ADDRESS: Shakarpur, Delhi – 110 092
Government of NationalCapitalTerritory Of Delhi
Sealed tenders are invited from Private Security agencies being run by the Ex-servicemen/Ex-Para Military Forces personnel for providing security services in the Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Geeta Colony, Delhi.
Prescribed tender form can be obtained from the office of the Principal, AIT from 16.04.08 to 12.05.08 between 10.00 AM and 2.00 PM on any working day on payment of Rs.500/- only. Duly completed tender form along with required documents should reach the Office of the Principal, AIT latest by 5.00 PM on 12.05.08. The tender shall be opened in the room of Principal, AIT on 14.05.08 at 11.00 AM by the Tender Committee in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representatives.
There shall be no post-tender negotiations except in case of negotiations with lowest tender.
The Principal, AIT reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
Administrative Officer, AIT
Government of NationalCapitalTerritory Of Delhi
Shakarpur, Delhi – 110 092
No. F. Dated:
M/s ______
Sub: Tender for engagementof Private Security agencies being run by the Ex-servicemen/Ex-Para Military Forces personnel for providing security services in the Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Geeta Colony, Delhi.
Sealed quotations are hereby invited for the annual contract for providing security services in the Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Geeta Colony, Delhi. The general instructions are as under:-
1. Sealed Tender in prescribed form (Annexure-I) duly filled-in must be submitted to the Office of the Principal, AIT latest by12.05.08upto 5.00 PMsharp.
2. The tender will be opened on 14.05.2008at 11.00 AM in the Office of the Principal, AITby a Tender Opening Committee constituted for this purpose in the presence of tenderers who are present.
3. The tender form should be clearly filled in ink legibly or typed. The tenderer should quote the number, rates and amount tendered by him/them in figures and as well as in words. Alterations unless legible attested by the Tenderer, shall disqualify the tender. The tender form should be signed by the Tenderer himself. The forwarding letter should be signed along with quotations. Attested copies of the Registration Number of the Firm, Ex-servicemen/Ex-Para Military Forces personnel, Licence No. under Contract Labour Act, Provident Fund Account No. allotted by the Provident Fund Commissioner, ESI No., PAN No. allotted by the Income Tax Department and/or copy of the last Income Tax Clearance Certificate, Satisfactory Performance Certificate issued by the concerned agency(s)/organizations where such type of works/jobs have been performed by thecontractor earlier,shall also be enclosed. The rate should be inclusive of and in accordance with the provisions of Minimum Wages Act, Contract Labour Act and other statutory provisions like Provident Fund Act, ESI, Bonus, Gratuity, Leave, and Uniform Allowance etc.
4. Every paper of the tender should be signed by the Tenderer with seal of Agency/Firm.
5. The following information should be indicated on the Envelope.
a) Closing date of tender ______
b) Tender for Security Services ______
c) Name of the Firm ______
d) No. of NIT ______
e) Forwarding letter should clearly indicate the list of enclosures.
6. The tenderer should take care that the number, rate and amount should be written in such a way that interpolation is not possible. No blanks should be left which would be otherwise make the tender liable for rejection.
7. The security agencies registered and sponsored by DGR are exempted to deposit Contract Performance Guarantee (CPG) or Blank Guarantee. Security deposit/CPG should not exceed 5% of the one month wage bill. The security deposit/CPG is to be deducted from the agency monthly services charges in installments not exceeding 1% of the total amount. No interest shall be paid by the department on the security deposit/CPG.
8. The Private Security agencies being run by the Ex-servicemen/Ex-Para Military Forces personnelfor undertaking the job of security will have to deposit earnest money (Rs. 10,000/- or 5% of the tender amount whichever is more) and security deposit (subject to a minimum of 5% and maximum of 10% of the amount of contract in each case, be decided by the administrator/HOD, according to circumstances of the case as per provision of GFR).
9. The department will deduct Income Tax at source under section 194-C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 from the contractor @ 2% of such sum as income tax on the income comprised therein.
10. Terms and Conditions given in Annexure III & IV are also be abide by the Tenderer
11. In the event of any breach/violation or contravention of any terms and conditions contained herein by the contractor, the said security deposit shall be forfeited by the department.
12. The department reserves the right to cancel/reject full or any part of the tender which tenderer do not fulfill the condition stipulated in the matter.
13. Tenderer submitting a tender would be presumed to have considered and accepted all the terms and conditions. No inquiry, verbal or written, shall be entertained in respect of acceptance/rejection of the tender.
14. Any Act on the part of the tenderer to influence any body in the Department is liable for rejection of his tender.
15. The Tenderer will have to give detailed Action Plan as per performa enclosed in Annexure-II for providing security arrangements in the specified complex. The department will, thereafter, evaluate the tenders and accept the tender which is found suitable at lowest and reasonable rate/cost.
16. The above requirement can be increased or decreased on any later stage depending upon the actual requirement with a due notice of 3 days.
17. The contractor shall provide a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 50/- for preparing a Contract Agreement.
18. That the contractor shall comply with all the legal requirements for obtaining licence under Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970.
19. The tenderer shall abide by the provision of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 Labour Laws and relevant Lawapplicable to him.
20. Every worker so appointed by the contractor shall wear the prescribed uniform according to season i.e. summer uniform in summer and winter uniform in winter season and a badge bearing his name and designation, while on duty. The said uniform and badge shall be provided by the contractor at his own cost.
21. The Contractor shall deploy at least 75% of the staff fro amongst the categories of Ex-Serviceman/Ex-Para Military Forces Personnel upto age of the 60 years for the purpose of this contract.
22. That the agency staff shall be available all the time as per their duty roaster and they shall not leave their place of duty without prior permission.
23. That the agency shall be responsible to provide immediate replacement to take place of any Security Personnel, who is not available for duty at the place of posting and such other additional staff as may be required for additional area for which prior information have been given.
24. That the agency staff shall work under overall supervision and direction of this Department’s Administration.
25. That the agency shall also be responsible to provide all the benefits viz. P.F., ESI, Bonus, Gratuity, Leave etc. to eligible security staff engaged by the Contractor.
26. `The contractor shall have to produce documentary proof i.e. Ration Card/Telephone Bill/Electricity Bill Income Tax Certificate, if he is an assessee under Income Tax Department in support of his identity.
27. Quotation must be unconditional
28. The Department shall have the right to ask for the removal of any person of the agency, who is not found to be competent and orderly in the discharge of his duties.
29. The Agency Staff shall carry out such other duties in the event of fire or any other natural calamities.
30. The Agency shall not engage any Sub-contractor or transfer the contract to any other person in any manner.
31. Tenders not conforming to these requirements will be rejected and no correspondence thereof shall be entertained what so ever.
32. Performance Evaluation:-
a) The quality assurance of the Security Services should be ensured regularly (Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly depending upon the discretion of the Department) on the basis of the periodical reports furnished by the Contractor.
b) The Contractor and all his staff deployed for security work will work under the Supervision of the Principal Employer.
c) Appropriate records in reference to above shall be maintained by the Contractor at his own cost.
33. That the Contractor shall have to provide any additional Personnel for allocating any additional duty arising out as per the circumstances directed by the Principal Employer or any officer authorized by him in addition to those duties/personnel covered in this contract with the same amount of the contract.
34. In case of any dispute or difference, the award of the Arbitrator appointed by the Lt. Governor of GNCT of Delhi will be final and binding on the parties to the contract and the court at Delhi/New Delhi shall only have the jurisdiction over the same.
35.The antecedents of the staff deployed by the security agency sponsored by DG(R) or Private Security Agency run by Ex-servicemen/Ex-Para Military Forces personnel will be got verified by the Delhi Police.
Signature of the Pr. Employer
Affix duly attested passport size photograph of the tenderer1 .Cost of tender Rs.500/-
2. Due date for tender ______
3. Opening time & date of tender ______
4. Names, address of Firm/Agency and ______
Telephone Number ______
5. Registration number of the Firm/Agency ______
6. Name, Designation, Address and ______
Telephone No. of authorized person of ______
Firm/Agency to deal with ______
7. Please specify as to whether tenderer is sole Proprietor/partnership Firm – Name, address and Telephone No. of Director/partners should be specified.
- ______b.______
c. ______d.______
8. PAN No. of Income Tax Department
OR Income Tax clearance certificate ______
9. Provident Fund Account No. ______
10. ESI Number ______
11. Licence No. under Contract Labour (R&A) Act. ______
11A. Ex-serviceman/Ex-Para Military forces
Personnel employee No. of Contractor ______
12. Details of earnest money deposited
a. Amount Rs. ______(Rs. in words)______
b. Bank Draft/Pay Order/FDR No. duly ______
pledged to the President of India
c. Date of issue of BD/PO/FDR ______
d. Name of the issuing authority ______
13.No. of Security personnel proposed by Category: Numbers in
Security Agency as per Action Plan and Words Figures
pointwise-shiftwise detailed deployment Security Supervisor:
may be given in Annexure-II Security Gunman:
Security Guard:
14. Proposed wages/rates Category: Numbers in
Figures Words
Security Supervisor: Rs. Rs.
Security Gunman: Rs. Rs.
Security Guard: Rs. Rs.
15.Details of experience with regard to security services (with full details of the Agency(s) to whom such contracts awarded). Copies of the satisfactory reports should be attached. In case number of agencies are much then separate sheet may be used for indicating experience etc.
16. Any other information
17. Declaration by the Contractor:-
This is to certify that I/We before signing this tender have read and fully understood all the
terms and conditions contained herein and undertake myself/ourselves abide by them.
(Signature of Tenderer)
Phone (O):
Category of Staff: Security Supervisor/Guard/Gunman
S.No.Point of Deployment Proposed deployment Shift-wise
Signature of the Tenderer with Stamp
Please check whether the attested copies of the following documents have been attached or not.
1. Registration No. of the Firm/Agency Yes/No
2. PAN No. and Income Tax Clearance Certificate Yes/No
3. Provident Fund Account No. issued by the Competent Authority Yes/No
4. ESI Registration No. issued by the Competent Authority Yes/No
5. Contract License issued by the Labour Commissioner under
Contract Labour (R.E.A.) Act Yes/No
6. Bank Draft/Pay Order/FDR of earnest money attached or not (if applicable) Yes/No
7. Proposed Action Plan (Annexure-II) shift-wise/point-wise for deployment of
Security Staff Yes/No
8. Detail of experience certificate with regard to security work alongwith the
satisfactory report issued by the agencies where such work was undertaken
earlier Yes/No
9. Proof of Contractor and 75% of security guards proposed to be deployed,
being as Ex-Servicemen/Ex-Paramilitary Forces personnel.Yes/No
The Principal Employer reserves the right to cancel the contract agreement or to withhold the payment in the event of non-commencement or unsatisfactory performance of the work contract. In such eventuality Principal Employer further reserves the right to get the work done from open market or through some other agencies. Contractor will be black listed in the department for a period of 4 years from participating in such type of tender & his earnest money/security deposit may also be forfeited if so warranted.
2.Any person who is in Government Service or an employee of the department should not be made a partner to the contract by the contractor directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever.
3. In every case in which by virtue of the provisions of the Workman’s Compensation Act, the Government of India/Government of Delhi if obliged to pay compensation to such person employed by the contractor in execution of the work; the Government will be entitled to recover from the contractor the amount of compensation so paid.
4.The contractor shall indemnify the Department against all other damages/charges and expenses for which the Government may be held liable or pay on account of the negligence of the contractor or his servants or any person under his control whether in respect of accident, injury to the person or damages to the property of any member of the public or any person or in executing the work or otherwise and against all claims and demands thereof.
5.The contract is awarded for a period from ______to ______and after the expiry of the said period of contract, the period of contract may be extended on mutual consent on the same rates and terms and conditions at the discretion of the Principal Employer or at the terms settled mutually in writing.
The Principal Employer reserves the right to terminate the contract without assigning any reason by giving to the contractor on calendar months notice of its intention to do so and on the expiry of the said period of notice, the contract shall come to an end without prejudice for any right of remedy that may be accused to other party by reason of any incident which of any terms thereof such notice may be signed on behalf of President of India by any of the officers.
7.If any information furnished by contractor is found to be incorrect at any time, the contract is liable to be terminated without any notice and the security deposit is liable to be forfeited by the Principal Employer.
8.In case the contractor fails to commence/execute the work as stipulated in the agreement or there is a breach of any terms and conditions of the contract, Principal Employer reserves the right to impose the penalty as detailed below:-
a. 20% of cost of order/agreement per week, upto 4 weeks delay.
b.After 4 weeks delay Principal Employer reserve the right to cancel the contract and withhold the agreement and get this job carried out through from other contractor(s) registered with D.G. (Resettlement) and then from open market or with other agencies like CISF/Delhi Police/DG® sponsored security agencies empanelled with them. The defaulting contractor will be blacklisted as per clause stated in (I) above and difference if any, will be recovered from the contractor.
c.The security deposited by the contractor shall be forfeited.
Note: Attention is invited to relevant paras in this regard to the penalty for the unsatisfactory work and delay in completion of work within the scheduled time. The penalty clauses will be strictly imposed for unsatisfactory work or failure to complete the work within scheduled time.
9.The individual signing the quotation form or any document forming part of the contract on behalf of another or on behalf of a firm shall be responsible to produce a proper power of attorney duly executed in his favour stating that he has authority to bind other such person of the firms as the case may be in all matters pertaining to the contract including the arbitration clauses. If subsequently the person so signing fails to provide the said power of attorney within a reasonable time the Government may, without prejudice to other civil and criminal remedies cancel the contract and hold the signatory liable to all costs and damages. In case of registered or unregistered Partnership Firm, all the partners should sign the quotations. In case any person signing the agreement on behalf of limited Company or firm, he will produce letter of authority/resolution passed by the company empowering him to sign the agreement on behalf of the company or firm.
10.The contractor has to maintain all the relevant records, registers and documents as required by the Labour Department, Regional Provident Fund Commission and Employees State Insurance Corporation or other local bodies as per the existing rules or as amended from time to time.
11.In case of any violation of statutory provision under labour laws/or otherwise on behalf of the contractor there will not be any liability on Principal Employer.
12.In the event of any dispute arising out in connection with the interpretation of any clause in the terms and condition of the contract, agreement, or otherwise the matter shall be referred to the Arbitrator as appointed by the Lt. Governor, Delhi. Courts at Delhi/New Delhi shall have jurisdiction in connection with any dispute/litigation arising out of this contract
1. The contractor shall seek instructions from Pr. Employer or any other officer authorized by him for the purpose, hereinafter referred to as Authorized Officer.
2. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the security/watch & ward services in the premises of the Department as laid down in the Agreement.
3. Besides the normal security, the other functions required to be performed are:-