Application for a Licence to Practise as a Registered Nurse

The right to use the professional title registered nurse and to practise as such in Iceland is defined in Regulation No. 512/2013 on the Education, Rights and Obligations of Registered Nureses and the Criteria for being granted a Licence to Practise.The Regulation is issued in accordance with the Healthcare Practitioners Act No. 34/2012.

Before a licence to practise is granted on the basis of qualifications from other countries, underArticle 3, paragraph 3[of the above Regulation], the Medical Director of Health shallelicit the opinion of the Faculty of Nursing of the the University of Iceland School of Health Sciences and the University of Akureyri School of Health Sciences regarding whether the applicant meets the criteria for qualifications required under Article 3, paragraph 1,for granting a licence to practise. The Medical Director of Health is authorised to elicit the opinion of other bodies as required.

Name:ID. No.: Gender: karlkona
Home:Postal code.: Town/City: Country:
Home tel.:Mobile:Work tel.:
Licence to practise:
I hereby apply for a licence to practise as Hjúkrunarfræðingur
Educational institution/BS-degree from:
Course started: janúarfebrúarmarsaprílmaí júníjúlíágústseptemberoktóbernóvemberdesember Year Course completed:janúarfebrúarmarsaprílmaí júníjúlíágústseptemberoktóbernóvemberdesember Year
I also apply for an (Icelandic) Register of Nurses Number:

Supporting documents

  • Applicants with a degree from an educational institution in Icelandmust submit a certified photocopy of their degree certificate and the certificate appendix page stating the name, ID number and title of degree of the applicant.
  • Applicants who have studied in an EEA country or Switzerland must, in addition to a certified copy of their degree certificate, submit:

A certified copy of his/her licence to practise in the country in question (if available).

A certified copy of his/her passport.

Information on therevocation, restriction or suspension of a licence to practise or other such retributive measures resulting from serious professional violations or mistakes (letter of good standing). The documents must not be older than three months.

A certificate from a competent authority in the country that issued evidence of the applicant’s formal education and competence which confirms that his/her qualifications meet the criteria of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, in accordance with Regulation No. 461/2011 on the recognition of professional qualifications of healthcare practioners from other EEA countries (letter of conformity). Sometimes the information under this and the preceding paragraph is contained inone document called Certificate of Current Professional Status (CCPS).

•In addition, applicants who have studied in countries outside the EEA or Switzerland must submit a certified copy of an application for employment and residence permits, together with a signed contract of employment and a description of the educational programme concerned in Icelandic and English. If an applicant has learned Icelandic he/she must submit a certificate confirming his/her knowledge of the Icelandic language.


Date and placeSignature
