Berkshire Intramural Flag Football 2016
- Cost $55
- 3:20-4:45pm
- Must have Physical and Parental Permission turned in (online-directions on the back)
- 4 Days/Week: September 13ththrough October 21st
- 6 Weeks
- (Tues, Wed, Thurs, & Friday each week)
- Start Date is Tuesday, September 13th(Second Week of School)
- Players meet on the benches outside of the boy’s locker room
- Practice and Games will be outside on the Berkshire Soccer/Lacrosse Field every day
- Dress appropriately:
- Tennis shoes or cleats
- Shorts, sweat pants, or warm-up pants
- T-shirts, sweatshirt, etc.
- We will practice/play games in light rain and wind (wear appropriate clothing)
- In case of bad weather:
- If 7th and 8th Grade Football is cancelled due to poor weather, so will Flag Football
- If the weather becomes threatening during practice, we will come inside and work on our playbooks in the classroom/hallway
- We will practice/play games in light rain and wind
- The first 30-45 minutes will be practice:
- Skill Work: Throwing, receiving, kicking, punting,
- Physical Fitness: agility/speed work, muscular endurance training, flexibility improvement
- Strategy: route running, defensive coverages, playbook practice, play development and positions
- The last 30-45 minutes will be game/tournament time:
- There will be a Regular Season and a Play-off Tournament (the last few days)
Berkshire Middle School
Athletic Participation Procedures
August, 2016
Students interested in participating in intramural and interscholastic athletics at Berkshire Middle School must register online at Follow the links to “Athletics,” then on to “Middle School,” and proceed through the process to pay online for the Berkshire sport of choice. The cost of Interscholastic sports will be $135, except for tackle football, which is $155. Intramural sports will be $55. Registration for Club Sports, which includes tennis and snow club, will be processed in the Berkshire office. Fees vary for all Club sports.
In order to comply with district requirements, students must have a current Physical Examination (signed by a physician and dated on or after April 15, 2016) on file in the office. Only one completed physical form is needed per school year.
The online registrationand the physical form must be completed and received in the office before try-outs, practice or any play can occur in any extracurricular sport. These forms can be found at the website listed above. Furthermore, the green emergency treatment card must be turned in to the coach to complete eligibility for any sport. Forms necessary for Club sport participation can be obtained in the office.
Once this material has been processed, your child will be given a DARK GREEN note with his/her name on it indicating, “May Participate.” This note is to be given to the coach of the sport they are playing. Coaches will give your student game schedules and practice information as each sport season begins. There is a 24-hour turnaround period once papers are received in the office.
For the latest and most up-to-date information on game schedules and locations throughout the season, please visit: If you have questions, feel free to contact Mr. David Brooks, Berkshire Assistant Principal, at or, if it can wait until the end of the day or the beginning of the following day, please call 248-203-4746.