WRANGLE / MAX PTS / GIVEN / COMMENTSA / Overall appearance and condition – absence of litter, unauthorised/unsightly refuse, absence of graffiti/vandalism, dumps on verges, condition of roads and paths / 25 / 21 / Generally the village was presented a neat and tidy appearance with evidence of a caring community. No unsightly vandalism or dumping was evident and the condition of the roads and pathways was of a very high standard due to quite recent resurfacing and top dressing. Some very minor graffiti was evident in the bus shelter.
B / Green Spaces – provision for wildlife (such as bird boxes/feeders, bat boxes and wild flowers) and general appearance of trees, ponds, streams, dykes, verges, parks, playing fields, mature areas, hedges, footpaths, stiles, field gates, signposting, childrens play areas and public green amenities / 20 / 15 / The parish map provided for this competition suggested that a childrens play area could be found at the playing field. Disappointingly, although the playing field was well maintained, it lacked any childrens play equipment or evidence of sporting activities. Furthermore the pathway leading away from the playing field into the local housing runs along a ditch that was littered and the pathway was encroached by nettles and a hedge. Otherwise road verges were well maintained. The Jubilee spinney was viewed – it is perhaps unfortunate that it is sited on the edge of the village and the planting is rather crowded.
C / Public Premises – Community Centres, community buildings, schools, road signs, notice boards, advertisements, directional signs, bus stops and shelters, school yards, public seats, telephone boxes, gardens and allotments, public halls, sports facilities and car parks. Cleanliness of public toilets. / 25 / 21 / The Parish Hall is well maintained with a tidy car park and hanging baskets providing colour. The associated parish notice board presented up to date notices demonstrating an active community and the contact details fo those responsible for the activities. The Best Kept Village leaflet was displayed. The Primary School was well presented and a flower planter provided colour near the entrance. The recycling area was clean, neat and tidy.
D / Private Premises – private gardens, hedges, fences and walls / 15 / 12 / Private gardens are well maintained and it was noted that carefully trained climbing roses in some hedges added colour and interest
E / Religious Buildings and Memorials – condition of churchyards, cemeteries, Chapel surrounds, war memorials and their notice boards. / 15 / 13 / St Mary & St Nicholas Church, along with the Methodist Hall, were both well presented. The Church cemetery was well tended and it was clear that safety issues were being actively managed. It was evident that families regularly visit the cemetery. Flowers in the garden at the Methodist Hall provided evidence of care and attention.
F / Business Premises – including inns, farms and farmyards, workshops, post office, shops and caravan sites, condition of public halls, sports facilities and car parks including advertisements and other signs / 20 / 16 / Business premises were neat and tidy and well-ordered suggesting a pride in their businesses. Of note were the haulage business premises and the Old Pottery Tearoom and Craft Centre. The Post Office and associated store were also neat and tidy. The buildings at the playing field lacked information as to their function but they were in good condition. One farm yard was much less appealing.
G / Overall community effort – evidence of community activity and initiative in the care of the environment of the village and the community for all ages / 15 / 12 / The village is very well tended and provides a good impression with evidence of community involvement. Some minor areas outlined above can easily be addressed.
TOTAL / 135 / 110
It would be nice if the landlord of the Angel Inn could be encouraged to use the external wall brackets for hanging flower baskets.
Whilst the Parish Map is a very good idea it is some time since it was produced and some aspect need updating.
The Parish Council are to be congratulated on their work and the Community at large for their active involvement.
WRANGLE / MAX PTS / GIVEN / COMMENTSA / Overall appearance and condition – absence of litter, unauthorised/unsightly refuse, absence of graffiti/vandalism, dumps on verges, condition of roads and paths / 25 / 22 / Generally Litter free except as below.
B / Green Spaces – provision for wildlife (such as bird boxes/feeders, bat boxes and wild flowers) and general appearance of trees, ponds, streams, dykes, verges, parks, playing fields, mature areas, hedges, footpaths, stiles, field gates, signposting, childrens play areas and public green amenities / 20 / 17 / Playing Field evidence of litter, cans, broken bottles and paper. No evidence of bird boxes or feeders. Sign posts tidy
C / Public Premises – Community Centres, community buildings, schools, road signs, notice boards, advertisements, directional signs, bus stops and shelters, school yards, public seats, telephone boxes, gardens and allotments, public halls, sports facilities and car parks. Cleanliness of public toilets. / 25 / 24 / Pretty hanging basket at Village Hall. Phone box and bus shelter neat and tidy
D / Private Premises – private gardens, hedges, fences and walls / 15 / 14 / Mostly neat and tidy
E / Religious Buildings and Memorials – condition of churchyards, cemeteries, Chapel surrounds, war memorials and their notice boards. / 15 / 13 / Church well presented. Colourful flowers at both Church and Chapel. Slightly weedy war memorial..
F / Business Premises – including inns, farms and farmyards, workshops, post office, shops and caravan sites, condition of public halls, sports facilities and car parks including advertisements and other signs / 20 / 18 / Shops neat and tidy. Pretty hanging baskets at pub. Some out of date notices.
G / Overall community effort – evidence of community activity and initiative in the care of the environment of the village and the community for all ages / 15 / 14 / Good sign of community spirit.
TOTAL / 135 / 122