Biology 1 and Honor’s Biology
Oct. 31-Nov. 4
Biology note of the week: If you were to remove all of the empty space from the atoms that make up every human on earth, the entire world population could fit into an apple.
Biology 1
Mon. 10/31Lab-finish 7-2/ Possible lecture on diffusion
Hmwk: Lab due tomorrow
Tues. 11/1Turn in lab/ Lab-diffusion/eggs
Hmwk: Start studying for Chp. 7 test on Friday
Wed. 11/2Move eggs into syrup/Finish notes or kahoot
Hmwk: Quiz on diffusion tomorrow
Thrs. 11/3QUIZ/ Go over quiz/review videos
Hmwk: Test tomorrow over chapter 7
Fri. 11/4TEST over chapter 7
Hmwk: relax………………….
Honor’s Biology
Mon. 10/31Lab-finish 7-2/Lecture on diffusion and cell permeability
Hmwk: Lab due tomorrow
Tues. 11/1Turn in lab/ Lab-diffusion/ egg preparation and placed into distilled water
Hmwk: Test over Chapter 7 is on Friday this week.
Wed. 11/2Diffusion lab into hypertonic solution/Finish notes for chapter 7
Hmwk: Demon in the freezer quiz tomorrow, Section 2
Thrs. 11/3QUIZ-Demon in the freezer/ review videos
Hmwk: Chapter 7 test tomorrow
Fri. 11/4TEST over chapter 7
Hmwk: Read 6.2/ BIG QUIZ next Wed.
In the middle of every difficulty is an opportunity!
Biology 2 and Environmental Science
Oct. 31-Nov. 4
Biology note of the week: If you were to remove all of the empty space from the atoms that make up every human on earth, the entire world population could fit into an apple.
Biology 2
Mon. 10/31Lecture- enzymes and metabolic pathways
Hmwk: Vocabulary quiz tomorrow
Tues. 11/1QUIZ-vocab for chapter 6/ Finish enzymes
Hmwk: Goodall quiz on Thursday
Wed. 11/2Possible enzyme lab
Hmwk: Goodall quiz tomorrow
Thrs. 11/3QUIZ-Goodall 13-15/ Discuss
Hmwk: Review—test over 6-7 next week!
Fri. 11/4Lecture- Chapter 7 Photophosphorylation
Hmw: Continue studying for the test next week.
Environmental Science
Mon. 10/31Lecture-Ethics and environmentalism
Hmwk: Start reading chapter 2
Tues. 11/1Lecture-Scientific consensus and conflict
Hmwk: Continue reading chapter 2
Wed. 11/2Websearch-The pipeline vrs. North Dakota/ discuss
Hmwk: Read case study pg. 37
Thrs. 11/3QUIZ on case study homework
Hmwk: Review
Fri. 11/4Lecture- Environmental ethics and worldviews
Hmwk: Test over chapter 2 next week
In the middle of every difficulty is an opportunity!