The Delta Kappa Gamma SocietyInternational

Beta Alpha State - New Hampshire

Alpha Chapter

September 6, 2010

Dear Alpha Member,

The summer seemed to slip away and now we find ourselves engaged in a new school year. I hope that you were able to enjoy some rest and relaxation during the warm summer months and are ready to begin the "new year" with rested minds and bodies.

With the new school year comes our annual dinner meeting. The meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, September 21, 2010, at 5:45, will be held at the United Church of Christ, Rt. 32 in Swanzey(same place as last year). We will need to RSVP with the number attending. Please e-mail () or call me (357-3305) by Sept. 15, if you are planning to attend. The dinner will include shrimp cocktail, anniversary chicken, double baked potatoes, Caesar salad, rolls, applepie with icecream, coffee, tea. The price this year is $14.00.

The Beta Alpha State Fall Conference is September 25, 2010. The meeting will be at,The Currier Museum of Art, in Manchester. Your "Chips of Granite" has the registration form, or you can go online to the state website at for registration information. The registration deadline isSeptember 17, 2010. Our chapter will be the hostesses for this meeting. We will be making the favors on Wednesday, September 15, and if more time is needed we will finish them up on Monday, September 20. Work sessions will be held at my home, 118 Old Walpole Rd., Keene. We will begin around 6:30 PM. Your help in making the favors would be appreciated. Please give me a callor e-mail meif you can make either or both work sessions. Jeannette Gardner’s daughter has donated some body care products for one of the raffle baskets that the chapter needs to put together and I am making a “rag bag” to put them in. Thank you Jeannette. I have not yet gathered materials for the second raffle “basket”.

These meetings are valuable sources of information with interesting speakers and training. In addition, the friendships formed with members from across the state provide a source of enrichment for our lives. We can make arrangements for carpooling at our September 21st meeting or at one or the work sessions. It would be nice to have a good representation from Alpha at this meeting.

Mary Parker will collect annual dues of $55, and you will receive your Year Book filler at this meeting.

I must apologize to those members who expressed an interest in participating in the embossed scarf workshop this summer. The time and a busy summer schedule just got away from me and I never did get a time scheduled. I do still plan to have a workshop and will try to schedule one at our meeting in September.

Please remember that the Community Kitchen and Antrim Girl’s Shelter need our continuing support. We have always been generous and their need is as great as ever.

Nancy Belsky was the winner for the World Fellowship drawing at our May meeting.

I am looking forward to seeing you all soon,

Maurine Henry


May minutes

2010-2011 Program Schedule