America the Great or Infidel

From the very beginning, the USA started as a home for the immigrants. A place of their own free from repression, imperial dominance and religious bigotry. Those immigrant developed a society that became the envy of the entire world, because they had freedoms and prospered - IF THEY WISHED TO!

That is the important word, If They Wished To. In fact, this place, the USofA, became so successful, we earned to scorn of the rest of the world. That is, until the rest of the world was on the brink of disaster. Then, reluctantly – and twice at that – the USA saved the rest of the world from themselves. With the realization that unless we offered our system to the rest of the world, we would be coming to their rescue constantly, we created the United Nations and gave them a secure place to meet. And, we are hated for it.

What makes us so great, the envy of everyone outside the USA, and coincidently incur the hate of the rest of the world? Our ability to continue to prosper in a free Democratic society and assimilate all who honestly wish the same. And there-in lies our only weakness.

Who are our early immigrants? They were the adventurers from England, France, Spain, Portugal, Greenland etc. The new world was found, and the immigrants started to come here in droves – and a large majority as slaves in one form or another! The Irish – how many remember the bias concerning the drunken Irish, they were only good at potato picking. The stupid Polocks, the greasy Ginny’s, the greedy Jews or Kikes, the slant eyes, the African niggers, the slippery Greeks and French, the Nachos, and so on. Amazing that we survived. ( If you know history, you will notice a group missing here ).

And why did we? Because almost all saw this great country as their last chance, and ASSIMILATED into a society they truly believed in. Almost all made great efforts to learn the language, learn the ethics and protocols of this new world, and they prospered. They called each other “potato pickers” “ drunken Irish” “stupid Polocks” “slant eyes” etc. daily while they verbally and sometimes physically learned to co-exist. One thing they all had in common, for the most part, was a strong desire to succeed and take advantage of the great opportunities this society had to offer, because they knew that, with a little hard work, all was available to them.

Not all felt that way though. There was a majority of a group of immigrants (group X ) that could not or would not assimilate, but instead inflamed those slaves ( group Z ) from around the world who did. While group Z became more incensed, group X became more arrogant and violent, it was their way and no other.

All the while, seems no one was paying attention to a greater threat. As history has proved time and time again, religious zealots and, for a better term, charismatic fanatics ( Hitler ) have always proved extremely dangerous and jealous. Combine the two, ( we will call them group Y ) and we face a threat greater than we have ever encountered, because they appeal to group X.

Upon closer inspection, we are looking at tribal societies in groups X & Y. Those tribal wanna-be leaders do not wish to loose control because they see easy pickings in a free democracy. These tribal factions have been slaughtering each other since the beginning of their existence, and either refuse or cannot bring themselves out of their tribal mentality long enough to become so called “civilized” as group Z’s forefathers had. Group Z’s history of tribal feuds dates back to the beginning of man. It was a matter of survival of each culture – destroy competing cultures. Rome, England, France, Germany – they all felt their way was better and thru war, imposed their will – and they all fell. BUT, not until they destroyed everything in their paths. The main reason everyone fled to the new word in the first place!!

Now, Group X and Y respond that the USA is doing the same thing. Are they?

Reluctantly – and we cannot stress this enough – Very RELUCTANTLY – the USA has been forced into the role of Peace Keeper. Look back into our history on how often we have tried to be isolationists. Each time, the feudal nature of the rest of the world has created a situation where we had to intervene, though partially for our own survival in the long run. We created, in the USA, a strong successful system for the past 200 years that works. England, Russia, China etc. could have become the “bad” guys ( meaning inheriting our reputation ) if their system worked.

What it comes down to – almost everyone around the world wants what Americans have, but are not willing to give up their so called “identity” to become us. Therefore, they TAKE what they want, and are willing to destroy the “infidel” or “prejudiced”. If you will note History again, the world was almost taken over by the Moors.

In closing, a few thoughts for you. If the USA is the “infidel”, the “war mongers”, or a nation wishing world domination, why would we allow other cultures to gain financial and military strength at our expense? We even protected group Y from being overrun by tyrants of their own making - twice.

And, since the strength of our society prevents a war from being successful against us, group Y, with the money and resources we provide, is now infiltrating our country and working from within, because they learned the weakness of a truly free society.

Will they succeed? Only you, the reader can make that determination. Europe had that question asked of them – and they were almost speaking German. Do you wish to speak English and enjoy your freedom, or do you wish to bow down every day to ?????