Chapter 19 Quiz
(Answers are below)
1. Which of the following generalizations can be supported by the information provided in the map above?
(A) Frontier life tended to promote the acceptance of greater political equality for women.
(B) Fewer women lived in the southeastern states than in other parts of the country; therefore, suffrage was less of an issue.
(C) None of the states of the Confederacy granted votes to women before 1920.
(D) The Seneca Falls Movement resulted in gains in the area of political and legal rights for women.
(E) States that made free public education a priority led the way in extending the vote to women.
2. "We believe that the time has come when the railroad corporations will either own the people or the people must own the railroads ... We demand a national currency, safe, sound, and flexible ... We demand a graduated income tax ... We demand a free ballot."
Which of the following groups included the passage above in its platform?
(A) American Federation of Labor
(B) Union-Labor Party
(C) People's Party (Populists)
(D) National Grange
(E) Democratic Party
3. William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" oration was primarily an expression of his
(A) fundamentalist religious beliefs
(B) neutral stance toward the belligerents of the First World War
(C) advocacy of free and unlimited coinage of silver
(D) opposition to teaching the theory of evolution in public schools
(E) anti-imperialist convictions
4. The precipitating factor in the 1894 Pullman strike was Pullman's
(A) dismissal of union workers
(B) introduction of scrip in part payment of wages
(C) retraction of its promise to provide an employee insurance and retirement plan
(D) employment of immigrant labor at less than a living wage
(E) cutting of wages without proportionate cuts in company housing rents
5. Which of the following labor organizations endorsed the philosophy of "bread and butter" unionism by concentrating on demands for higher wages, shorter hours, and improved working conditions?
(A) The Knights of Labor
(B) The Molly Maguires
(C) The American Federation of Labor
(D) The Industrial Workes of the World
(E) The National Labor Union
6. The farmers' protest movement lost momentum at the end of the 1890's for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
(A) the failure of the People's party in the 1896 election
(B) massive immigration into urban areas that led to higher prices for agricultural products
(C) crop failures in Europe that led to an increase in United States grain exports
(D) the 1898 Yukon gold strike that increased the United States government's supply of gold and eased farmers' access to credit
(E) the absorption of the populists by the AFL (American Federation of Labor)
7. All of the following are true of railroad expansion in the late nineteenth century EXCEPT that it
(A) opened new territories to commercial agriculture
(B) accelerated the growth of some older cities and created new ones
(C) was financed by private corporations without government assistance
(D) led to new managerial forms and techniques
(E) was often capitalized beyond what was needed
8. Which of the following was true of the American labor movement in the late nineteenth century?
(A) It was controlled by immigrant socialists and anarchists.
(B) It was confined to factory workers.
(C) It was protected from employer harassment by federal law and policy.
(D) It was allied with the Democratic party.
(E) It was involved in a number of violent strikes.
9. In the late nineteenth-century United States, farmers sought federal relief from distress caused by
(A) low tariffs
(B) natural disasters
(C) inflationary monetary policies
(D) excise taxes on agricultural products
(E) discriminatory freight rates
10. During the last decade of the nineteenth century, the primary use of the Sherman Antitrust Act was to
(A) break up business monopolies
(B) regulate interstate railroads
(C) protect American industry from foreign competition
(D) curb labor unions
(E) promote economic expansion
Answers: 1)A; 2) C; 3) C; 4) E; 5)C ; 6) E; 7) C; 8)E ; 9) E; 10) D