2014-2015 - Biology - Mr. Victor Puskas

Twitter: MrPuskasCF

247-2072 ext. 4419

Biology is the study of life and living things. We will discover how life operates at both the microscopic and macroscopic level. We will utilize lab activities to strengthen our understanding of classroom topics. New discoveries are constantly being made in the field and we will follow these as the year progresses. BIO RULES!

Topics Covered

Semester I: Biochemistry, Cytology, Genetics

Semester II: DNA, Evolution, Taxonomy, Ecology

Textbook: Biology by Holt McDougal

Online Classroom: stay tuned for more information on Google Classroom instructions

Class Rules

Bring all materials to class each day (book, notebook, pen/pencil and calculator), Be on time for class(4th tardy=detention), Show respect for other people’s ideas, No eating or drinking in the classroom/lab, and Turn in all work on time


Grades will be based completely on points earned divided by the total number of points. Grades will consist mainly of tests and quizzes, labs and some homework. Grades will be posted online. The school grading scale is as follows: 92-100(A), 90-91(A-), 88-89(B+), 82-87(B), 80-81(B-), 78-79(C+), 72-77(C), 70-71 (C-), 68-69(D+), 60-67(D), 0-59(F). Students that earn an A or B will receive a weighted grade, as this is an honors class.


A Pre-Assessment will be given at the beginning of the school year and a Post-Assessment at the end of each unit. The midterm exam will cover material covered between August and December, and will be 20% of your first semester grade. The final exam will cover material from January through the end of the school year, and will be 20% of your second semester grade.


There will be an assignment of some type every night, whether it is completion of a lab, questions, or reading. Homework will not always be checked, so students are encouraged to ask questions at the start of class related to homework or other current assignments.


It is imperative that you are in class each day! Per our handbook: A student who misses 15 days of school, or 15 periods of the same class, for any reason may be required to attend an Academic Hearing with their parents, teacher, counselor and administrator. The high school administration, along with the individual classroom teacher(s) have the discretion to call an Academic Hearing to determine whether the student can receive credit for the course.


Please keep a three ring binder just for Biology class. Label dividers as Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3… Please keep any papers that would help in to study for your tests and semester exams (i.e.: important handouts, tests, quizzes, labs)


Please have access to a scientific calculator, ruler, and cover your book. Please bring your chromebook , fully charged, to class each day.


Labs are an integral part of Biology. Students will regularly complete lab activities that will aide in the understanding of the curriculum. Please follow lab rules and directions carefully to ensure full credit. Many of the labs will require the completion of a lab reports. Some will only have follow up questions for students to complete and submit.

Students are encouraged to be present on lab days. It is the student’s responsibility to find a partner to come in and do the lab with them if they are absent. If the lab isn’t made up in the allotted time, the student will receive a zero for that lab. The teacher may choose to provide an alternate assignment in place of the lab that was missed.

Hall Passes

Please try to schedule your restroom and water fountain stops between classes as much as possible. Hall passes will be limited for use only in an emergency. If you stay in class and don’t use a hall pass you can earn 5 points bonus each quarter.

Extra Help

If you are having difficulty with theory and/or problems in chemistry, do not put off getting help. Small problems can quickly turn into bigger ones. A few minutes spent before or after school to clarify a concept may prevent hours of unnecessary duress. Help is available upon request.

Tips for Success

·Take good notes. Use the outline form that will be modeled in class.

·Avoid unnecessary absences, especially on lab and test days.

·Turn in assignments and make up work on time.

·Study your notes just 15 minutes a night.

·Study with friends.

·Ask questions in class.

Science Department Late Policies

7th Grade / Major Projects: 5% each day; after five days, no credit will be given
Everyday homework: 50% credit for a day late; after one day, no credit will be given
8th Grade / Major Projects: 10% each day; after three days, no credit will be given
Everyday homework: 50% for one day late; after the first day late, no credit will be given
9th Grade / Major Projects: 20% each day; after two days, no credit will be given
Everyday homework: NO credit will be given
10th Grade / Major Projects: 50% for one day late; after the first day late, no credit will be given
Everyday homework: NO credit will be given
11th Grade / NO late work is accepted
12th Grade / NO late work is accepted

**If you are at school during any part of the day that an assignment is due, are on a school field trip, or on a planned absence you are required to hand in the assignment to your teacher on the assigned date. Failure to do so will result in an enforcement of the aforementioned late policies. Also, if a long term project was assigned and you were either absent the day it was due or days leading up to the assignment, the expectation is that you hand the assignment in on time.