Maryland Strategic Prevention Framework Advisory Committee (MSPFAC)

Location – Anne Arundel County Health Department


February 22, 2010

2:30 – 4:30 pm

In Attendance: Suzan Swanton, Larry Dawson, Cindy Shifler, Danita Wilson, Lauresa Wigfall, Bonita Ciurca, Dave Ennis, Dorothy Moore, Paula Lowry, John Winslow, Linda Smith, Heather Eshleman, Marina Finnegan, Erin Artigiani, Eric Wish, Peter Singleton, Walter Biscoe, Shannon Bowles, Nora Becker, Eugenia Conolly, Bruce Meade

I.  Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 2:35 pm

II.  Approval of the Minutes: The MSPFAC December 10, 2009 minutes were approved

III.  Suzan Swanton, Co-Chair, welcomed the members and expressed Delegate Kirill Reznik’s regret at being unable to attend, but an important legislative issue needed to be addressed. M’s. Swanton asked the members to introduce themselves and identify the agency/organization representative.

IV.  Eugenia Conolly, Director Community Services Division at the Maryland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration (ADAA) provided an overview of the five steps of the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework and handed out a Center for Substance Abuse (CSAP) guidance document to be used when developing the State Strategic Prevention Framework Plan. Mrs. Conolly introduced the MSPF Work Group Representatives for progress reports.

V.  SEOW – Erin Artigiani, Deputy Director, Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) provided a power point presentation and handout on the SEOW Prioritization Process and Recommendations. The SEOW top three recommendations were:

1.  Alcohol and/or drug dependence or abuse with a focus on ages 12-25 and 26 and above

2.  Alcohol and/or drug-related crashes with a focus on drivers across the life span

3.  Past month binge alcohol use with a special focus on young adults aged 18-25

The MSPF Advisory Committee members discussed and agreed to accept the

recommendation of the SEOW.

The SEOW members expressed concern at the discontinuation of the Maryland Adolescent Survey (MAS) and requested that the Advisory Committee present the issue to the State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council (SDAAC)

M’s. Swanton indicated that the MAS issue would be presented to the SDAAC.

-  Evidence Based Practices Workgroup Mr. Larry Dawson, Community Representative, provided the report. The workgroups recommendation for the allocation of MSPF funds is for a hybrid approach. After receiving technical assistance from CSAP and reviewing processes from other States as well as other Maryland fiscal processes, the workgroup recommends an approach that would allow the distribution of funds based on both numbers and rates. Following discussion of the process, the Committee accepted the recommendation.

-  Cultural Competence Workgroup, Susan Swanton provided the report and indicated that the workgroup was developing a guidance tool that would assist MSPF grantee/community organizations on how to provide services that are culturally competent. She also expressed the need for additional members for this workgroup. Several of the Advisory Committee members agreed to participate and to identify other possible participants.

VI.  General Discussion and Comments – None

VII.  Future Meeting Dates

MSPF – Advisory Committee Meeting, April 26, 2010 at the ADAA training room from 2:30 – 4:30 pm

Workgroup Meetings:

-  SEOW – Monday, March 22, 2010 at 1:00 pm – ADAA - OETAS training room

-  EBP Workgroup – March 11, 2010 at 1:00 pm – ADAA – 2nd floor conference room

-  Cultural Competence Workgroup – March 11, 2010 at 11:00 am – ADAA – 2nd floor conference room

VIII.  Adjournment: Suzan Swanton thanked the members for the participation and the meeting was adjourned at 4:35