Labour Market Observatory
Permanent Study Group on Immigration and Integration
Conference on
Integrating migrants into the labour market:
a win-win situation for all
25 June 2015, 9.30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
EESC – Brussels
9 – 9.30 a.m.: Registration of participants9.30 – 9.45 a.m.: Opening
- Christa Schweng, President of the Labour Market Observatory (LMO) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
- Irini Pari, President of the Permanent Study Group on Immigration and Integration (IMI) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
9.45 – 11.15 a.m.: Panel 1 – Setting the scene :
Current situation in the EU regarding labour market participation of migrants
- What are the channels for legal migration: family reunification, employment, studies?
- What is the current situation regarding labour market participation of migrants?
- what about the importance of migrants in the economy and society?
Chair: Maureen O'Neill, President of the Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship(SOC)of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
- Thomas Liebig, Senior Administrator at the International Migration Division, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – Integration of immigrants into the labour market in EU and OECD countries: an overview
- Heinz Becker (Austria, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)), Member of the European Parliament
- Jasper van Loo, Senior Expert at the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training(CEDEFOP)–Addressing Europe’s ageing and employment challenges through migration: a glimpse into the future and examples of good practice
10.30– 11.15 a.m.:General discussion
11.15 – 11.30 a.m.:Coffee break
11.30 a.m.– 12.30 p.m.: Panel 2 – EU legislation related to legal migration
- how to overcome the issue of the divergences between statuses and rights provided for by the current main directives(Single permit, Blue card, seasonal workers, intra-corporate transferees, students, researchers and au pairs, family reunification, etc.)?
Chair: Luis Miguel ParizaCastaños,Memberof the Permanent Study Group on Immigration and Integration (IMI) and rapporteur for numerous EESC opinions on migration, asylum and integration
- Jean Lambert (United Kingdom, Greens/European Free Alliance),Member of the European Parliament
- Laura Corrado, Head of the Legal Migration and Integration Unit, Directorate General for Migration and Home affairs, European Commission–Towards a new policy on legal migration
12– 12.30 p.m.:General discussion
12.30 – 1p.m.:Music performance by Son y duende
(David Marolito, guitar player, songwriter and composer and Yosmany Cruz, singer) (Atrium 6)
1 – 2 p.m.: Networkinglunch (Atrium 6)
2 – 3.30 p.m.: Panel 3–Specific challenges for integration - importance of identifying key drivers for integration in order to maximise the impact of policy interventions
- How can the EU step up its action facilitating the process of recognition of non-EU qualifications and skills? How should the countries of origin be involved? Are there well-functioning and/or innovative national systems for the recognition of qualifications?
- What about the gender aspect in the integration policies?
- What is the Importanceofadequatelanguagelearning and supportiveeducationsystems?
Chair: Irini Pari, President of the Permanent Study Group on Immigration and Integration (IMI)
- KashetuKyenge(Italy, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats), Member of the European Parliament
- Maria VincenzaDesiderio, Policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute – The recognition of qualifications and skills acquired outside the EU; EU Member States policies and cooperation with countries of origin
- Eva Valentova, Lawyer and Project-coordinator atthe Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI), Czech Republic, member of the European Network of Migrant Women(ENoMW) – Gender aspects regarding integration of migrants into the labour market
2.45 – 3.30 p.m.: General discussion
3.30 – 4.50p.m.: Panel 4 – Key features of successful integration initiatives
- Which interventions work best and why: successful integration interventions and strategies in different countries within the EU
- What role could employers, trade unions and civil society organisations play in this field?
- How can the EU help facilitate access to labour market information and improve matching between potential migrant workers and employers?
Chair: Christa Schweng, President of the Labour Market Observatory (LMO)
- KláraFóti, Research Manager at the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) – Integration initiatives for migrants in some EU Member States – preliminary findings from Eurofound's recent projects
- AdemKumcu, President of the New European Business Association(UNITEE) –Migrant entrepreneurs' contribution to the EU Economy
- Ricardo Nobre, Managing Director of Cross Border Talents, Germany–Encouraging private companies to integrate migrants
- Marco Cilento, Adviser at the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) –Presentation of UnionMigrantNet
- Bea Diallo, Deputy-Mayor of Ixelles, Member of the Brussels Parliament and of the French Community Parliament – Presentation of the project Emergence XL, related to the inclusion of young immigrants into the labour market through sport, job coaching, training and apprenticeship
4.15 – 4.50 p.m.: General discussion
4.50 – 5 p.m.: Closing of the conference
- Christa Schweng, President of the Labour Market Observatory (LMO)
- Irini Pari, President of the Permanent Study Group on Immigration and Integration (IMI)
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Jacques Delors building, 6th floor, roomJDE 62, Rue Belliard 99, 1040 Brussels
Participants can speak in: English, French, German, Polish, Bulgarian, Spanish, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Italian, Romanian or Swedish, and can listen to: English, French, German, Spanish or Polish
Contact: , +32 (0)2 546.81.31