Chinese Traditional Religions

Name / Che Kung Temple
Address / No 7 Che Kung Miu Road
Tai Wai, New Territories, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Sha Tin District
Phone / +852 2603 4049 (General Enquiry)
Opening Hours / Daily : 7am - 6pm
How to Get There / KCR East Rail to Tai Wai. Follow the exit with the sign "Che Kung Temple" to Che Kung Miu Road and then take the pedestrian subway.
How to Get There(Ext) / KCR East Rail to Tai Wai. Follow the exit with the sign "Che Kung Temple" to Che Kung Miu Road and then take the pedestrian subway.
Record Owner / 78
SalesLogix Linkage Level(Eng) / Contact
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / The temple was originally built in honour of "Che Kung" (General Che), who lived during the Sung Dynasty (AD 960 - 1279) and suppressed a rebellion in South China. It was said that he accompanied the Emperor who fled to Hong Kong before the fall of the Song Dynasty. People began worshipping him after his death for his loyalty and prowess.<p>What survives today is a new temple completed in late 1993. The architecture is very much in Japanese style. There is no admission fee but it is customary to give a small donation.<p>Fortune-tellers line a corridor to the left of the temple. At the upper level there is a huge drum and bell and a giant statue of "Che Kung" at the altar of the main worship hall. Next to it is a "Wheel of Fortune". Worshippers believe turning it will bring them better luck.
Charges / Free
Managed by / The Chinese Temples Committee<br>Tel : +852 2519 9133<br>Fax : +852 2586 1945
Facilities for Disabled / - Ramps<br>- A toilet for the disabled
Name / Cheung Shan Monastery
Address / Wo Keng Shan
Fanling, New Territories, Hong Kong
Administrative District / North District
Phone / +852 2721 2326 (Antiquities and Monuments Office)
Fax / +852 2721 6216
Opening Hours / Mon, Wed - Sun & PH: 9am - 1pm ; 2pm - 5pm
Tue, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, the first three days of Lunar New Year: Closed
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How to Get There / Green minibus 52K to Ping Che from Fanling KCR East Rail. Get off at Wo Keng Shan Junction and walk for 15 minutes.
How to Get There(Ext) / Green minibus 52K to Ping Che from Fanling KCR East Rail. Get off at Wo Keng Shan Junction and walk for 15 minutes.
Record Owner / 0
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / Cheung Shan Kwu Tsz, formerly named Cheung Sang Nunnery, was first established in the mid-18th century by villagers in Sha Tau Kok and Ta Kwu Ling. The original temple was demolished and the present Cheung Shan Kwu Tsz was rebuilt on the site in 1868.<p>As the temple was situated halfway point between Shenzhen and Sha Tau Kok, it was once a popular resting place for travellers, making it a place of great military and political significance. The temple was a nunnery until the last abbess died in 1944. Five years later, a monk called Kuk Shan Kit settled in the deserted Cheung Shan Kwu Tsz and it has housed monks ever since. <p>Part of the roof and fittings of the temple were destroyed in a fire in the early 1920s. Full restoration was undertaken in 1997. Declared an historic monument in 1998.<p>The temple comprises two halls built on platforms, with the rear hall approximately one metre above the front. Buddha, Kwun Yum (Goddess of Mercy) and Tei Chong Wong (Guardian of the Earth) are worshipped, along with deities like Wei To (Defender of the Way) and To Tei (Earth God).
Managed by / Antiquities and Monuments Office<br>Address : 136 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon<br>Tel : +852 2721 2326<br>Fax : +852 2721 6216
Name / Chi Lin Nunnery
Address / 5, Chi Lin Drive
Diamond Hill, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Wong Tai Sin District
Phone / +852 2354 1712 (Reception)
+852 2354 1301 (Security Office)
Fax / +852 2354 1605
Opening Hours / <b>Lotus Pond</b<br>Daily : 6:30am - 7pm
<b>Monastery</b<br>Daily : 9am - 4:30pm
<b>Store</b<br>Daily : 9am - 5pm
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How to Get There / Diamond MTR exit C2. Follow the signs to Chi Lin, which is a short walk from the station.
How to Get There(Ext) / Diamond MTR exit C2. Follow the signs to Chi Lin, which is a short walk from the station.
Record Owner / 2557
SalesLogix Linkage Level(Eng) / Contact
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / Modeled on Tang Dynasty architecture, the monastery complex opened in 1998. Occupying a 30,000 sq. metre site overlooking Diamond Hill, it provides the community with a variety of religious, cultural, educational and elderly services. <br>The Shan Men (main entrance) symbolises the light that guides people to liberation. A pair of symmetrical Bell Towers and Drum Towers stand on the two sides of the Hall of the Celestial Kings, where followers pray to Sakyamuni. In the centre is a traditional Chinese monasterial garden with ponds and rock gardens.<br>Chi Lin Nunnery is recognised as a "Nu Zhong Shi Fang Cong Lin", which means it is open to nuns from all quarters and its abbess is selected on merit, rather than being inherited.
Charges / Free admission
Facilities for Disabled / For big group visit, please inform the security office in advance for special arrangement.
Remarks / Photography or videotaping is allowed for building exterior only. <br>Photography or videotaping of building interior, sculptures, statues, nuns, religious activities is strictly prohibited. <br>Use of tripods or flash units is not permitted and photographs may not be used for publication or other commercial usage.
Name / Ching Chung Koon
Address / Tsing Chung Path, Tsing Chung Koon Road
Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Tuen Mun District
Phone / +852 2462 1507 (General Enquiry)
+852 2461 7117 (Vegetarian Booking)
Fax / +852 2454 5646
Opening Hours / Daily : 6am - 6pm
Vegetarian period : Daily 11:30am - 4:30pm
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How to Get There / 1. Take bus 60M from the Bus Terminus at Tsuen Wan MTR Station and alight at Tuen Mun Town Centre. From there, take Light Rail train 505 to Ching Chung Station.<br>2. Take bus no. 960, 961 from Wan Chai Ferry Pier Bus Terminus or from Admiralty (Pacific Place bus stop), and get off at Tuen Mun Town Centre. Then take the Light Rail (LR) no.505 to Ching Chung Station.
How to Get There(Ext) / Take bus 60M from the bus terminus at Tsuen Wan MTR station and alight at Tuen Mun Town Centre. From there, take Light Rail train 505 to Ching Chung station.
Record Owner / 2340
SalesLogix Linkage Level(Eng) / Contact
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / Ching Chung, which means the Evergreen Pine Tree, is a traditional symbol of longevity and perseverance, the two qualities which the Koon, a Taoist temple, tries to instill through its harmonious setting. <br>The Palace of Pure Brightness was the first building erected by the Koon in 1961. Later, more structures, including pagodas, pavilions, pai-laus, quadrangles and Chinese gardens, were built. The environment inside is tranquil and harmonious, designed to showcase the virtues of Chinese culture -- particularly Taoist teaching, which promotes harmony with nature. The structures are magnificent. Apart from being a scenic spot, the temple is also a place for good vegetarian food. Every April the Koon organises a large-scale bonsai show displaying rare and spectacular trees.
Charges / Free admission
Facilities for Disabled / - Ramps<br>- A toilet for the disabled
Name / Chuk Lam Sim Yuen
Address / Fu Yung Shan
Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Tsuen Wan District
Phone / +852 2490 3392 (General Enquiry)
+852 2416 6557
Opening Hours / Daily: 9am-5pm
How to Get There / Tsuen Wan MTR exit C. Take green minibus 85 from Shiu Wo Street to Fu Yung Shan.
How to Get There(Ext) / Tsuen Wan MTR exit C. Take green minibus 85 from Shiu Wo Street to Fu Yung Shan.
Record Owner / 0
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / This temple is on a hill in Fu Yung Shan at Tsuen Wan. Its construction was initiated by an aged monk called Yon Chau. According to legend, during meditation and festing he said the God of Earth ordered him to construct the monastery on auspicious land he saw in his dreams. He built it after finding a verdant land filled with blossoms of wild cottonrose hibiscus at Fu Yung. Supported by worshippers, the pagoda, main hall and two rows of meditation rooms were completed in 1932. In 1975, the temple door, Heavenly Guardians' Hall and Great Buddha's Hall were built. Construction was completed in 1982.<br>On top of the temple door, the name of the monastery is painted in red. Inside the founder's chamber are exhibitions of paintings and calligraphy by celebrated artists.
Name / Confucius Hall
Address / 77 Caroline Hill Road (inside Confucius Hall Middle School)
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Wan Chai District
Phone / +852 2576 1953 (General Enquiry)
How to Get There / Bus 5B from Wan Chai. Get off at South China Athletic Association.
How to Get There(Ext) / Bus 5B from Wan Chai. Get off at South China Athletic Association.
Record Owner / 0
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Remarks / * Not for public visit. Confucius Hall is located in School.
Name / Fa Zang Temple
Address / 175 Shatin Pass Road
Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Wong Tai Sin District
Phone / +852 2323 3079 (General Enquiry)
Fax / +852 2320 9678
Opening Hours / Daily : 9am - 5pm
How to Get There / Wong Tai Sin MTR exit A. Then take green minibus 18 and alight at the terminus.
How to Get There(Ext) / Wong Tai Sin MTR exit A. Then take green minibus 18 and alight at the terminus.
Record Owner / 0
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / Fa Zang Temple is a Buddhist Temple founded by Master He Qing in 1948. Reconstruction of the Temple started in 1984 and was completed in 1992. <br>It occupies an area of 1,000 square metres and houses a company of giant Buddhist statues. There are many features of interest to visitors, including Heng Ha Dian, Tian Wang Dian, Wei Tuo Dian, Da Xiong Bao Dian, Guan Yin Dian and the Qie Lan dian. <br>Subject to advance booking, vegetarian food is available from Monday to Saturday.
Managed by / The Chinese Temples Committee <br> Tel: +852 2519 9133 <br>Fax +852 2586 1945 <br>
Name / Fung Ying Seen Koon
Address / 66 Pak Wo Road
Fanling, New Territories, Hong Kong
Administrative District / North District
Phone / +852 2669 9186 (General Enquiry)
Fax / +852 2669 8777
Opening Hours / Daily : 9am - 5pm
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How to Get There / Alight at Fanling KCR Station, where at a glance you will see the location of the temple with its distinctive orange-coloured double roof. 5 mins. walk from the station.
How to Get There(Ext) / KCR East Rail to Fanling Station. Look for the temple's distinctive orange double roof.
Record Owner / 0
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / Fung Ying Seen Koon is a major Taoist temple. The earliest structure within the complex was built in 1929. <br> Its massive orange-tiled double roof, built to traditional design and supported by stout red pillars of stone, immediately catches the eye, almost beckoning the visitor to step to its entrance and inspect the many examples of artistic craftsmanship to be found within its grounds. <br>The Koon includes a magnificent main hall, a large pavilion and a garden with lovely flowerbeds and small bridges. <br>It was registered in 1966 as a charitable and religious organization. <br>
Name / Hau Wong Temple (Kowloon City)
Address / 1 Junction Road
Kowloon City, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Kowloon City District
Phone / +852 2336 0375 (General Enquiry )
Opening Hours / Daily : 8am - 5pm
Fortune Telling : 8am - 5pm
How to Get There / Lok Fu MTR. Take green minibus 13 to the junction of Junction Road and Tung Tau Tsuen Road.
How to Get There(Ext) / Lok Fu MTR. Take green minibus 13 to the junction of Junction Road and Tung Tau Tsuen Road.
Record Owner / 0
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / There is a hall for the Eighteen Disciples of Buddhas, and two ancient rock inscriptions found outside the temple.
Name / Hung Shing Temple (Ap Lei Chau)
Address / 1 Hung Shing Street
Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Southern District
Phone / +852 2552 6884 (General Enquiry)
Opening Hours / Daily : 8am - 5pm
How to Get There / Wan Chai MTR exit A2 and walk along Hennessy Road towards Causeway Bay, then take maxicab no. 36 from Stewart Road to Ap Lei Chau. Get off at the junction of Hung Shing Street and Ap Lei Chau Main Street.
How to Get There(Ext) / Wan Chai MTR exit A2 and walk along Hennessy Road towards Causeway Bay, then take maxicab no. 36 from Stewart Road to Ap Lei Chau. Get off at the junction of Hung Shing Street and Ap Lei Chau Main Street.
Record Owner / 0
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / Hung Hsing Temple is the oldest temple in Aberdeen and Ap Lei Chau areas. It was built by local residents in the thirty-eighth year of Qianlong's rule (1773 A.D.) in the Qing Dynasty. It is also said that the Temple was built by fishermen who believed the sea god Hung Hsing would protect them. Thus they hired gromance and found a propitious spot at Ap Lei Chau to build the Hung Shing Shrine. <br>Besides, the shrine is also worshipping "Guanyin" (Goddess of Mercy) and "Guandi" (God of War). A number of precious historical relies are still kept, such as a metal bell cast in 1773, an altar made in the 14th year of Guangxu's rule and a pottery figuriness of the Qing Dynasty, etc. The Temple was renovated in 1888, 1973, and 1988. <br>On the birthday of Hung Hsing, the 13th day of the second month of the Lunar calendar, the Shrine will be crowded with worshipping boat dwellers. <br>
Managed by / The Chinese Temples Committee <br> Tel: +852 2519 9133 <br>Fax +852 2586 1945 <br>
Name / Hung Shing Temple (Cheung Chau)
Address / 1A, Chung Hing Street (Close to HSBC Bank)
Cheung Chau, Outlying Islands, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Islands District
Phone / +852 2981 0459 (General Enquiry )
Opening Hours / Daily : 7am - 5pm
How to Get There / Ferry from Outlying Islands Ferry Pier 5 (Central MTR exit A, take pedestrian bridge walk along Man Yiu Street) in Central. About 30 to 55 minutes depending on the type of ferry. Arrive Cheung Chau, walk for 10 minutes.
How to Get There(Ext) / Ferry from Outlying Islands Ferry Pier 5 (Central MTR exit A, take pedestrian bridge walk along Man Yiu Street) in Central. About 30 to 55 minutes depending on the type of ferry. Arrive Cheung Chau, walk for 10 minutes.
Record Owner / 0
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / The temple is said to be ideal "Fung Shui" oriented.
Managed by / The Chinese Temples Committee<br> Tel: +852 2519 9155 <br>Fax: +852 2586 1945
Name / Hung Shing Temple (Kau Sai Chau)
Address / Kau Sai Chau
Sai Kung, New Territories, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Sai Kung District
Phone / +852 2163 9429 (General Enquiry)
+852 21639457
Fax / +852 2791 5692
+852 27929440
Opening Hours / Daily : 6am - 6pm
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How to Get There / 1) Bus no.92 or 96R (available on Sun & PH only) from Choi Hung MTR rexit B or green minibus 1A / 1M plying between Choi Hung MTR exit C2 and Sai Kung Town; <br>2) Green minibus 1 in Telford Gardens, Kowloon Bay to the terminus in Sai Kung Town;<br>3) Green minibus 12 from Po Lam MTR (Metro City Phrase 2) to the terminus in Sai Kung;<br>Then, walk along the waterfront to Sai Kung Pier (opposite Tung Kee Seafood Restaurant) and engage a sampan to take you to-and, more important, back from - Kau Sai Chau.
How to Get There(Ext) / Diamond Hill MTR exit C2 then take bus 92, or Choi Hung MTR exit C2 then take green minibus 1A, to terminus at Sai Kung. <br>Then, walk along the waterfront to Sai Kung Pier (opposite Tung Kee Seafood Restaurant) and engage a sampan to take you to-and, more important, back from - Kau Sai Chau.
Record Owner / 0
Status (Existing / Developing) / Existing
Features / Situated on Kau Sai Chau, the Hung Shing Temple contains examples of Hong Kong's heritage from the Stone Age to the Han Dynasty. <br>The building is a typical small rural temple with two halls. One of the side chambers was used for the school, and the other one as living quarters for the temple-keeper. The main hall houses altars for Hung Shing, Choi Pak Shing Kwan and Shui Sin Yueh. <br>The Restoration of the temple won the Outstanding Project Award at the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage 2000 Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation. <br>
Name / Hung Shing Temple (Wanchai)
Address / 129 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Administrative District / Wan Chai District
Phone / +852 2527 0804 (General Enquiry)
Opening Hours / Daily : 8am - 5pm
How to Get There / Bus 6, 6A from Exchange Square bus terminus (Central MTR exit A) and get off near Wan Chai Hopewell Centre.