Order form for SimaPro educational licenses
ESU-services Ltd. is the official reseller for SimaPro software and the integrated ecoinvent databases for Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
Prices in Euro (€), valid from 15.5.2018. Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT & legal import taxes. The prices below include several databases, but you can choose an option without the ecoinvent database.
Your detailsContact person / Billing address
Name / Organisation
Position / Department
Phone / Full billing address
1. Selection of license type and quantity
12 months / Qty / unlimited / Qty
SimaPro Faculty-License / 3’650 €
SimaPro Classroom, Multi User-License (40 User, client-server) / 6’300€
SimaPro PhD, Single User-License / 2’550 € / 4’430 €
(excl. statutory import taxes & VAT): / € / €
Start date (dd-mm-yyyy) temporary license:
Quotation number and date of quotation
2. Extension of service and support
One year service contract is included for all licenses. The valid service contract entitles you to SimaPro updates, database updates and access to the helpdesk. You will receive a reminder from us two months before the service contract expires so that you can extend it in good time. The extension of the service contract by one year costs € 900 for the PhD version and € 1'600 for the Classroom version. If you order further years of the service contract, you benefit from a discount of up to 10%.
Premature service contract renewal for unlimited licenses / 1 year / 2 years / Qty / 3 years / Qty
SimaPro PhD / inclusive / 855€ / 1’620 €
SimaPro Classroom / inclusive / 1’520€ / 2’880€
(excl. statutory import taxes & VAT): / € / €
3. Bill
Please scan ¬ email, fax or send this order with your signature to ESU-services Ltd., Vorstadt 14, CH-8200 Schaffhausen: , fax: +41 44 940 67 94 and we will send you an electronic invoice. If possible, the installation code, the link to download the software and the information material will be sent within one week after receipt of payment.
I already have a license for the ecoinvent database (please send payment confirmation as attachment) / ☐yes
I do not need the ecoinvent database (please provide a quote for reduced price) / ☐yes
I would like to pay in Swiss francs (according to the exchange rate on the day of invoicing) / ☐yes
I would also like to receive the invoice by mail / ☐yes
I give permission to send me the occasional e-mail with information on training dates, special offers, etc. Your email address will only be used by ESU-services andPRé Consultants. / ☐yes
4. Consent to license terms and signature
I have read the following documents:
SimaPro End User License and Service Agreement Issued by PRé (EULA) May 29 2015, theecoinvent EULA Yearly Licences 2015 Nov26 v1(for temporary licenses)or theEnd User License Agreement (EULA) for ecoinvent Database and ecoinvent Datasets Version v2 (as of 01/05/2014) (for perpetual licenses)and theEnd User Licence Agreement Agri-Footprint via SimaPro (May 2017)
I understand and agree with these terms. I declare that the licenses ordered are used ONLY for teaching purposes by students and staff registered at our faculty.
Name: / Company stamp:
Date: / Signature:
Regional SimaPro Center / ESU-services Ltd., Vorstadt 14, 8200 Schaffhausen,Switzerland
Phone +41 44 940 61 35 Fax: +41 44 940 67 94, Version from22.05.2018