Post visit report for Specialist Activities in Antarctica
Antarctic Act 1994
Antarctic Act 2013
Antarctic Regulations 1995/490 (as amended)
If handwritten - block capitals please.
Complete Section 2 of this report if you have
- undertaken a mineral resource activity;
- killed, injured, captured, handled, molested or disturbed native mammals or birds or to remove or potentially damaged native plants or invertebrates; or where there is potential to damage habitats; and/or
- introduced non-native animals, non-native plants or non-native microscopic organisms.
Complete Section 3 of this report if you have
- entered an area designated as an Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA),
Section 1 –Expedition details
1.1Permit holder details
NamePermit Number
Passport number
International telephone no.
1.2 Primary purpose of visit to Antarctica
Mineral resource activitypursuant to section 6 of the Antarctic Act 1994 / Disturbance of flora, faunaand/or potential damage to habitatPursuant to Section 7 of the Antarctic Act 1994 / Introduction of non-native animals, plants and microorganismspursuant to Section 8 of the Antarctic Act 1994
Other – please specify: / Eg ASPA
1.3Arrival and departure dates – if more than one than trip please indicate below:
Dates of permit:Trip 1
Trip 2
1.4 Name and general description of expedition
(e.g. sailing, climbing, leisure cruise etc)1.5.1Where did the activity take place
(e.g. Antarctic Peninsula, Shetland Islands, South Orkney Islands etc(state furthest south latitude intended to visit)1.6Summary of scientific research undertaken and objectives of the collection or Summary of Activity undertaken in the APSA
1.5List of all persons who collected samples who were on the permit or persons who entered the APSA
Full Name / Passport Number / NationalitySection 2 –Scientific Activity
Complete if you haveundertaken a mineral resource activity, killed, injured, captured, handled, molested or disturbed native mammals or birds or to remove or potentially damaged native plants or invertebrates; or where there is potential to damage habitats; and/or introduced non-native animals, non-native plants or non-native microscopic organisms
2.1 Dates and duration of sampling visit (s)
2.2 Method bywhich samples were taken (drilling, rock saw, hammer):
2.3 Measures taken during this visit to ensure compliance with the preliminary assessment:
2.4:Any departures from the provisions of the preliminary assessment & Permit during this visit, noting dates, magnitudes and locations:
2.5Observations of human effects on the sampling locations, distinguishing between (a) those resulting from the visit and (b) those due to previous visitors:
2.6Descriptions and locations of markers, instrumentation or equipment installed/removed, or any material released into the environment (noting how long these are intended to remain in the Area and including GPS coordinates):
2.7Any other comments:
3Section 3 – Entry to an ASPA
Complete if you have entered an area designated as an Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA),
3.1 Measures taken during this visit to ensure compliance with the Management Plan:
3.2 Observations of human effects on the Area, distinguishing between those resulting from the visit and those due to previous visitors:
3.3 Evaluation of whether the values for which the Area was designated are being adequately protected:
3.4 Recommendations on further management measures needed to protect the values of the Area, including location and appraisal of condition of structures, markers, etc:
3.5Recommendations on further management measures needed to improve bio security:
3.6Any other comment or information:
Signature of permit holderDate
Official position (if applicable)
The post visit report form should be returned to the following:
Polar Regions Department
Overseas Territories Directorate
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AH