Elliott’s English I Lesson Plans

October 29 through November 2nd

Essential Question for the Week: How does the author’s use of specific techniques achieve a desired effect?

TEKS for the week: 9A (SSR), 3A Poetry Analysis, 1A-D Vocabulary, 5B characterization, 5C point of view, 7A irony, Figure 19 inferencing


· Just Read Warm-up—Students will read for 10 minutes and record it in their reading logs.

· Finish reading “The Cask of Amontillado” on page 96. (Note author’s use of characterization, irony, point of view and mood as we read.)

· View video version of the short storyJ

HW#2: Complete Montressor and Fortunato characterization chart. Supply 3 quotes of description for each character on one side. Illustrate each character based upon his description on the other sideJ


· Just Read Warm-up—Students will read for 10 minutes and record it in their reading logs.

· HW Check #2: Share results from Montressor and Fortunato characterization chart. How do Montressor and Fortunato compare in the story? How does Poe describe each character in order for us to better understand their personality/character traits?

· Practice Crossover Response with “A Poison Tree” on page 92 and “The Cask” on page 96 of SpringBoard. Find quotes with specific evidence from each selection. Model the practice exercise for students using the document camera.


“Happy Halloween” Just Read Warm-up: As a class, read a spooky short story selection from Edgar Allan Poe such as the “The Raven” or Tell-Tale Heart.” How does Poe show his expertise in mood and suspense?

· Student will share their practice crossover responses from “A Poison Tree” and “The Cask.” Discuss results.

· Read “The Giving Tree” and compare it to “The Poison Tree” as a crossover piece. *Turn in written response for a quiz grade.

· If time is available, introduce Unit 4 Vocabulary words.

HW#3: Have students complete “Definitions” on pages 51-53 to familiarize themselves with the new words. Students should continue to study their words on www.quizlet.com .


· Just Read Warm-up—Students will read for 10 minutes and record it in their reading logs.

· HW Check#3: “Definitions” pages 51-53.

· Go to computer lab to complete student log-in to prepare for tomorrow’s SpringBoard on-line assessment.


· No “Just Read” Warm-up today—Students will go to the computer lab to complete their SpringBoard online assessment.

· Reading Logs will be checked for Monday through Thursday of this week.


· Reading Log Check for the week 11/2.

· Crossover written response on 10/31.

· Students will be assessed based upon their performance on the test found on SpringBoard online 11/2.

· Students will have a Unit 4 Vocabulary Quiz next Wednesday, November 7th.

Next week : We will start background information on To Kill A Mockingbird Monday.