Biographies: A Research Guide
A biography is a story about a person written by someone else. By reading about individuals we can learn many things about them and the people and events surrounding their lives. Biographies also allow us to experience historical events from that person’s perspective. The resources below will assist beginning researchers and provide a jumping off point for further research. The terms and phrases listed in the subject headings below can be used to search for more materials in the library’s catalog and research databases. If you need further assistance, please ask a librarian.
Indexes and Guides to Biographical Sources
Almanac of Famous People. Detroit: Gale Research, 1989–. Biennial. ISSN: 1040127X.
Includes both historical and contemporary figures with chronological, geographic index and occupational index.
ARBA Guide to Biographical Resources, 1986–1997 edited by Robert L. Wick and Terry Ann Mood. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1998. IBSN: 1563084538.
Guide to selected biographical dictionaries and directories. Each entry gives complete bibliographic information, price, and critical evaluation.
Biography Index. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1946–. Annual. Quarterly updates. ISSN: 00063053.
A cumulative index to biographical material about people from all countries, periods, and occupations (limited to English language books and periodicals).
International Biographical Sources
Current Biography Yearbook. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1940–. Annual. ISSN: 00849499.
Source for biographical data on contemporary people from all professions. A cumulated index exists for the years 1940 through 1995; the 2000 edition indexes the years 1991 through 2000.
International Who’s Who. London: Europa, 1935–. Annual. ISSN: 00749613.
Annual that provides succinct biographical data for notables from around the world.
International Who’s Who of Women. London: Europa, 1992–. Annual. ISSN: 09653775.
Brief entries on notable women.
Who’s Who in the World. Chicago: Marquis, 1972–. Biennial. ISSN: 00839825.
Biennial provides brief biographical data for the world’s notables.
Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia edited by Anne Commire and Deborah Klezmer. 16 vols. Waterford, CT: Yorkin, 1999–2000. ISBN: 078763736X.
Biographical essays on women of achievement representing all times and places.
American Biographical Sources: Current
Who’s Who Among Black Americans. Detroit: Gale Research, 1976–. Biennial. ISSN: 03625753.
This publication is issued at irregular intervals; the biographies themselves supplied the information.
Who’s Who in America. Chicago: Marquis, 1900–. Annual. ISSN: 00839396.
Biennial is the leading source for information on contemporary Americans. Biographical data is supplied by the biographees themselves.
American Biographical Sources: Retrospective
American National Biography edited by John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes. 24 vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN: 0195206355.
Contains scholarly articles on noted Americans with bibliographies. Indexes by subject, contributor, place of birth, occupation and realm of renown.
National Cyclopaedia of American Biography. 63 vols. New York: James T. White, 1892–. Irregular.
Since this dictionary is not alphabetically arranged, access to the entries is through the general index. While the focus of this work is on the deceased, volumes entitled “current” or “lettered” include those living at the time of compilation. Portraits are supplied throughout the set.
Notable Americans: What They Did, from 1620 to the Present edited by Linda S. Hubbard. Detroit: Gale Group, 1988. ISBN: 0810325349.
Chronological and organizational listings of leaders in government, the military, business, labor, religion, education, cultural organizations, philanthropy, and national associations, including recipients of significant awards and honors.
Who Was Who in America. Chicago: Marquis, 1942–. Annual. ISSN: 01468081.
An index, arranged by name, covers the Historical Volume as well as its supplements.
Web Sites
Biographical Dictionary
Dictionary of notable men and women, Searchable by name, birth years, death years, positions held, professions, literary and artistic works, and achievements.
Companion Web site to A&E’s “Biography.” Features short biographies of about 25,000 people.
Lives, the Biography Resource
Includes links to thousands of biography sites on the Web.
Subject Headings