Grant Proposal on
(Title of the Project)
Bhutan Trust for Environmental Conservation
Submitted by
(Name of the agency)
Section I: Project information
Project TitleSubmitted by
Fund request from BTFEC – Nu.
Fund as Co-finance (if any) – Nu. / In cash or in kind (convert “in kind” into monetary value)
Co-financed by
Total cost of the project
(BTFEC + Co-finance) – Nu.
Project Period / Specify start and end date
Proponent details / Institution/Agency:
Project Manager:
- Name:
- Telephone/Mobile number:
- Email address:
Section II:
- Relevance to the Guiding Field Programs of BTFEC’s Royal Charter (tick relevant program/s)
Training of professionals in ecology, natural resources management, forestry and environment
Assessment of biological resources and development of ecological information base
Development of management plans for protected areas/protected area conservation/biodiversity conservation
Public awareness and environmental education
Institutional support to related sectors/agencies
Integrated conservation and development
- Relevance to BTFEC thematic outcomes (tick relevant outcome/s)
Outcome I / Enhanced Sustainable Forest Management and livelihoods through community participation
Outcome II / Reduced Human-wildlife conflicts, thereby contributing to food security and its sustainability for enhancing livelihoods
Outcome III / Reduced waste and its implications through Integrated Waste Management system (IWMS)
Outcome IV / Conserved and promoted biodiversity
Outcome V / Increased community capacity in the conservation of natural environment
Outcome VI / Enhanced conservation impacts through collaborations
Section III: Proposal plan
- Executive Summary
- Rationale of the Project
- Introduction
Contribution to national plans and priorities.
- Problem Statement
What caused these issues
How have these issues impacted or would impact the local environment and human livelihoods
- Project Plan
Project outcome: Short or long term change the project would bring.
Project output: Those results which are achieved immediately after implementing an activity or number of activities and that are visible and tangible.
Project activity: Interventions to achieve the outputs.
- Project Beneficiary/ies
Explain on how the project caters to the needs of women, men, girls and boys.
- Project implementation capacity
Describe the availability of human resources that are needed to implement the proposed grant activities. Any shortfall has to be pointed out and remedial measures to deal with the shortfall have to be suggested.
Explain the administrative set up that would support and facilitate in the smooth implementation of the project activities. Any shortfall has to be pointed out and remedial measures to deal with the shortfall have to be suggested.
BTFEC will consider financing the overhead cost of up to 10% of the total project cost. The need for the administrative cost will be stringently reviewed before its consideration.
5.2 Financial management
Describe the financial management capacity and the responsibilities (accounting, financial reporting and auditing arrangements) that will be put in place to guarantee oversight of the grant funds. Any shortfall has to be pointed out and remedial measures to deal with the shortfall have to be suggested.
5.3 Implementation arrangements
Describe the arrangements for implementation, especially if the grant is part of a larger project. If it involves co-ordination among multiple agencies or institutions, indicate who will be responsible for overall coordination and how this will work.
5.4 Past experience
Mention the past experiences in implementing projects and explain how such experiences will help you manage project implementation.
5.5 Monitoring & Evaluation
Explain the M&E capacity of the proponent and the institutional arrangements for M&E
5.6 Project closure
Explain how the proponent shall close the project in a systematic manner. The project closure should have clear indications of the positive results considering the technical, financial, economic, environmental & Social, gender and legal aspects.
- Sustainability of the Project
- For joint funding proposal
Explain how BTFEC’s grant would contribute to the overall achievement of the project/program
How BTFEC’s grant would be utilized
Note: This portion applies for joint funding proposal only
Section IV: Results Framework
Goal: What the project ultimately aims to achieve through project interventions, aligning to national goalsNote: A project should not have more than two thematic outcomes. Preferably one thematic outcome for a project would be recommended. Number of outputs for a project can vary based on the need of the project. Please refer RFP.
Outcome 1: One of the thematic outcomes of BTFEC as in RFP.
Objectively Verifiable output Indicators / Means of Verification / Implementation Agency and location / Programme Risk
Output 1.1
Activity 1.1.1:
Activity 1.1.2:
Activity 1.1.3:
Output 1.2
Activity 1.2.1
Activity 1.2.2:
Outcome 2: One of the thematic outcomes of BTFEC as in RFP.
Output 2.1
Activity 2.1.1:
Activity 2.1.2:
Section V:
- Work Plan and Budget
Thematic outcome
(As in the Results Framework) / Output
(As in the Results Framework) / Activity
(As in the Results Framework) / Work Plan / Budget in Nu.
Year I / Year II / Year III
Semi Annual I (Nu) / Semi Annual II (Nu) / Semi Annual I(Nu) / Semi Annual II(Nu) / Semi Annual I(Nu) / Semi Annual II (Nu)
Outcome 1 / Output 1.1 / Activity 1.1.1
Output 1.2 / Activity 1.2.1
Activity 1.2.2
Outcome 2 / Output 2.1 / Activity 2.1.1
Activity 2.1.2
Activity 2.1.3
NB: Detail budget breakdown of each activity should be provided as Annexure
- Project Target
Outcome 1: / (As in the Results Framework)
(As in the Results Framework) / Output Indicator / Target (Year 1) / Target (Year 2) / Target (Year 3)
Semi-Annual I / Semi-Annual II / Semi-Annual I / Semi-Annual II / Semi-Annual I / Semi-Annual II
Output 1.1
Output 1.2
Outcome 2: / (As in the Results Framework)
Output 2.1
Section VI: Safeguards and Risk mitigation measures
A. Safeguards.
Social and Environmental Checklist Questions / Answer (Yes/No/Not Applicable)
1. Environment and Social Safeguards
1.1. Is the project likely to pose threats to forest and natural habitats?
1.2. Would the project have negative effect on the conservation of biological diversity?
1.3. Would the project result in the generation of waste that cannot be recovered, reused or disposed of in an environmentally and socially sound manner?
1.4. Would the project have potential threats to land and soil degradation?
1.5. Does the project have negative effect on physical and cultural resources/Heritages?
1.6. Would the project have environmental and social impacts that could affect indigenous people or vulnerable groups?
1.7. Would the project activities result in involuntary resettlement?
1.8. Would the project activities result in potential risk to the public health ?
1.9. Would the project consider adequate measures to consider Human rights principles.
1.10. Would the project activities have adverse effect on the poverty alleviation?
1.11. Is the project likely to directly or indirectly increase social inequalities?
1.12. Would the project pose a risk of introducing invasive species?
1.13. Would the project involve the application of pesticides which will have negative effect on the environment and human health?
2. Gender Safeguards
2.1. Is the project likely to significantly impact gender equality and women’s empowerment?
2.2. Is the proposed project likely to have impacts that could affect women’s and men’s ability to use, develop and protect natural resources?
3. Climate Change Safeguards
3.1. Would the project result in significant greenhouse gas emission?
3.2. Is the project likely to directly or indirectly increase environmental and climate vulnerability?
4. Fraud and Corruption Safeguards
4.1. Does the project have measures to prevent mismanagement of financial resources?
4.2. Does the project have proper Procurement system in place?
4.3. Does the project have commitment from the top management in terms of efficient and transparent Governance and Operational system?
4.4. Would the project facilitate equal opportunity and accessibility in all aspects (project implementation, benefits, participation, etc.).
5. Legal Safeguards
5.1. Do all the proposed outputs and activities fulfill legal and regulatory requirements?
6. Economics Safeguards
6.1. Do all the proposed activities result in outputs with efficient utilization of resources?
7. Disaster Management Safeguards
7.1. In the event of disasters, would the project management be able to manage the disaster?
8.Transboundary Safeguards
8.1. Would the project pose potential transboundary threats?
B. Risk Mitigation Measures
(Note: From the above safeguards checklist, the potentials risks identified should require its mitigation measures in place. Use the Matrix given below to assess the severity of the risks and draw mitigation measures)
Project Output/activity / Environmental and Social Principles / Description of Risks/Impacts / Severity / Safeguards/Mitigation Measure / ResponsibleL / M / H
Compliance to legal and regulatory requirements
Protection of Forests and Natural Habitats
Conservation of Biological Diversity
Pollution Prevention
Resource Efficiency
Lands and Soil Conservation
Physical and Cultural Resources/Heritage
Indigenous Peoples
Involuntary Resettlement
Public Health
Access and Equity
Marginalized and Vulnerable Groups
Human Rights
Poverty alleviation
Disaster Management capability
Pests and disease management
Trans boundary issues
Climate Change
Gender Equity
Gender inclusiveness
Women’s Empowerment
Fraud and Corruption
Financial risk
Procurement risk
Governance and operational risk
Access and equity
Others (which are not covered above)
Institutional capacity