Miss Garcia’s English I Class Rules and Expectations

Rm. 202 Conference Hour 11:13am-11:58am

Classroom Procedures

At the start of class, students are to do the bell work on the overhead/board. It will include the objectives for the day, the bell ringer, and the Word of the Day.

Daily lessons will be provided in a variety of formats, independent practice, group assignments, etc. Daily assignments are due at the end of class, and should be turned in to the designated folder. Class participation is vital to your success in this class.

Each student will be responsible for maintaining a three-ring binder, which will include bell work, notes, daily assignments, etc., and should be brought to class each day. This binder is subject to random checks.

Homework is an integral part of the learning process. It not only teaches students responsibility, but it also reinforces what has been taught in class. Homework assignments will consist of, but are not limited to, readings, writing assignments, worksheets, projects, and test preparation. Students will be responsible for turning homework assignments in at the beginning of the next class period, unless otherwise specified.

Tests will be given at the end of each unit. Students will also have benchmark assessments. These will occur every three weeks. Students should make use of class time and independent study to prepare for end-of-unit tests. Formats will range from multiple-choice, essays, and/or projects.

If a student is absent, he/she will have the opportunity to make up any missed assignments. The student will have the same number of days to make up the assignment as the number of days absent. It is the student’s responsibility to find out his/her missed assignments and make arrangements for make-up tests. I will be available to discuss any missed assignments before or after school. A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted by the teacher will receive a grade of zero for the assignment.

Any late work will result in a deduction of ten points per day. Assignments are considered late if not turned in the time designated by the teacher. IF AN ASSIGNMENT NOT TURNED IN WITHIN A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME, THE GRADE WILL RECEIVED WILL BE A 50.

The high school policy of “10 & 10” will be observed. Therefore, students will not be allowed out of the classroom during the first ten minutes or the last ten minutes of class. During the remaining time, students will be able to take a quick restroom break. If a student abuses this, he/she will have this privilege revoked and will not be allowed to leave the classroom. The student must have the YELLOW hall pass completed in order to leave the classroom for any reason.

Cell phones/MP3s, etc. should not be seen or heard or used during class time.

Students are dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. DO NOT wait by the door before the bell rings.

Supply List

·  Binder – 2” or larger

·  Supply Pouch

·  Pencils – minimum of 2

·  Blue or Black Pens – minimum of 2

·  Colored Pens (other than blue/black)- minimum of 2

·  Highlighter

·  Eraser

·  Notebook/Journal

·  Looseleaf notebookpaper

·  Dividers – 8-10 subject

Student Expectations- “The Five Be’s”

1.  BE PROMPT. This ensures that you will have sufficient time to complete all class work, including bell work and tests, so that no class time is wasted.

2.  BE SEATED. Do not get out of seat without teacher permission. There is no reason for any student to be out of his/her seat without teacher permission.

3.  BE PREPARED and ready to work. Do not come to class without your supplies, paper, pens, notebooks, etc. I will not send any student to his/her locker to get supplies that he/she is supposed to bring to class.

4.  BE RESPECTFUL to everything and everyone in the classroom. Additionally, please keep hands, feet, objects, and all negative thoughts to yourself.

5.  BE RESPONSIBLE. Responsibility is the key to success in any classroom. Make sure that assignments are turned in on time, ask questions when needed, and avoid situations that may cause distractions for you and/or other students in the classroom.

Any activity that disrupts instruction or the learning environment is against school rules. See the Student Handbook for specific details. All school rules will be observed in this class.


1.  Warning

2.  Teacher-Student Conference

3.  Conference + Detention (to be served before or after school)

4.  Conference + Detention + Parent Contact

5.  Office

All severe infractions will result in immediate office visit.

Parent/Guardian & Student Signature Form


If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade or an assignment, please do not hesitate to ask. I won’t know that you’re having difficulty if you don’t speak up.

Also, please join Remind101 to get class updates. Text @d1ee2 to 817-591-7853 to join!

Please read the following statement and sign below.

I have read all of Miss Garcia’s Classroom Procedures and Expectations and will follow them.




Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. We are in a partnership for your student’s education.

Also, please join Remind101 to get class updates regarding your student(s). Text @d1ee2 to 817-591-7853 to join!

Parent/Guardian Name______



E-mail ______
