Name ______Date ____


Unfortunately, some compounds have many names, both common and chemical. However, there is a systematic method of naming practically all the compounds, which we will use. The names of only a few compounds, particularly acids, will not be included in this system.


Compounds containing only two elements are called binary compounds. To name a binary compound, first write the name of the first element. Then add the name of the second element. The name of the second element must be modified to end in “ide.” For example, the compound formed by aluminum and nitrogen, with the formula AlN, is named aluminum nitride.


Al2S3 Aluminum sulfide

CaBr2 Calcium bromide

H2O Hydrogen oxide (water)

H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide

H2Se Hydrogen selenide

NaCl Sodium Chloride (salt)


There are many compounds that have been named by an older system in which prefixes indicate the number of atoms present. These are used when molecules are involved (two nonmetals together in a compound.)

Prefix Name / No. of Atoms / Prefix Name / No. of Atoms
Mono / 1 / Hexa / 6
Di / 2 / Hepta / 7
Tri / 3 / Octa / 8
Tetra / 4 / Nona / 9
Penta / 5 / Deca / 10


CS2 Carbon disulfide SF2 Sulfur difluoride

CO Carbon monoxide SF4 Sulfur tetrafluoride

PBr5 Phosphorus pentabromide SO3 Sulfur trioxide


For naming compounds containing more than two elements, other rules apply. Some groups of elements have been given special names

C2H3O2-1 Acetate ClO3-1 Hypoclorite

ClO3-1 Chlorate IO3-1 Iodate

CN-1 Cyanide NO3-1 Nitrate

OH-1 Hydroxide NO2-1 Nitrite


KClO3 Potassium Chlorate

NaOH Sodium hydroxide

AlSO4 Alunimum Sulfate


Acids always start with the hydrogen element.


Formula / Name / Anion / Anion Name
HF / Hydroflouric acid / F- / Fluoride ion
HCl / Hydrochloric acid / Cl- / Chloride ion
HBr / Hydrobromic acid / Br- / Bromide ion
H2S / Hydrosulfuric acid / S-2 / Sulfide ion


Formula / Name / Anion / Anion Name
HClO4 / Perchloric Acid / ClO4-1 / Perchlorate
HClO3 / Chloric Acid / ClO3-1 / Chlorate
HClO2 / Chlorous Acid / ClO2-1 / Chlorite
HClO / Hypochlorous Acid / ClO-1 / Hypochlorite
HNO3 / Nitric Acid / NO3-1 / Nitrate
HNO2 / Nitrous Acid / NO2-1 / Nitrite
H2SO4 / Sulfuric Acid / SO4-2 / Sulfate
H2SO3 / Sulfurous Acid / SO3-1 / Sulfite
HC2H3O2 / Acetic Acid / C2H3O2-1 / Acetate
H2CO3 / Carbonic Acid / CO3-2 / Carbonate
H3PO4 / Phosphoric Acid / PO4-3 / Phosphate
H2C2O4 / Oxalic Acid / C2O4-2 / Oxalate

General Rule: -ate polyatomic ions become –ic acids

-ite polyatomic ions become –ous acids


1.  Which symbol would be written first in the formula for the compound formed from each of the following pairs of element? Use the periodic table and circle the first element.

a. S and Cu f. Al and As

b. Bi and S g. N and Ga

c. N and Nb h. Li and Se

d. C and Mg I. Zr and H

e. Ta and Cl J. Cr and O

2.  Which symbol would be written first in the formula for the compound formed from each of the following pairs of element? Use the periodic table and circle the first element.

a. oxygen and copper e. sodium and chlorine

b. sulfur and potassium f. magnesium and bromine

c. lithium and fluorine g. iodine and barium

d. calcium and nitrogen h. sulfur and aluminum

3.  Name the following compounds:

a. Na2S______f. H2S______

b. Li2O______g. HCl______

c. MgBr2______h. AlN______

d. Cl2O______i. CaF2 ______

e. NO______j. KI______

4. Name the following compounds:

a. Mg(OH)2______i. CaO2______

b. KCN______j. NaN3______

c. NaOH______k. CaF2______

d. Zn(CN)2______l. KH ______

e. N2O5______m. Al2O3______

f. RbCl______n. NO3______

g. SO3______o. ZnO______

h. CaSe______p. I2O8______

5.  Write formulas for the following compounds:

a. lithium fluoride______n. potassium perchlorate______

b. lithium chloride______o. aluminumsulfate______

c. sodium fluoride______p. sodium hypochlorite______

d. ammonium sulfide______q. barium phosphate______

e. magnesium bromide______r. ammonium carbonate______

f. calcium chloride______s. magnesium sulfite______

g. sodium hydroxide______t. lithium nitrite______

h. barium chloride______u. sodium chlorite______

i. barium cyanide______v. ammonium dichromate______

j. ammonium cyanide______w. sodium nitrite______

k. potassium oxide______x. potassium phosphate______

l. calcium sulfate______y. silver carbonate______

m. sodium nitrate______z. sodium bromate______

Write the names for the following formulas:

6. a. NaC2H3O2______k. BeSO4______

b. K3C6H5O7______l. K3AsO3______

c. BaC2O4______m. Na2CO3______

d. Ag4SiO4______n. Mg2Fe(CN)6______

e. Mg(H2PO4)2______o. Mg(SCN)2______

f. Al2(S2O3)3______p. Al(HCO3)3______

g. Zn3(AsO4)2______q. NaHC4H4O6______

h. Fr2O2______r. RbCN______

i. CaB4O7______s. Cs3PO4______

j. CdSiO3______t. Cd(BrO3)2______

Naming Transition Elements with Multiple Charges

When naming metals that are transition elements a roman numeral needs to be used. The Roman numeral will signify the metals charge and is placed in parenthesis after the metal name.


Number / Roman Numeral / Number / Roman Numeral
1 / I / 6 / VI
2 / II / 7 / VII
3 / III / 8 / VIII
4 / IV / 9 / IX
5 / V / 10 / X

7. Name the following using the Roman numeral system.

a. TiCl2______k. TiCl3______

b. TiBr4______l. NiBr2______

c. CuCl______m. CuBr2______

d. PbI2______n. PbCl2______

e. SnCl4______o. CrF3______

f. Cu2O______p. CuO______

g. Cr2O3______q. SnO______

h. Mn2O3______r. TiO______

i. TiO2______s. Fe2O3______

j. PbO______t. Mn2O3______

8. Write formulas for the following compounds:

a. manganese(III) chloride______n. titanium(IV)fluoride______

b. iron(III)bromide______o. nickel(II)fluoride______

c. chromium(III)bromide______p. manganese(IV)oxide______

d. tin(IV)oxide______q. lead(IV)oxide______
e. manganese(II) bromide______r. nickel(II) oxide______

f. tin(IV)chloride______s. mercury(II) oxide______

g. chromium(III) oxide______t. cobalt(III)oxide______

h. lead(II)fluoride______u. copper(II)chlorate______

i. manganese(III)sulfate______v. manganese(VII)oxide______

j. mercury(I) oxide______w. chromium(III)sulfate______

k. iron(II)chloride______x. mercury(I)phosphate______

l. copper(II)chloride______y. lead(II)nitrate______

m. tin(II)chloride______z. cobalt(II)perchlorate______

9. Write formulas for the following compounds:

a. sodium nitrite______s. barium sulfate______

b. sodium carbonate______t. iron(II) oxide______

c. sodium sulfate______u. iron(II)hydroxide______

d. carbon dioxide______v. diphosphorous pentoxide______

e. potassium nitrate______w. iron(II)sulfate______

f. potassium sulfite______x. iron(II)phosphate______

g. potassium phosphate______y. iron(III)bromide______

h. cadmium hydroxide______z. manganese(VII)peroxide______

i. cadmium carbonate______aa.strontium chloride______

j. sulfur tetraoxide______bb.strontium hydroxide______

k. cadmium phosphate______cc.strontium oxalate______

l. aluminum triiodide______dd.strontium tetraborate______

m. aluminum citrate______ee.strontium borate______

n. magnesium iodate______ff.iron(III)silicate______

o. magnesium bromate______gg.iron(II) arsenate______

p. barium manganate______hh.mercury(I) amide______

q. magnesium carbonate______ii.mercury(II)nitrite______

r. barium nitrite______kk.potassium hypochlorite______

10. Write the formula for the following acids and bases.

a. sulfuric acid______f. sodium hydroxide______

b. phosphorous acid______g. acetic acid______

c. magnesium hydroxide______h. hydrofluoric acid______

d. hydroiodic acid______i. copper(I) hydroxide______

e. chlorous acid______j. nitric acid______

11. Write the names for the following compounds:

a. Mg(NO2)2______m. Al2(SO4)3______

b. MgSO3______n. AlPO4______

c. Mg3(PO4)2______o. FeBr2______

d. Ba(NO2)2______p. Fe(NO3)2______

e. BaSO3______r. FeSO3______

f. BaCO3______s. FeS______

g. Ba3(PO4)2______t. FeCl3______

h. SrBr2______u. Fe(NO3)3______

i. SrCO3______v. Fe2S3______

j. SrSO4______w. HgCl2______

k. Sr3(PO4)2______x. Hg(NO3)2______

l. Sr(NO3)2______y. HgSO4______

12. Write the formulas for the following compounds:

a. sodium hydroxide______i. lead(II) acetate______

b. mercury(II) sulfate______j. manganese(IV)oxide______

c. calcium hypochlorite______k. manganese(II)phosphate______

d. lead(II)phosphate______l. silver oxide______

e. aluminum chlorate______m. zinc nitrate______

f. ammonium sulfide______n. chromium(II)sulfite______

g. copper(I) carbonate______o. ammonium dichromate______

h. mercury(I)sulfide______p. iron(II)oxide______