Bevan Commission Academy

Bevan Advocates


1.About this document

This document aims to help those interested in becoming a Bevan Advocate to understand what being a Bevan Advocate is all about and how toapply. In summary:

Step 1 –read this document and decide if being an Bevan Advocate is for you

Step 2 –complete the form at Appendix 3 and submit to Sharon Jeynes, Cwm Taf University Health Board, Ynysmeurig House, Abercynon, CF45 4SN or before 30 September 2016

Step 3 –The Local Health Board or Trust will consider applications and decide who meets the criteriabest

Step 4 –You will be notified of the result of your application

2.Bevan Commission Advocates

The Bevan Commissionis an independent, authoritative, expert group established in 2008 to advise the Minister for Health and Social Services on taking forward health and health services improvement in Wales. The Bevan Advocates will support the Commission’s work by:i) making sure the voice of the people is heard and ii) are actively engaged in improving health across Wales.

Bevan Advocates are members of the public – Patients, Carers and Volunteers offering their unique perspective on services, health, wellbeing and illness. Creating conversations and wider engagement for change.

Bevan Advocates will influence and support the Commission in its work, offering insights in to the real ‘lived experience’ of healthcare and health services and feedback on the Commission’s thinking as it develops.

Bevan Advocateswill help influence the wider public through dialogue and discussion promoting wider conversations around prudent healthcare and the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015 with its focus on prevention, collaboration, involvement and thinking for the long term.Advocates willalso work with Local Health Boards, Exemplars andFellows to improve health outcomes providingthe public’s perspective on the practical application of the Prudent Healthcare Principles as follows.

Prudent Healthcare Principles:
  1. Achieve health and well being with the public, patients and professionals as equal partners through co-production.
  2. Care for those with the greatest health need first, making the most effective use of all skills and resources.
  3. Do only what is needed, no more, no less; and do no harm.
  4. Reduce inappropriate variation using evidence based practices consistently and transparently

Further information about the Bevan Commission and the Bevan Advocates is provided at Appendixes 1 and 2.

3.Criteria for Application


-are passionate about the NHS and want to take part in its improvement.

-experience NHS and other related services first hand as a Patient, Carer, or Volunteer.

-have good ideas about how the NHS can improve, consistent with Prudent Healthcare.

-are committed to working as an Advocate with the Bevan Commission and taking part in workshops, networks and other events.

-feel that you are able to communicate with others and have something to offer the NHS and your community.

4.As a Bevan Advocate, what is expected of me?

As a Bevan Advocate you will:

-use your passion and enthusiasm to help improve health and healthcare in Wales;

-use your personal experiences to provide views and feedback about Bevan Commission’s thinking, including those of your family, friends, colleagues and community;

-actively support change and more sustainable Prudent health services;

-commit to being an Advocate for 2 years;

-join the Bevan Academy network of Advocates and take part in events (2/3 times a year);

-influence and lead change byidentifying opportunities to work and engage with others;

-connect with people andcommunities to inform views and engage their support and passion;

-be able to communicate through e mail and engage with the Bevan Commission via email and telephone;

-present your experiencesatevents;

-help identify the difference you have madetowider thinking and practice, health service, and on wider health;

-work with the Bevan Commission to further develop the Advocates scheme.

5.What should I expect as a Bevan Advocate?

As a Bevan Advocate you should expect the Bevan Academy to:

-champion Prudent Healthcare through your stories, activities and participation in the scheme;

-work with you to develop your confidence, knowledge and skills;

-ask for your views on important and topical health issues;

-promote and publicise your activities widely.

As a Bevan Advocate you should expect your Local Health Board or Trust to:

-help you to participate in or lead service change;

-invite you to join local activities/interest groups;

-support travel expenses whilst taking part as Bevan Advocate.

6.Making an Application

To make an application fill in the form at Appendix 3and submit the form by email to local health board or trust before 30 September 2016.

Youshould discuss your application before submission with your local health board or trust.

Appendix 1

More about the Bevan Commission...

The Bevan Commissionis an independent, authoritative, expert group established in 2008 to advise the Minister for Health and Social Services on taking forward health and health services improvement in Wales.

The Commission helps to ensure that Wales can draw on best practice from across the world, while remaining true to the principles of the NHS as established by Aneurin Bevan. The Commission is not a formal part of the NHS in Wales and acts as an impartial and independent advisory group to the Minister for Health and Social Services and further afield, offering guidance and counsel on health and health related matters.

The Bevan Commission’s membership draws from a range of international and authoritative expertise, from Wales, the UK and Internationally.(see list at Appendix 2) This breadth and depth of experience and knowledge enables the Commission to provide reliable, relevant, and independent guidance to the Minister. The Commission has set out its thinking around a prudent approach to health based upon four Prudent Health Principles, reflecting the Commission’s core values and encourage fairness and equity, innovation, and evidence based medicine. The principles encourage individuals, both professionals and the public, to take personal responsibility and are empowered to maintain their personal health and well being.

The Bevan Commission Academy is leading the way to the future by encouraging innovation and testing new innovative approaches to designing and delivering health care. The Commission recognises that doing more of the same will only give us more of the same and believes that it is through being bold and challenging that we can move forwards to meet the challenges of the future.

Living by its own principles the Commission is seeking to engage with NHS staff and the people of Wales, so that the Commission can be ‘of the people as well as for the people’.

...and the Bevan Commission Academy

The Bevan Academy brings together the public, healthcare professionals, distinguished scholars and NHS staff to improvehealth and care in a dynamic learning and development environment. It will support inspirational leaders, innovative ideas, new ways of working and action research – learning through doing.

Where the Commission is about providing advice, guidance and counsel, the Academy is about translating this into practice and informing this through engagement, action learning, promotion and stimulation. In this sense the Academy is the executive to the Commission.

The Academy supports three cohorts of Bevan Innovators:

-Advocates – public, patients and patient organisations. Advocates will provide a voice for the public to contribute to Prudent Healthcare; allow for the Bevan Commission to engage public views, using key questions and topics of interest; and engage the public in supporting the delivery of Prudent Healthcare.

-Exemplars – NHS and other health organisation employees. Exemplars design, develop and deliver ideas that are aligned to Health Board needs and Prudent Healthcare to have a positive impact on patient outcomes; create a social movement for change across Wales by sharing approaches and inspiring others; and create a network to share ideas.

-Fellows – Fellows will bridge clinical services, academia and practical application; develop proposals that address and support local health needs and improve clinical practice and health outcomes; improve local recruitment; and create clinical academic networks.

Bevan Commissioners

Chair – Professor Sir Mansel Aylward CB

Bevan Commissioners
Nygaire Bevan
Professor Dame Carol Black DBE
Professor Bim Bhowmick OBE DL
Dr Tony Calland MBE
Sir Ian Carruthers OBE
Mary Cowern
Ruth Dineen
Dr Clare Gerada MBE
Professor Trevor Jones CBE
Lt General Louis Lillywhite CB, MBE, OStJ
Ann Lloyd CBE
Juliet Luporini
Professor Ewan Macdonald OBE
Professor Sir Michael Marmot
Chris Martin
Professor Andrew Morris
Professor Sir Anthony Newman Taylor CBE
Dr Helen Paterson
Professor Phillip Routledge OBE
Fran Targett OBE
Sir Paul Williams OBE CStJ DL
Professor John Wyn Owen CB / International Bevan Commissioners
Professor Donald Berwick (USA)
Professor Gregor Coster (New Zealand)
Dr David Bratt (New Zealand)
Special Advisors
Professor Marcus Longley
Professor Donna Mead OBE
Professor Marc Clement
Professor Ceri Phillips.

Appendix 2

The Bevan Academy Innovators – Advocates

The Bevan Commission is an independent, expert group established in 2008 to advise the Minister for Health and Social Services on taking forward health and health services improvement in Wales.

The Commission helps to ensure that Wales can draw on best practice from across the world while remaining true to the principles of the NHS as established by Aneurin Bevan. The Commission is not a formal part of the NHS in Wales and acts as an impartial and independent advisory group to the Minister for Health and Social Services, offering guidance and counsel on health and health related matters.

The Bevan Commission members draw on decades of experience in leading change and in delivering better health and health service improvement in Wales. This breadth and depth of experience and knowledge supports the Commission to provide reliable, relevant and authoritative guidance to the Minister.

The Bevan Academy is a national innovation and leadership hub, working with local innovation hubs, encouraging and motivating collaboration across NHS Wales, across different fields of expertise, different organisations, universities and centres of excellence, nationally and internationally. The Academy aims to help inform the thinking of the Commission and help translate this into practice at pace and scale.

The Bevan Academy has formed the Bevan Innovators, a cohort of people who will support the Commission in promoting Prudent Healthcare and developing and delivering innovative change within healthcare, and stimulate a social movement for change within health. The Bevan Innovators are made up of Exemplars (NHS staff), Fellows (Health Professionals in Training and Advocates (Patients, Carers and Volunteers).

Advocates and the Bevan Commission

Bevan Advocates are members of the public – Patients, Carers and Volunteersoffering their unique perspective on services, health, wellbeing and illness to kick start a social movement and social engagement for change.

Advocates will influence and support the Commission in its work. In response to requests from the Commission Advocates will offer insights in to the real ‘lived experience’ of healthcare and health services and offer feedback on the Commission’s thinking as it develops. This insight will inform and complement the Commission’s thinking when preparing reports and ultimately when providing advice, guidance and counsel to the minister. Advocates will also have an important role in supporting the delivery of Prudent Healthcare and the Well-being of Future Generations Act in practice, identifying better solutions and helping to drive them forward together. They will be key in informing and influencing others of the need for more prudent solutions and engaging their support as part of a wider social movement for change.

Public involvement is important to making prudent healthcare happen. The NHS in Wales is free at the point of need but it is not free of responsibility – we all have a responsibility to look after our own health and well-being, supported by the health service, statutory public services and voluntary services. Prudent healthcare is about what we can do as individuals to look after our health and well-being andothers in our communities. It is also about being involved in making decisions that best suits individual needs and being involved in designing public services to respond to the impact of ill health and prevent illness occurring. Advocates will help drive and promote the Prudent Health and care.

Advocates will offer an additional connection between the Commission and health boards.

Advocates and the Bevan Commission Academy

If we continue to work in the same way, we will continue to get the same results.

The Advocates will offer a new perspective and direction to health service delivery. Working within the Bevan Commission Academy and their Local Health Boards Advocates they will help inform and support change and more sustainable and prudent services.

Advocates will: drive new ways of thinking and new ‘prudent’ ideas; identify collaborative development opportunities locally; and connect with their Communities to ensure that the Nation’s skills, passion and resourcesareeffectively used to best effect.

The Advocates will work with the other Bevan Academy Innovators – the Exemplars and Fellows – to stimulate and drive service change, framed around individual and drawing on the assets available within the community. Effectively establishing professionals and public as equal partners; re-calibrating the relationship between the citizen and the state. In particular, Advocates will spearhead and develop the Prudent (collaborative/co-produced) approach to service delivery.

The Bevan Academy will support the Advocates by stimulating and maintaining a Practice Network of Advocates to developrelationships between Advocates and support Advocates to self-organise around shared interests, to adapt to emerging priorities with freedom to determine actions within agreed boundaries, to motivate Advocates to develop consensus and shared goals, to offer intellectual stimulation and to generate new ideas, and share knowledge and experience.

The Academy will facilitate and broker support when it’s needed, help Advocates to grow in influence and confidence, and to gain the knowledge and skills needed to drive change within health.

Bevan Advocates will take an active and leading role in the work of the Bevan Academy’s Innovation Hubs, working in collaboration with health care professionals, public and statutory services and volunteer groups to create a new service for the future. Advocates will help to define the vision of future services and take responsibility for their part in delivering it, working alongside public service providers to redefine health service delivery.

Advocates will need to be supported by their local health board. An Executive Sponsor will be identified to work with the Advocates and to support them to work with the health board to improve services, to influence appropriately and to gain access to people, support and resources within the health board. Bevan Advocates should be an Asset to the local health board, helping the health board to get things done by offering their unique perspective on health and health services within the area.

How will Advocates get involved?

Advocates appointment will be managed by the local health boards. Through an open recruitment process each Local Health Board will invite application and identify 10 peoplewho best meet the criteria to become their Bevan Advocates. This approach would identify 100 Bevan Advocates across Wales in the first tranche.

The Bevan Commission will support health boards to advertise the opportunity to join the Bevan Advocates as widely as possible via their Patient, Carer and Volunteer Networks, and beyond.

Applicants will need to demonstrate that they are passionate about improving health services, that they have first-hand experience of health services, have positive ideas for improvement and commitment to see this through.

Appendix 3

Bevan Commission Advocates

Application Form

Personal Details

Phone Number(s)


Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Address Line 4
Address Line 5
I’m applying as a:
Please tick () one box / Patient () or / Carer () or / Volunteer ()
Why are you interested being a Bevan Advocate?
Guide length – 200 words
What Contribution will you make to Prudent Healthcare?
Guide length – 200 words
What would you propose to do as a Bevan Advocate?
Guide length – 200 words
How would you propose to connect with people and your community as a Bevan Advocate?
Guide length – 200 words
How might you assess or measure the impact or difference you have made?
Guide length – 200 words

Please complete and submit this

form electronically to

Sharon Jeynes

Head of Business Support

Cwm Taf University Health Board

Ynysmeurig House


CF45 4SN

Telephone: 01443 744839


Closing Date: 20 September 2016

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