Chris Hansen

Chris Hansen Consultants Ltd
P O Box 54-184
Mana, Wellington 5247

Ref: DCM Design_2017-002_Mansell_Billboard Memo_1

29 September 2017

billboard proposal adjacent to sh1, otaihanga
landscape and visual impact memorandum

Dear Chris

The following memorandum is a brief assessment of the proposal to construct a billboard for Coastlands Mall at 189 Otaihanga Road, Kapiti. The proposed sign is:

·  approximately 4900mm x 2900mm – the total area is approximately 14.21m²);

·  The height of the sign will be approximately 3900mm (2900mm x 1000mm).

I have read the application report that you prepared dated August 2017 and agree with its findings. I am very familiar with the receiving environment having been on site as well as regularly travelling up and down the state highway for work.

In terms of landscape values and amenity, the proposal is located in a rural area which has been heavily modified with the creation of the expressway, installation of traffic related signage, and its associated earthworks. The underlying dune landforms are still present on the properties adjoining the state highway which provide a degree of amenity and character to the receiving environment. I consider it is the landform which provides the area with its landscape value as the vegetation cover is largely limited to pasture grass and exotic plantation species. The proposal will not result in any earthworks and the siting of the sign is below the crest of the hill which is considered a positive aspect.

The proposed sign will be visible to motorists travelling south but will be viewed against the crest of the adjacent hill and will not form part of the skyline from any viewpoint. Billboard signs are common adjacent to state highways throughout New Zealand, with a preference for fewer, larger signs than numerous small signs which can result in visual clutter. I also note that the sign promotes a number of retail outlets as opposed to a single retailer. This is preferable to say, Burger King, McDonalds and subway all installing independent signs. An important aspect is that the sign is not clearly visible from any dwellings. It will be visible to residents who live in the rural residential dwellings who share the accessway to Otaihanga Road as they leave the property but the effects are considered Less than minor given the baseline character of the highway corridor, and the short duration for which the sign will be visible.

While this is a brief assessment, I do not have any concerns from a landscape or visual perspective and am happy to provide additional information if required. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any clarification.

Yours sincerely

David Compton-Moen

Urban Designer / Landscape Architect