Evaluation of the first year 2006-2007
The goals we had in mind the first year.
Project topic(s) : / Reached through:
a) Foreign languages / Pupil exchanges
Creating ppt presentations, web pages, DVDs,videos,cds…
Communication on the regular basis
ComDay Work shops in English
Com Day WS 4.Command of the language
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Webpages written in mother tongue, as well as in English
Communication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,
Presentations and instructions given in English
b) European citizenship/
regional identity / Com day Workshops about Citizenship.
ComDay WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices
Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.
Questionnaires about the EU in each school
Project work in all schools
Participation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’
Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in Slovakia
Knowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects
Com Day WS Democracy in practice
Com Day WS A chat with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Role plays and projects, held at different subjects in all schools
Meeting student parliament /the local advisor body of the Town Hall in Senica during the exchange with Belgium
Organising voting for the member of Municipal Youth Council in Sosnowiec
ComDay WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com day WS A typical dish
Activities done during exchanges
Participation of the Bulgarian school in a national contest
Open lessons in Poland,
Participation in Olympiad of Geography in Slovakia
Regional folkdances and music concert of the school in Bulgaria
My town and my country in painting in Senica, Slovakia
Visits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visits
Questionnaires about the EU
Geographical features of the areas, countries…presented on the web pages and PowerPoint presentations
c) Pedagogical methods / Com Day WS A Discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Questionnaires 1,2,3 ,
Role plays
Research work into secondary schools subjects concerning the topic
Front lessons on the topic
Group works
Direct meeting and discussion with members of the local authorities, Flemish Euro parliamentarian,religious authorities, parents and teachers.
IT projects, e.g. powerpointpresentations, websites, DVD’s ,
E-mailcontacts between students, teachers, coordinators, headmasters
Exchanges of students,teachers,headmasters
Classes in the curriculum involved in the project / Involved through:
History / ComDay WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Questionnaires about the EU
History of the schools, towns, countries…presented on the web pages and Power Pointpresentations
Religion / ethics / Com Day WS 2.Relationship
Com Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices
Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com Day WS Other cultures and religions.
Discussion with the representative of the mosque in Mol
Civics / Com Day WS 2.Relationship
Com Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices
Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com Day WS A positive look to yourself
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Geography / ComDay WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com day WS A typical dish
Activities done during exchanges
Participation of the Bulgarian school in a national contest
Open lessons in Poland,
Participation in Olympiad of Geography in Slovakia
Regional folkdances and music concert of the school in Bulgaria
My town and my country in painting in Senica, Slovakia
Visits of the area during all exchanges,projectmeetings, and headmaster studyvisits
Questionnaires about the EU
Geographical features of the areas, countries…presented on the web pages and Power Pointpresentations
Environmental education / Com Day WS Democracy in practice
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Activities during exchanges
Health education / Com Day WS A positive look to yourself
Com day WS A typical dish
Sportactivities during the exchanges
Healtheducation connected with food, during the exchanges
Mother tongue / Com Day WS 4.Command of the language
Webpages written in the mother tongue, as well as in English
Foreign languages / Pupil exchanges
Creating ppt presentations, webpages, DVDs,videos,cds…
Communication on the regular basis
ComDay Work shops in English
Com Day WS 4.Command of the language
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Webpages written in mother tongue, as well as in English
Communication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,
Presentations and instructions given in English
New technologies / ComDay WS 1.Knowledge on computer
Working with digital camera, videocamera, computer
Creating ppt presentations, webpages, DVDs,videos,cds…
Emails and using software related to computer systems
Project summary (Please give a brief and clear description of your project proposal of maximum 200 words; note that this description may be used for publication) :
Our Project “European Citizenship” is aimed at developing an attitude of
active European Citizenship (1) within the school and exchanging culture and
heritage, attitudes and values in order to compare participating countries.
We’ll find out how the cross-curriculum goal “education for the
citizenship“ is reached (2) in the participating countries as well as what
it means for the students.
We’ll promote willingness to avoid prejudice(3) within the E.U., increase
tolerance, encourage democratic values (4) and improve the communication
skills and foreign language (5). The students will be able to develop
specific skills of project management (6). Besides that, teachers will get
involved in cross-curricular work (7). The project will contribute to
sharing ideas and priorities, good practice and experience as well as a
greater interest to active and social citizenship.
We developed a three-year-scheme. Activities such as CD-presentations(8),
questionnaires and surveys(9),meetings with politicians(10),debates(11),video or
Skype-conferences(12) will be an inseparable part of our work. During
student exchanges(13) we intend to analyze, compare and perfect our work. We
also want to visit the European Parliament in Brussels and meet Members
of Parliament.(14)
The results of the project will be disseminated. A booklet(15)describing
the content and methods of national and European Citizenship at school,
CDs(16), a school website(17)are supposed to show the necessity of such a
project. We are sure the project will be of great importance for the
students and the teachers.
NR / Reached through
1 / Com day Workshops about Citizenship.
ComDay WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS 3.Role play about prejudices
Com Day WS 6.Solidarity and justice.
Questionnaires about the EU in each school
Project work in all schools
Participation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’
Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in Slovakia
Knowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects
2 / Questionnaire about Subjects dealing with”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “
3 / Com day WS Role play about prejudices
Activities done during the education process at different schools
4 / Com Day WS Democracy in practice
Activities done during the education process at different schools
5 / Pupil exchanges
Creating ppt presentations, webpages, DVDs,videos,cds…
Communication on the regular basis
ComDay Work shops in English
Com Day WS 4.Command of the language
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Webpages written in mother tongue, as well as in English
Communication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,
Presentations and instructions given in English
6 / Preparation of the pupil exchanges
Preparation of the project meetings and head teacher study visits
7 / Preparation and presentation of the Comenius day and pupil exchanges
the project meetings and head teacher study visits
8 / Presentations of schools, town, countries, …
Presentation of the results of exchanges
Photo CDproject meetings
9 / Questionnaire about Subjects dealing with”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “
Q about the knowledge of the E.U.: (Com day WS 1) + Q 2 and 3
10 / Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Meetings at townhalls during exchanges and project meetings
11 / Debates in the workshops during the Comenius day,exchanges…
Debates on different subjects at each school
12 / Planned for the next two years
13 / Mol-Senica, Mol- Castano Primo, Mol- Razlog (Comenius day)
Razlog-Senica (project meeting in Razlog)
14 / Planned for the last year
15 / Planned for the last year
16 / Photo CD of the project meeting
17 / Mol, Castano Primo, Senica, Sosnowiec, Razlog
- What are the concrete aims of the project and its expected impact on the participants and other interested parties (on the pupils, teachers, institutions, local community, wider educational community)?
- Finding out the current knowledge about the E.U. and the participating countries.
- To create the moral background of the European citizen.
- To create and try out the methods convenient to be used at learning process to reach the aim.
- To find out if there is the cross-curriculum goal –“Education for the citizenship“ in various types of secondary schools( general, vocational, technical ) and how other countries reach the goal.
- To find out what does “to be a citizen and European citizens “mean for the students
- To involve schools and other participants into cooperation.
- To improve the communication skills in local and foreign languages.
- To promote willingness to avoid prejudice within the E.U.
- To find out benefits of being a European citizen
- The intercultural awareness will also be stimulated by student meetings and exchanges through which students will take part in the daily life of young people in the participating countries.
Nr / Reached through
1 / Communication on the regular basis
Presentations of schools, town, countries, …
ComDay WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com day WS A typical dish
Activities done during exchanges
Visits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visits
Questionnaires about the EU
2 / Com day Workshops about Citizenship.
ComDay WS 1, 2,3,5,6,8,9 and 10
Questionnaires about the EU in each school
Project work in all schools
Participation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’
Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in Slovakia
Knowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects
3 / Questionnaire about Subjects dealing with”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “
This will be the top item for the next two years.
4 / Questionnaire about Subjects dealing with”Citizenship and European Citizenship Education “
5 / We plan this for the next two years
6 / The associated partners
7 / Pupil exchanges
Creating ppt presentations, webpages, DVDs,videos,cds…
Communication on the regular basis
ComDay Work shops in English
Com Day WS 4.Command of the language
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Webpages written in mother tongue, as well as in English
Communication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,
Presentations and instructions given in English
8 / Com day WS 3,5,6,8,9 and 12
9 / Questionnaire 2 and 3
This is one extra item for the next two years
10 / Pupil exchanges between Mol-Senica, Mol-Castano Primo, Mol-Razlog (Comeniusday), Senica-Razlog (project meetings)
Concrete aims for students
1.To develop an attitude of active European Citizenship within the school and community.
2. To exchange culture and heritage, attitudes and values in order to compare and contrast participating countries.
3 To create more confidence in the use of new technology for contacts, research and presentation and to encourage them to work independently.
4. To increase tolerance and encourage democratic values.
5. To develop specific skills of project management.
6. To improve language skills.
7. To bring the students into cooperation with local authorities and associations.
8. To gain a better knowledge about the topics involved in the project,
9. To be a good host as well as a guest
10. To learn more about: making reports, research work, gathering materials,…
Nr / Reached through1 / Com day Workshops about Citizenship.
ComDay WS 1, 2,3,5,6,8,9 and 10
Questionnaires about the EU in each school
Projectwork in all schools
Participation in the action against corruption ‘Clear Poland’
Visiting Europe Direct Centre during project meeting, headmaster study visit and student exchange in Slovakia
Knowledge gained during the lessons on different subjects
2 / ComDay WS 1.Knowledge
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com Day WS 5.”To get to know each other”
Com Day WS Economic immigration
Com day WS A typical dish
Com day WS 4,5,9,10 and 12
Activities done during exchanges
Participation of the Bulgarian school in a national contest
Open lessons in Poland,
Participation in Olympiad of Geography in Slovakia
Regional folkdances and music concert of the school in Bulgaria
My town and my country in painting in Senica, Slovakia
Visits of the area during all exchanges, project meetings, and headmaster study visits
Questionnaires about the EU
Geographical features of the areas, countries…presented on the web pages and PowerPoint presentations
3 / Contact in pupil exchanges through the computer
ComDay WS 1.Knowledge on computer
Working with digital camera, videocamera, computer
Creating ppt presentations, webpages, DVDs,videos,cds…
Emails and using software related to computer systems
4 / Com day WS 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9 and 11
Com Day WS Democracy in practice
Com Day WS A chat with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Role plays and projects, held at different subjects in all schools
Meeting student parliament /the local advisor body of the Town Hall in Senica during the exchange with Belgium
Organising voting for the member of Municipal Youth Council in Sosnowiec
5 / Preparation of the project meetings and head teacher study visits
Preparation of the pupil exchanges
6 / Pupil exchanges
Creating ppt presentations, webpages, DVDs,videos,cds…
Communication on the regular basis
ComDay Work shops in English
Com Day WS 4.Command of the language
Com Day WS A discussion with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Webpages written in mother tongue, as well as in English
Communication through the exchanges ,questionnaires,
Presentations and instructions given in English
7 / Preparation pupil exchanges
Meetings at townhalls during exchanges and projectmeetings
8 / Com day + pupil exchanges
9 / Pupil exchanges
Project meetings: pupils were hosted in host families
10 / Reports of the pupil exchanges, the reports of the questionnaires,…
Concrete aims for teachers
1. To scope the content in each subject dealing with the topic
2. To specify the upbringing details which we want to reach
3. To scope the area of collaboration in cross- curriculum work
4. Create the methods to reach the goal.
5.To exchange and improve methodological skills.
6.To get actively involved in cross-curricular work.
7.To obtain better IT skills, technological culture as well as become more fluent in foreign languages.
8. To band teachers forEurope.
9. To disseminate the results of the project.
10. To encourage students to reach their aims.
Nr / Reached through1 / Preparation of the Comenius day and the questionnaires
2 / Preparation of the Comenius day, the questionnaires and the pupil exchanges
3 / Preparation of the Comeniusday , the pupil exchanges and the project meetings.
4 / Questionnaires
This is the top item of the next two years
5 / This is the top item of the next two years
6 / Preparation of the Comenius day, the questionnaires and the pupil exchanges
7 / Comenius day + pupil exchanges
Contact in pupil exchanges through the computer
ComDay WS 1.Knowledge on computer
Working with digital camera, videocamera, computer
Creating ppt presentations, webpages, DVDs,videos,cds…
Emails and using software related to computersystems
8 / The whole project and especially the contacts between the teachers in pupil exchanges and the project meeting in Mol and headteacher study visits ( October 2006)and Razlog (April 2007)
9 / The Comeniusforum on the school website, schoolmagazine, articles in the Press, local TV,
Parents and teachers meetings
10 / Pupil exchanges and the workshops on the Comenius day
Concrete aims on the school and local community.
1.To identify shared problems, ideas and priorities through the exchange of knowledge, good practice and experience.
2.To generate a greater interest to active citizenship and social inclusion.
3. To show that European partnership and collaboration have positive effect on schools and local communities.
4. To raise the interest of non-participating teachers and students.
5. To increase the open-mindedness towards new approaches.
6. To raise the awareness of national and European citizenship.
Nr / Reached through1 / Meetings at the Town Hall in Castano Primo, Mol, Senica, Razlog during the projectmeetings and pupils exchanges
2 / Meetings at the Town Hall in Castano Primo, Mol, Senica, Razlog during the projectmeetings and pupils exchanges
3 / Through the dissemination of the project in the media
4 / Presentation of the results for all members of the school
5 / Com Day WS Democracy in practice
Com Day WS A chat with a Flemish Euro-Parliamentarian in English
Roleplays and projects, held at different subjects in all schools
Meeting studentparliament /the local advisor body of the Town Hall in Senica during the exchange with Belgium
Organising voting for the member of Municipal Youth Council in Sosnowiec
Presentation of the results for all members of the school
6 / This is the aim of the next two years
1.We make a CD-presentation of each school, city, region and country with extra attention for the mother tongue and English language and put it on the website of the school so that each school can load it down to get to know each other.
2.To elaborate the common questionnaires and methods for research through questionnaires we tryto find out:
A. the present status of citizenship education in different types of secondary education (general, technical, vocational) in each involved country and to map the differences in the participating countries/institutions