Bibliography Guide
Book by One Author:
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher,
Year of Publication.
Gentry, Tony. Alice Walker. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1993.
Book by Two or Three Authors:
Last Name, First Name (of author listed first), and First and Last Name of author
Listed second and/or third). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of
Coffman, Ramon P., and Nathan G. Goodman. Famous Authors for Young People.
New York: Dodd, Mead, & Co., 1943.
Magazine or Newspaper Article:
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Magazine. Date of
Publication: page numbers.
Swift, E.M. “Breaking Point.” Sports Illustrated. August 12, 1998: 112-114.
Encyclopedia Article:
Author’s Last Name, First Name (if given). “Title of Article.” Name of
Encyclopedia. Ed. year. page(s). (*Start with title of article, if no author.)
Hitchcock, Bert. “O. Henry.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1995 ed. p. 189.
Online Encyclopedia:
Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Reference Work. Online. Title of the Database
or Online Service. Date of access.
Cook, Sarah Gibbard. “Berlin, Germany.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia.
Online. Grolier Incorporated. August 27, 2004.
ProQuest Article:
Author. “Article Title.” Periodical Title. Date of print publication (if available).
Edition (if any): pages. Database Name (if any). Online. Date of access.
Miller, Larry. “Setting up a Home Office.” New York Times. August 16, 2002.
ProQuest Direct. Online. December 7, 2003.
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Page.” Complete Name of Site. [Online]
Available: Complete URL ( (Date you visited the site).
Dunn, Michael Declan. “Concentration Camps.” Cybrary of the Holocaust.
[Online] Available: (May 3, 1999).
Bibliography Sample
“Alice Walker.” UXL Biographies. DOS Version 1.0. CD-ROM. Cogenics
Corporation, 1996.
Coffman, Ramon P., and Nathan G. Goodman. Famous Authors for Young People.
New York: Dodd, Mead, & Co., 1943.
“Edgar Allen Poe.” Illustrated Biographical Dictionary. 1994 ed. p. 400.
Gentry, Tony. Alice Walker. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1993.
Hitchcock, Bert. “O. Henry.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1995 ed. p. 189.
Smith, John, et al. American Authors and You. Uniondale, NY: ABC Publishers,
NOTE: The bibliography is always the last page of your report. The sources you
used when you researched and took notes are all listed alphabetically by the
first letter of the author’s last name, or by the title (whichever is listed first).
Remember to indent the second line of each entry if you run out of room on
the first line.