Orlando Gonzalez
20420 Peckham Street
Ashburn, Virginia 20147
C (703) 587-2248
Objective: Seeking a challenging position that will enable me to use my experience in Information Assurance.
Special Qualifications
- Active DOD TOP Secret Security Clearance SBI
- Qualified Spanish Military Linguist
12/06 - Present Senior Information Assurance Analyst - Northrop Grumman Corporation Washington, DC
Provide Information Assurance Support for various projects in the Defense Group.
Battlefield Airborne Command Node (BACN) Spiral 2 - Currently providing support as the Certification & Accreditation Task Lead. Working through Phase 1 of the DITCSCAP process. Developed the Security Requirements Traceability Matrix (SRTM). Provided an assessment of the current SSAA for Spiral 1 and input for the Spiral 2 SSAA. Currently working on the Certification Test & Evaluation Plan to include all test procedures based on DISA guidance. Conducted a dry-run of the CT&E in preparation for the Formal CT&E.
Battlefield Airborne Command Node (BACN) Spiral 1 - Assisted the Certification & Accreditation lead with the Certification Test & Evaluation Plan. Developed all test procedures and assisted in the execution of the CT&E. Evaluated results and provided a vulnerability assessment.
Navy Emergency Response Management System (NERMS) - Provided system hardening support for Windows 2003 and XP. Used the DISA Gold Disks for STIG compliance and eEye Retina to evaluate possible vulnerabilities.
United States Army Reserve - Provided support to the G3 (Provost Marshals) office by conducting Vulnerability Assessments at the Regional Readiness Commands. Supported training exercises as an IA role player.
05/04-12/06 Senior PKI Systems Engineer - Northrop Grumman Corporation Washington, DC
Assigned as a Sr. Systems Engineer and technical lead on the DOJ PKI Phase 2 Task Order. Responsible for the implementation of the PKI system and the preparation, quality control and delivery of major systems engineering deliverables to include the project Bill of Materials for 3 three-system environments, Preliminary Design Review, System Design Document, Critical Design Review, Test & Evaluation Master Plan and Test Procedures, Training Plan, Deployment Implementation Plan and O&M Manual.
Tasked with overseeing the activities of 7 PKI engineers and provided tactical direction to ensure technical project objectives were met. Responsible for the initial site surveys at the Justice Data Center (JDC) prior to the installation of the PKI system and led/participated in the installation, configuration and test activities for the pilot PKI system.
Led the Deployment effort at Criminal Division. Developed the Desktop Installation Manual and provided hands on training for the techs. Conducted Subscriber training for over 50 Criminal Division personnel and provided deployment support.
Lead the O & M team and provided 7am-7pm onsite coverage. Tasked with updating/revising the O & M manual to ensure the systems were properly maintained and provide 99.99% availability to customers.
12/03-05/04 Certification & Accreditation Engineer American Systems Corp Chantilly, VA
Tasked with providing support to a C & A team working on the JCON IIa project for the DOJ. Created all STE test procedures for 17 components and system level testing and acted as Test Director. Used Harris STAT, ISS Internet Scanner, Security Expressions and WEB Inspect to produce a Vulnerability Assessment for each component.
Followed NIST 800 series guidance to provide support for the C & DR, SSG, SSP, STE, the Facilitated Risk Assessment and the Vulnerability Assessments.
Information Assurance Engineer - Tasked with providing IA support to SDDC (formerly known as MTMC). Conducted vulnerability scans on all network devices and clients using Harris STAT, ISS Internet Scanner and Nessus to ensure the command was compliant with all Army Cert IAVAs. Produced detailed reports on all scans and provided these to management.
Responsible for scanning all new network and client devices to ensure they were also compliant before being put on the network.
Worked on the Network Associates Epolicy Server to ensure all virus signatures were up to date and all clients were compliant.
07/02-12/03 Technical Architect III - Corporate Security, SPRINT Reston, VA
PKI/Strong Authentication Architect - Tasked with providing strong authentication solutions for internal and external customers. These include but were not limited to PKI using the Entrust platform, RSAs Ace server/SecurID platform, Managed Radius consisting of Funks Steel Belted Radius servers and standard LDAP Directories.
Provided testing and validation for various devices (Nortel Contivity, Netscreen, Cisco Pix, Cosine VPN3, Checkpoint and Raptor firewalls) to access and integrate with our existing strong authentication infrastructure.
Responsible for Tier 3 application support for escalation of current authentication platforms and servers (Solaris 2.6/8). Maintain and upgrade all servers to ensure systems are current and meet all Corporate Security regulations.
10/00-07/02 Network Security Engineer III - Corporate Security, SPRINT Reston, VA
Authentication Group Supervisor - Promoted from Network Security Engineer II. Tasked with organizing and defining the responsibilities and procedures of the Strong Authentication Group. The group included 5 analysts who worked on a Remedy based ticketing system to provide Sprints internal and external clients with a PKI and token based solution. Products that were used included Entrust (PKI) to provide a managed PKI solution for our external customers and a corporate solution for encrypted e-mail between our Internet Security Operation Center (ISOC) and our clients. Entrust/RA was used to issue digital web certificates enabling clients to authenticate and view sensitive proprietary information.
RSA SecureID and ACE servers are used to provide customers with token based authentication into their various networks. Both key fobs and pinpads were used to provide this service.
Steel Belted Radius Servers and Nortel Contivity VPNs were used in our Managed Radius offering for external customers to provide a central password based authentication scheme. X.500 LDAP directories were used to centralize all customers and provide a HA solution.
In addition to managing the day to day operations I was also responsible for all escalations and interaction with each vendor to ensure proper resolution of issues and meeting all of our SLA requirements.
Network Security Engineer II - Worked inside the Internet Security Operation Center (ISOC) to provide Tier II support for Checkpoint and Raptor Firewall issues. Handled all firewall and Radius issues escalated to Tier II through the Remedy Ticketing System. Assisted clients in trouble shooting their firewalls for a wide variety of problems. Added and deleted rules on the firewalls to ensure traffic was passing efficiently. Added and deleted users and clients to the walls. Snooped user interfaces and reviewed logs in real time to resolve any problems users were encountering.
03/99-10/00 Defense Messaging System (DMS) Implementation Team Pentagon, Washington D.C.
Mail List Manager - Tasked with installing, configuring, testing and administering the HP-Unix based Mail List Agents (MLAs). Installed and configured 6 HP-9000 and 7 HP715/100's to include HP-UX 10.2 and MLA software for DMS specialty components. Installed an MS-Exchange Server and created accounts for the Mail List Managers. Responsible for the conversion of over 1000 Address Indicator Groups (AIG's) to Mail Lists. Average Mail Lists consisted of 150 users/organizations.
Processed Fortezza cards through the Certification Authority Workstation (CAW) for the Mail List managers.
Initial project consisted of the HP-UNIX server installations and Windows NT Outlook clients (UA's). Created initial mail lists and posted them to the Directory Information Tree (DIT) through the ADUA and tested them by sending various types of e-mails, signed and encrypted using the User Agents (UA) and Fortezza encryption cards (PKI). Reviewed system logs to ensure messages were being properly handled by the systems.
Responsible for tracing all Non-Delivery Notices (NDNs) to ensure %100 message throughput and delivery.
04/99-10/00 Diplomatic Security SA3 (Dichroma, Inc.) Washington D.C.
Shift Supervisor / Senior Microcomputer Specialist - 2nd Shift lead at the Data Center Help Desk. Responsible for providing NT 4.0 workstation, server, and network administration supporting to over 1500 users worldwide on over 400 workstations and 50 servers. Received user calls and produced trouble tickets which were handled expediently. In the event that a problem could not be resolved within the allotted time, the ticket was forwarded to the Tier 3 points of contact. Handled user calls for CableXpress. Monitored CableXpress servers to ensure messages were being sent and received in a timely manner. Responsible for building, configuring and installing numerous workstations and servers. Conducted nightly backups of all servers.
11/97-10/00 Single Agency Manager Pentagon Telecommunications Center Washington D.C.
Shift Supervisor - Responsible for overseeing and coordinating the operations of a telecommunications center with over 50 personnel, consisting of a Systems section which managed the data circuits, a Technical Control section which maintained and trouble shot the circuits and a Terminal section which ensured all data traffic was routed and processed to the corresponding customers. I was accountable for over $3 million of telecommunications equipment. I ensured the proper distribution of incoming /outgoing message traffic and the daily inventory of COMSEC material. Directly supervise and was responsible for the training, health and welfare of 20 personnel. Produce monthly work schedules and approved of all vacation time and training classes. In addition, I also wrote all monthly and quarterly reviews and made all recommendations for promotions on the shift.
05/91-11/97 NATO HeadquartersBrussels, Belgium
Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge of the Special Handling and Evaluations Detachment - Maintained a secure (Top Secret) on-line communications facility consisting of a PC/Windows NT based fiber optic network and a PC/Unix network. Assisted in the installation of the fiber optic network and the cryptographic equipment. Responsible for installing PC's, software/updates and trouble shooting down to the component level. Administered all network accounts and ensured the systems/network maintained optimal traffic throughput. Maintained and updated various MS Access databases. Provided assistance in creating word processing documents using both MS Word & WordPerfect and developing presentations in MS PowerPoint. Also maintained and updated 5 Win95 terminals on the secret high LAN. Developed and implemented security training for the Indications & Warning Conference and the Special Intelligence Conference held at the NATO School (SHAPE) Oberammergau, Germany.
01/90-05/91 U. S. Army Information Systems Command Telecommunications Center
Redstone Arsenal, AL
Shift Supervisor - Supervised 6 personnel. Performed communications administrative duties in a $1.58 million AMME (Automated Message Media Equipment) communications facility. Ensured the proper distribution of incoming /outgoing message traffic. Coordinated the handling of high precedence messages. Conducted daily inventory of COMSEC material and equipment. Conducted trouble shooting of telecommunications lines which involved the transfer of data over digital switching systems and multi-point telecommunication circuits.
11/88-01/90 U. S. Army Information Systems Command Telecommunications Center
Quarry Heights, PM
Operator / Supervisor - Supervised 3 personnel. Performed communications administrative duties in a $2.3 million telecommunications facility. Ensured the proper distribution of incoming /outgoing message traffic. Coordinated the handling of high precedence messages. Conducted daily inventory of COMSEC material and COMSEC equipment. Conducted trouble shooting of telecommunications circuits. Performed daily maintenance on all equipment.
Computer Equipment
Pentium class servers, clients, x86 PCs and laptops, Dell 2650/2850 servers, HP 9000 UNIX Servers, Sun Ultra 10s, Sun R220s, Sun E450s, SCM Card Readers, Axalto Cyberflex Smart Card 64K, SafeBoot readers, Safenet IRE readers, PC/PMCIA cards, Fortezza cards and readers, RSA SecureID Key fobs and pin cards.
Communications Equipment Qualifications
AMME (Automated Message Media Equipment), DINAH (Desktop Interface to Autodin Host), ELCROVOX 14D(Siemens), KG84A/C Crypto, Model 40 teletype, Motorola STU IIB/IIIA, SARAH (Standard Automated Remote to Autodin Host), Unysis DCT9000, Unysis SRT (Single Remote Terminal) & MATE (Message Automated Terminal Equipment), Zerox MAPS (Multiple Automated Printing System)
Civilian Education
2005 University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Bachelors of Science in Information Systems Management
1992 Central Texas CollegeKilleen, TX
Associates in Liberal Arts
IT Certifications
2005 ActivCard Certified Professional (ACP) on Enterprise Access Card and CMS 3.7.1.
2003 Harris Stat
IT Training
2006 CISSP Boot Camp Global Knowledge, Arlington, VA
2003 Harris STAT Scanner Course U.S. Army
2003 Entrust Authority Security Manager Comprehensive Entrust HQs, Ottawa, CA
2001 RSA SecurID Administration 5.0 Meridian Resources, Herndon, VA
2001 RSA SecurID Install & Configuration 5.0 Meridian Resources, Herndon, VA
2001 Injoin LiveContent Directory Installation & Administration Global Knowledge, Toronto, CA
2001 Entrust PKI Management Course Global Knowledge, Sterling, VA
2000 Complete MCSE Track (completion date 23 Sep 00)
NT 4, Server, Enterprise, Net Essentials, TCPIP, IIS, Proxy Server, IEAK5 NETCERT, Springfield, VA
1999 DMS Administrators Course Lockheed HQ, Manassas, VA
1999 HP-UNIX Administrators Course HP Headquarters, Rockville, MD
1999 CableXpress Administrators Course FSI Training Center, Arlington, VA
1998 MS Exchange 5.X and MS Outlook Administration Knowlodgy Inc, Washington, D.C.
Military Training
1997 Special Intelligence Training (1 WK) Oberammergau, Germany
1996 Defense Intelligence Agency Indications & Warning Training (1 WK) Oberammergau, Germany
1991 Basic Non-Commissioned Officers Course (8 Wks) Ft. Gordon, GA
1989 Primary Leadership Development Course (4 Wks) Ft. Sherman, Panama
1987 Automatic Data Telecommunications Center Operator (12 Wks) Ft. Gordon, GA
1983 Cartographic Draftsman (12 Wks) Ft. Belvoir, VA
1983 Basic Training (8 Wks) Ft. Leonardwood, MO
Professional references provided from employers and associates upon request.