain stem, and cerebellum. Identify the 3 meningeal layers and state function of each. / Dissect Brain, cadaver brain, cadaver midsagittal section / Brain, Gloves, gowns / Dissecting instruments / Brain
7.15 / Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves / Identify important anatomical areas of the spinal cord. Describe the origin, fiber composition, and distribution of the spinal nerves, differentiating between roots, the spinal nerve proper, and rami. Identify the 4 major nerve plexuses. / Thin man / Spinal cord,
8.17 / Special Senses: vision, hearing, equilibrium / Describe the structure and function of the accessory visual structures. Identify the internal structures of the eye and list the functions of each. Define blind spot, refraction, hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism, and discuss image formation on the retina. Discuss the importance of accommodation reflexes. Identify the structures of the outer, middle and inner ear. Describe the anatomy of the organ of Corti and explain its role in hearing. Describe how one is able to localize sounds and to differentiate sensorineural from conduction deafness. Describe the anatomy of the equilibrium organs of the inner ear and explain their relative roles in maintaining balance. State the purpose of the Romberg test and describe the role of vision in maintaining equilibrium. / Dissect eye. / Eye, gloves, gowns, alcohol swabs. / Tray, dissecting instruments, small ruler, Snellen eye chart, Ishihara’s color-blindness plates, Otoscope, tuning forks. / Cochlea / Eye, ear, auditory ossicles
8.18 / Functional Anatomy of Endocrine Glands / Identify and name the major endocrine glands. / Thyroid, pancreas / Torso
8.19 / Blood / State the average percentage of plasma and formed elements in whole blood. Describe the composition and functions of plasma. Identify each of the formed elements and cite there relative percentages and functions. / Blood smear / Immersion oil / Slides, Wright-Giemsastain, compound microscope / Poster of RBC’s and WBC’s
10.20 / Anatomy of the Heart / Describe the location of the heart. Identify the major anatomical areas and structures of the heart. Trace the pathway of blood through the heart and compare the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Name and follow the functional blood supply of the heart. Describe the microscopic structure of cardiac muscle and indicate the importance of intercalated discs. Explain the operation of the heart valves. / Dissect Heart / Heart, gloves, gown / Trays, dissecting instruments. / Cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, / Torso, Heart,
10.21 / Anatomy of Blood Vessels / Describe the tunics of blood vessel walls. State the function of each layer and discuss how it is/may be modified to serve the differing functional requirements of arteries, veins and capillaries. Recognize a cs view of an artery and a vein. Identify the major arteries arising from the aorta and name the body region supplied by each. Identify the major veins draining into the venae cavae and indicate the body areas drained. Discuss the unique features of the special circulations studied (Pulmonary, Fetal, Hepatic Portal, Arterial supply of the brain). / Artery and vein, cs / Anatomical chart with arteries and veins.
11.23 / Anatomy of Respiratory System / Define pulmonary ventilation, external respiration, transport of respiratory gases and internal respiration. Identify the major structures of the upper respiratory system and describe their functions. Identify lower respiratory system organs and describe the structure of each. Recognize the microscopic structure of tissue of the trachea and lungs. / LabPro Respiro-meter / Compound microscope / Trachea cs, lung tissue. / Torso
11.24 / Respiratory System Physiology / Define inspiration and expiration and explain the role of muscles and volume changes in the mechanical process of breathing. Define and provide volume amounts for the various respiratory volumes. Explain the relative importance of various chemical and mechanical factors causing respiratory variation. / Cadaver / String, tape measure, paper bag,
12&14.25 / Functional Anatomy of the Digestive System / Describe the general histological structure of the wall of the alimentary canal. Identify the organs that make up the alimentary canal and indicate the digestive role of each organ. Describe structural specializations of the small intestine that contribute to its digestive role(s). Name and indicate the function of each accessory digestive organ. Name human deciduous and permanent teeth and describe the basic anatomy of a tooth. Identify the alimentary canal organs involved in physical processes of digestion. Compare and contrast segmentation and peristalsis as mechanisms of propulsion. / Cadaver / Duodenum cs., liver / Torso, Anatomical Chart,
15.26 / Functional Anatomy of the Urinary System / Identify the urinary system organs and describe the function of each. Identify the major anatomical areas of a dissected kidney. Trace the blood supply of the kidney from the renal artery to the renal vein. Describe the anatomy of a nephron. / Dissect kidney / Kidney, gloves, gowns / Trays, dissecting instruments / Torso, kidney,
16.27 / Anatomy of the Reproductive System / Identify structures of the male reproductive system and give the function of each. Trace the pathway of sperm from the testis to the external environment. Name the exocrine and endocrine products of the testis. Relate sperm structure to sperm function. Identify the structures of the female reproductive system and explain the function of each. Identify the fundus, body and cervix regions of the uterus. Name the exocrine and endocrine products of the ovary. / Cadaver / Sperm, ovary / Torso,male, female repro structures

* Resources used by CSI - Textbook: Elaine Marieb 9e. Lab Manual: Elaine Marieb 4e. PAL CD.