Anatomy 30Online - Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology Lecture and Lab
Course Overview - Spring 2011
Mission Statement: El Camino College offers quality, comprehensive educational programs and services to ensure the educational success of students from our diverse community.
This course meets the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and specifically the Rehabilitation Act Amendments in Section 508.
Instructor: Margaret SteinbergTicket #: 4835
Message Phone: (310) 660-3593, ext. 3361Room: LS 109
Office Hours: T, 9:00-10:00 p.m. online chatTimes: Lec.- Online ETUDES-NG
E-mail: Lab – Online & Fri. 5:30-8:40 p.m.
Class website URL:
Welcome to the online Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology lecture and lab! We have an exciting semester planned for you. During our time together you will receive an overview of human anatomy and physiology, including a systematic look at fundamental physical/chemical principles, basic anatomical and physiological concepts, and the dissection of animal organs. This course is designed for non-professional majors, and it may meet the anatomy requirements for the two-year RN program or other health related programs. It is an excellent introductory course for Anatomy 32 and Physiology 31, which are designed for the BSN degree and for the pre-professional biology student. I will do my best to make this class as interesting and understandable for you as possible. In return, I expect you to do your best to learn. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions about anything you don’t understand. I am here to help you to succeed.
Required Lecture & Lab Textbooks and Materials:
1. Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 5th ed., 2010, by Martini and Bartholomew.
2. Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, 4thed., 2009, by E. N. Marieb.
3. Three ring binder to be used as a lab notebook.
4. A #2 pencil to be used during multiple choice quizzes and exams.
5. 5 blank scantrons (Form #882) for lecture exams.
6. Gloves for use during dissections.
Other Recommended Materials:
1. The Anatomy Coloring Book, 3rd ed., 2002, by Kapit and Elson.
2. A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy & Physiology Lab, 6th ed., 2007, by VanDeGraff and Crawley.
3. Anatomy & Physiology Revealed CD-ROM, published by McGraw Hill.
4. Two 3” diameter metal rings and package of 3” x 5” cards for making flash cards. I will occasionally give extra credit points for your 3” x 5” flash cards in the prescribed format.
5. Dissection kit and lab coat or apron to protect clothes during dissections.
Course Objectives - Upon completion of this course, students should be able to
1. Demonstrate proper use of the microscope.
2. Identify cellular structures, organelles and tissue types for all human systems.
3. Use appropriate terminology to describe anatomical and physiological concepts.
4. Identify all major anatomical structures for each major system, including integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, special senses, endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems.
5. Compare and contrast all major human anatomical structures with those of non-human vertebrate species.
6. Demonstrate an understanding of the physiology of each system and how each system interacts to maintain homeostasis.
7. Describe clinical disorders and appropriate methods of treatment.
Student Learning Outcomes - upon completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:
1. Use language appropriate to anatomy and physiology and the health sciences.
2. Identify higher vertebrate body structures, and explain functions of all body systems.
3. Demonstrate the use of instruments for dissection, histology, and to gather data, then analyze the data.
Lecture Exams: A total of five lecture exams will be given on campus during Friday in-class meetings. Lecture exam questions will be based on material from the lecture modules and textbook, with an emphasis on information from lectures. Lecture exams will consist primarily of multiple choice questions. Make-up lecture exams are strongly discouraged and will be granted only with verification of an emergency situation, and at the discretion of the instructor. If granted, make-up exams will be graded with an automatic 10-point deduction and may consist entirely of essay questions.
Lab Practical Exams: Five lab practical exams will be given on campus during Friday in-class meetings. Lab exams will be primarily fill-in answers, and will include the identification of anatomical structures, as well as their functions. No make-up exams can be given for lab exams. If some emergency prevents you from taking an exam on the scheduled date, please let me know beforehand if possible, or call or email me on the day of the exam to inform me.
Quizzes: Quizzes will be taken online, and must be completed by the assigned dates. If you do not take a quiz by the assigned date, you will not be able to make up the quiz. Quiz questions will cover information from the preceding lecture modules, labs, and reading assignments. Quizzes will be primarily multiple-choice. The purpose of the numerous quizzes is to encourage you to keep up with the material in the class. I really do want each of you to learn as much as you can and to earn the best grade possible.
Lab Manual Requirements: Although this is mostly an online class, you are required to attend in-class labs on Fridays for hands-on lab activities. The Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual contains exercises, such as diagram labeling, within each lab exercise and additional Review Sheets for the exercises at the back of the manual. In addition, you will be asked to keep a lab notebook with online lab assignments. Please show your completed lab exercises to me at the end ofeachin-class lab and I will check them off. This will be included as part of your lab grade. I will only be spot-checking each manual. It is your responsibility to check your answers with your manual and textbook and compare answers with your lab partners to ensure that you have the correct answers. Of course, I will be happy to answer your questions too.
Extra Credit: You will have an opportunity to earn up to 40 extra credit points for other work to be announced throughout the semester. These points may include extra credit quizzes, completed Anatomy Coloring Book pages, credit for 3” x 5” note cards in the format prescribed below, class participation, and other possibilities. Five5 point extra credit quizzes will be given at the end of the semester. I will also give 5 extra credit points to students who have attended and participated in all in-class labs the entire semester.
Points Possible (does not include extra credit points): Lecture points are worth 50% and lab points are worth 50% of your grade in this class. The breakdown for lecture and lab points is as follows. Lecture and lab exam scores include lecture and lab assignments.
Lecture ExamsMy ScoreLab ExamsMy Score
Exam I:100______Practical Exam 1 100______
Exam II:100______Practical Exam 2: 100______
Exam III:100______Practical Exam 3: 100______
Exam IV100______Practical Exam 4: 100______
Final Exam V:100______Practical Exam 5: 100______
10 – 5 pt. Quizzes 50______10 – 5 pt. Quizzes: 50______
(Note that exam scores will include homework assignment points.)
Grade Scale:
A90 - 100%990 - 1100 pts
B80 - 89%880 - 989 pts
C65 - 79%715 - 879 pts
D50 - 64%550 - 714 pts
F50% 549 pts
Academic Honesty: I encourage all of you to study in groups. We will be working in small groups during labs. Research has shown that most students learn more when they study in small groups. Quizzes and exams, however, are evaluations of how much you personally have learned. Anyone caught talking, looking at another student’s paper, or doing anything that might be considered cheating during a quiz, exam, or other work will receive an automatic zero and may be expelled from the class and receive an “F” grade. The cheating incident will also be reported to the Dean of the Natural Sciences Division for further disciplinary actions.
Attendance: Regular attendance is required by college regulations and is your only access to materials for which you are responsible. Students who attend all classes usually achieve better grades than those who miss classes. If you miss three labs or if you miss an exam, you may be dropped from the class. So if you must be absent for some unavoidable reason, please let me know. Also, if I add you to this class, be sure to register before Friday, February 25, 2011.
Withdrawals: If some situation causes you to stop attending class, you must go to the Admissions Office and withdraw officially before the deadline on Friday, May 13, 2011. In addition, you must complete a laboratory drop card filed with the lab technician. Failure to do so will result in an “F” grade rather than a “W.”
Free Tutoring: Excellent tutors are available free of charge in the Learning Resources Center Tutorial Program in the library. Visit or call 660-3511 to make an appointment to see a tutor.
Disabilities: If you have a specific learning disability, please contact the SpecialResourceCenter at 660-3295 for documentation and let me know ASAP so that we can suitably accommodate your learning needs.
Study Tips for More Powerful Learning:
1. Read the assigned lecture modules, textbook and lab chapters beforeour in-class meetings. It will help you to better understand the materials and labs.
2. Learn the definitions of bold type terms in each chapter, as well as the prefixes, roots, and suffixes inside the back cover of the textbook.
3. Answer the Concept Checkquestions in each textbook chapter and Chapter Reviewquestions at the end of each assigned chapter. You can check your answers in Appendix I at the back of the textbook. Some of these questions may appear on your quizzes and/or exams.
4. Use the CD-ROM included with your textbook to help you review each chapter. It includes helpful tutorials, animations, diagrams, and activities.
5. Complete all lab exercises and Review Sheets for each lab in your Laboratory Manual. Some of these questions will appear on quizzes and exams too.
6. Read and outline each lecture module. It will also greatly help you to visualize anatomical structures and their functions if you refer to the figures in your textbook and in the modules.
7. Review your notes several times after reading the modules. If you are an auditory learner, you’ll find it helpful to download the lecture module narrations and listen to the lectures. Students who are kinesthetic learners find that rewriting their notes is helpful. Visual learners find it helpful to draw and label pertinent diagrams. To find out what kind of learner you are, go to the VARK website at: .
8. Answer the questions in the study guides that are provided for each unit. This will help you to review what you read in the modules and aid your understanding of the concepts.
9. Complete the exercises in the Anatomy Coloring Book. I will assign some of the pages for extra credit to help you learn the anatomical structures and their names.
10. Study in small groups and attend open anatomy labs when offered.
11. Access the Anatomy 30 class web site at: for pictures of lab models, class handouts, links to helpful A & P websites, and other useful information.
12. The textbook publisher’s website is at: /. It contains many tutorials, interactive activities, self-tests, etc. Use the code provided in your textbook to access the site.
13. For information about online class requirements, read the Distance Education Student Online Handbook at:
14. If you have difficulty understanding something, ask me (I don’t bite) or see a free tutor at the LRC on campus.
15. Make up 3” x 5” anatomy & physiology flash cards in the following format:
a. The first card must be a different color and have your name and student ID number on it.
b. You can put anything on your study cards as long as it is handwritten (not typed) and diagrams that are hand-drawn (not photocopied).
c. It is helpful to make up definition cards in which you write one word, concept, or question on the front and define the word, explain the concept, or answer the question on the back.
d. It is also helpful to make diagram cards in which you draw a diagram and number its parts on one side and write the answer key for the numbered parts on the back.
e. All of the cards must be held together by two three-inch rings.
f. To obtain extra credit for your cards, they must be in the above format and you must have at least 20 cards for each module that pertains to the material covered on an exam.
g. Bring your cards with you to exams so you can turn them in for extra credit.
Anatomy 30 Tentative Lecture & Lab Schedule, Spring 2011
(Note: this schedule is approximate and subject to change.)
For lecture content, read the assigned modules and textbook chapters. Download the chapter study guides (under “Assignments, Tests, and Surveys” on the website) and answer the questions, then send your answers to me online. Take the online quiz(designated by Q on the syllabus) after each module to assess your understanding of the material. See the due dates under “Assignments, Tests, and Surveys” on the website.
For assigned labs, print out worksheets(under “Assignments, Tests, and Surveys” on the website) for each lab, label the diagrams, and bring them in your notebook to class. Also answer the Review Sheet questions in the back of each lab exercise in the lab manual.
Date / Lecture Module Assignment / TextbookChapters / Laboratory Topic / Lab
Week 1
2/18-2/24 / 1. Anatomy Introduction (Q1)
2. Anatomical Terminology (Q2)
Modules 1-2 Study Guide assignmentsdue online 2/22
3. Cell Structure & Function (Q3)
Module 3Study Guide assignments due online 2/25 / 1
3 / On Campus Orientation Meeting & Lab 2/18
Anatomy Language & Organ Systems / 1 &
Week 2
2/25-3/03 /
4. Chemistry of Life (Q4)
5. TissuesModule 4 Study Guide assignment due online 3/01 / 2
4 / On Campus Lab 2/25
Microscopy, Cells
Cell Transport
Lab 1, 2 & Micro. Reviews & Notebooks due in class. / Appendix A, 3 &
Week 3
3/04-3/10 /
5. Tissues (Q5)
Module 5 Study Guide assignment due online 3/046. Integumentary System (Q6)
Module 6 Study Guide assignment due online 3/09 / 45 / On Campus Lab 3/04
Lab 3 & 4 Reviews & Notebooks due in class. / 5
Week 4
3/11-3/17 /
On Campus 3/11 for
Lecture Exam 1
*7. Skeletal Tissue (Q7)Module 7 Study Guide assignment due online 3/14
*8. Axial Skeleton (Q8)
Module 8 Study Guide assignment due online 3/17 / 1-5
6 / On Campus 3/11 for
Lab Exam 1
Lab Notebooks and Reviews for labs 5 & 6 due in class.
Skeleton Overview & Axial skeleton / 1-6
Week 5
3/18-3/24 / 9. Appendicular Skeleton (Q9)
Module 9 Study Guide assignment due online 3/21
10. Joints (Q10)
Module 10 Study Guide assignment due online 3/24 / 6
6 / On Campus Lab 3/18
Axial Skeleton
Appendicular Skeleton
Lab 7 & 8 Reviews and Notebooks due in class. / 8
Week 6
3/25-3/31 / 11. Muscular System (Q11)
Module 11 Study Guide assignments due online 3/28
12. Muscle Tissue (Q12)
Module 12 Study Guide assignments due online3/31 / 7
7 / On Campus Lab 3/25
Muscular System
Muscle Tissue
Lab 9 & 10 Reviews and Notebooks due in class / 12
Week 7
4/01-4/07 /
On Campus 4/01 for
Lecture Exam 213. Nervous Sys. Organization (Q13)
Module 13 Study Guide assignment due online 4/07 / 6-7
8 / On Campus 4/01 for
Lab Exam 2
Lab 11 & 12 Reviews and Notebooks due in class.
Nervous Tissue
CNS Brain / 7-12
Week 8
4/08 /
14. The Brain & Cranial Nerves (Q14)
Module 14 Study Guide assignment due online 4/18 / 8 /On Campus Lab 4/08
Sheep brain dissection
Spinal Cord & NervesLab 13 & 14 Reviews and Notebooks due in class / 14
Week 8
4/09-4/15 / Spring Break / Fun in the sun!
Week 9
4/17-4/22 / 15. Spinal Cord & Spinal Nerves (Q15)
Module 15 Study Guide assignments due online 4/21
16. Special Senses (Q16)
Module 16 Study Guide assignment due online 4/25 / 8
9 / On Campus Lab 4/22
Special Senses: Eye Dissect. & Ear
Lab 15 Review and Notebooks due in class / 17
Week 10
4/25-4/29 / On campus 4/29 for
Lecture Exam 3
*17. Endocrine System (Q17)
Module 17 Study Guide assignment due online 5/02 / 8-9
10 / On Campus 4/29 for
Lab Exam 3
Lab 17 Review and Notebooks due in class
Endocrine lab online
Heart lab online / 13-15 & 17
Week 11
5/02-5/06 / 18. Heart (Q18)
Module 18 Study Guide assignment due online 5/05
19. Blood Vessels (Q19)
Module 19 Study Guide assignment due online 5/09 / 12
13 / On Campus Lab 5/06
Sheep Heart Dissect.
Blood Vessels
Lab 18 & 20 Reviews and Notebooks due in class. / 20
Week 12
5/09-5/13 / 20. Blood (Q20)
Module 20 Study Guide assignment due online 5/12
21. Respiratory Sys. (Q21)
Module 21 Study Guide assignment due online 5/18 / 11
15 / On Campus Lab 5/13
Blood & Blood Press.
Respiratory Sys.
Lab 21 & 19 Reviews
and Notebooks due in class. / 19 & 22
Week 13
5/16-5/20 / On campus 5/20 for
Lecture Exam 4
*22. Digestive Sys. / 10-13 & 15
16 / On Campus 5/20 for
Practical Exam 4
Lab 22 & 23 Review and Notebook due in class.
Digestive Sys. / 18-23
Week 14
5/23-5/27 / 22. Digestive Sys. (Q22)
Module 22 Study Guide Assignment due online 5/25
23. Urinary Sys. (Q23)
Module 23 Study Guide Assignments due online 5/31 / 16 &
18 /
On Campus Lab 5/27
Digestive Sys. Fetal Pig Dissect.Lab 25 Review & Notebook due in class.
Urinary Sys. / 25
Week 15
5/30-6/03 / 24. Female Reprod. Sys. (Q24)
Module 24 Study Guide assignment due online 6/03
25. Male Reprod. Sys. (Q25)
Module 25 Study Guide assignment due online 6/08 / 19
19 / On Campus Lab 6/03
Urinary Sys.
Reprod. Sys.
Lab 26Review & Notebook due in class. / 26
Week 16
6/06-6/10 / On Campus 6/10 for
Final Lecture Exam / 16, 18 & 19 / On Campus 6/10 for
Final Lab Exam
Lab 27 Review & Notebook due in class / 25-27
(Note: An asterisk * indicates that the material will be covered on the next exam.)