Sales Contract for Pet Kitten

This contract is between the seller, Pamela Clos Flachs; operating under the name of Clos du Chat Savannah Cats; and the buyer. This contract is legally binding in IsabellaCounty, in the State of Michigan, U.S.; and may not be transferable to any other person(s).

Date of sale: ______

Purchase price of kitten: ______

Deposit (non-refundable):______

Balance due: ______

Shipping fees (if applicable):______

Name of kitten:______Date of Birth:______

Sex: ____Breed:______Generation:______Color/Pattern:______

Sire:______TICA #______

Dam:______TICA #______

Kitten is being fed: ______


Buyer: ______

Address: ______

City, State and Zip code: ______

Phone: ______

Email: ______


Pamela Clos Flachs; Clos du Chat Savannah Cats

401 W. Maple St.

Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 48858

Phone: 989-560-7420


  • This kitten is being sold as a pet only, and may not be used for breeding. Kitten must be spayed or neutered no later than 6 months of age. TICA registration of kitten will be withheld until vet proof of spay/neuter surgery is provided to seller. Failure to submit proof will result in an additional breeding rights fee of $2000.00 payable to the seller.
  • Kitten is guaranteed to be in good health, with appropriate vaccines and vet health check, upon delivery, for a period of 72 hours. A health check by your own veterinarian is highly recommended within that time frame. If kitten is found to be in ill health (life threatening or incurable),suitable replacement of kitten will apply, accompanied by your vet’s statement of such, and returnof kitten at seller’s expense. Seller is not responsible for any vet bills, including initial health exam, incurred by buyer. Any issues concerning health of kitten that arise after 72 hours without a vet exam are the complete responsibility of the buyer. Exposure to other cats or dogs within 72 hours of first arrival voids this guarantee. Please notify seller immediately of any health concerns with your kitten.
  • Kitten is guaranteed for a period of one year against congenital defects. A necropsy report must be submitted to seller for replacement of kitten.
  • Kitten is NOT to be vaccinated with FIP, FIV or FELV vaccines, nor declawed. Administration of such will void any and all guarantees.
  • Kitten must be kept in a separate area of your home in quarantine for a minimum of two weeks. A bathroom or bedroom works well, to establish bonding with your kitten and adjustment to his/her new home, as well as minimizing initial exposure to other pets.
  • Kitten will be kept indoors only, or within a well-built outdoor enclosure, and not allowed to roam freely outdoors. Micro chipping is recommended in case your kitten/cat is ever lost.
  • Kitten is not to be re-sold, re-homed, destroyed or placed in a shelter or pet shop without notifying seller. Kitten will be returned to selleror placed in another suitable home with seller’s approval if buyer is no longer able to provide proper care for him/her for the life of the cat.
  • Seller places no guarantee or promise of future size or final coat pattern/color of kitten/cat at maturity.

