BerkshireMedicalCenter Internal Medicine Days Off/Sick/Schedule ChangeProcedure


8/21/08 by MREC

Each resident must account for all days off from training as required by the ACGME & ABIM. To be eligible for the ABIM Certification Exam, under no circumstances can a resident miss more than 1 month in any given year of residency. Days missed, which exceed 1 month, will need to be made up prior to advancement to the next academic year and/or gaining eligibility for Certification. All days off are subject to the policies and procedures outlined in the Berkshire Medical Center Internship/Residency Program Personnel Policies.

We understand that residents will require days off due to illness, interviews and/or extenuating personal circumstances. The following procedure explains the process that must be followed for these circumstances. The attached form must be completed, under all circumstances, and presented to the Program Coordinator. Once the Chief Residentapproves the day off and/or schedule change, the form must be signed by the Program / Associate Program Director(s). Failure to comply with these procedures represents unprofessional behavior and will likely result in disciplinary action.

Illness: For any illness which requires a trainee to miss scheduled duties, he/she must contact the administrative chief on call immediately so that backup can be pulled. The trainee is not expected to pay this person back. For any illness which requires missing 2 or more consecutive days of work, a doctor’s note must be provided to the Program Coordinator. Additionally, the attached form mustbe completedimmediately, upon return to work. To ensure equitability in the backup system, the chief resident may assign “backup & jeopardy” coverage based upon how often a resident uses the system.

Interviews: The faculty consider job / fellowship interview to fall within the competencies of Professionalism, Interpersonal and Communication Skills and Systems Based Practice. Therefore, up to five days are allowed to be taken for interviews during a given year. Two weeks advance notice must be given. In the rare event that an interview must be scheduled during a non-elective month, the trainee must attempt to find an available colleague to cover/switch with him/her. If, following significant effort, the trainee is unsuccessful, backup may be pulled as deemed appropriate by administrative chief on call. For these circumstances, “payback” to the individual who was pulled can be made. The attached form should be completed and approved prior to finalizing any interview schedule.

Academic Presentation: Presentations at academic meetings fall within the competencies of Interpersonal and Communications Skills, Practice Based Learning and Improvement, Patient Care, Medical Knowledge and Systems Based Practice. Therefore, if the trainee has a presentation accepted for a meeting, up to five days per academic year will be allowed for attendance at academic society meetings. 1 month advanced notice must be given. Residents should request elective blocks during that time period, whenever possible. In the rare event that a presentation must be scheduled during a non-elective month, the trainee must attempt to find an available colleague to cover/switch with him/her. If, following significant effort, the trainee is unsuccessful, backup may be pulled as deemed appropriate by administrative chief on call. For these circumstances, “payback” to the individual who was pulled can be made. The attached form should be completed and approved prior to finalizing any travel arrangements.

Schedule Changes/Switches: Due to the above circumstances, as well as others not covered, a trainee may need to make a schedule change or switch. In order to do so, you must complete the attached form, in detail, and obtain approval by the Chief Resident.

Two weeks notice must be given unless exceptional circumstances prevent that notice (Program Director will make that dertermination).

Weekend Time-Off / Exchange: Residents on the wards are allowed to exchange up to two weekend days per year (no more than 1 per block) with a colleague on elective while on the wards or in the RCU. Seniors may only switch with seniors, and interns may only switch with interns. Payback for the switch must occur during a weekend day and not interfere with other clinical rotations. The hospitalist must be informed and the schedule change request form must be completed no less than 14 days prior to the switch. Formal signout of every patient must occur on the evening prior to the planned switch. If inadequate signout interferes with patient care, then the residents involved may lose the ability to perform switches in the future, and may be subject to other disciplinary action.

Other: Under exceptional circumstances, a resident may need to take a planned day off (beyond that allotted for vacation) this request will need to be brought directly to the attention of the Program Director. If this occurs during a non-elective month, the trainee must attempt to find an available colleague to cover/switch with him/her. If, following significant effort, the trainee is unsuccessful, backup may be pulled as deemed appropriate by administrative chief on call. For these circumstances, “payback” to the individual who was pulled can be made. The attached form should be completed and approved prior to finalizing plans.

BerkshireMedicalCenter Internal Medicine Days Off/Sick/Schedule Change Form


PGY Level:

Date Submitted:

Date(s) of absence / switch:

Reason for absence / switch:

Rotation you are on during absence:

Do you have any backup/x-cover duties:Yes No

Do you have clinic that day?:Yes No

Will PAYBACK toanother Resident be needed:Yes***No

*** If YES, attached Resident Coverage payback form must be filled out & attached

Resident Name:

Other resident(s) Name involved in switch:

To be completed by administration


Chief Resident:______

Program / Associate Program Director:______

BerkshireMedicalCenter Internal MedicineResident Coverage Payback form

This form should be attached to the Days Off/Sick/Schedule Change Form

Resident who will cover you:

Rotation that resident is on:

Detailof how you will be “paying back” coverage to the above resident:

Rotation you will be on:

Rotation your colleague will be on:

Dates of Payback (including days of the week):

Do you have clinic that (those) day(s):YesNo

Do you have any backup/x-cover duties:Yes No

Does your colleague have clinic that (those) day(s):YesNo

Does you colleague have any backup/x-cover duties:Yes No

What will your colleague be doing while you are covering for them?

****The schedule change will not be approved without answering this question.

To be completed by administration


Chief Resident:______

Program / Associate Program Director:______