Beresford Parks,Rec.
& Community Education
305 W. Oak Street Beresford, SD 57004
Phone (605)763-2094 Director: Brent M. Palmer Fax (605) 763-2705
K-6th Grade After-School Program
The Afterschool program has made a couple changes to the daily attendance, we will be opening up everyday to all K-6th graders.
We have had some questions concerning the program and hopefully this helps you:
1. Can kids come and go from the program? YES..staff will supervise who shows up afterschool, but children may come and go….IT IS NOT A DAYCARE.
2. If you would like a more structured supervision program, Kids Konnection is available for a small daily fee. Kids Konnection is operated through PRCE and provides state certified supervision to children in grades K-5th grade and provides a snack for their kids. Parents must sign out their kids daily from this program. If this is something you would like, call the Director at 763-2094.
3. Will there be a snack for the children afterschool? No, there will not be a snack provided.
4. We do not open on early out days.
All weekly activities will be planned by Dr. Scott Klungseth!! Dr. Klungseth will also train our staff that will be supervising these activities.
We will hold all activities in the new commons area of the elementary and outside on the playground. All new equipment and games have been purchased through our PRCE PEP grant funding to promote wellness in our community.
COST: No Cost to you.
TIME- 3:30-6 pm. You may come and go as you please.
2015-2016 PRCE After school activity program
One sheet per child please
REMINDER: You may come and go as you please.
This is not a daycare program.
Return to school office
Name______Current grade______
Phone______Cell______TEXT? Yes______NO______
Local emergency contact name/number______PH#______
Beresford PRCE and the Beresford School District, in making this recreational activity available for the participation of your child, assumes no responsibility for injury. The responsibility for injury is assumed entirely by the participant and/or the parent or guardian. Participants in recreational activities are not covered by any special insurance coverage, therefore, participants should have adequate insurance coverage. I ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBILITY AS STATED ABOVE.
Printed Name ______
Signature______Date______, 2015/16