Beresford City Council

July 2, 2012

The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on Monday July 2, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.

Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Gerald Dahlin, Troy Doeden, Gary Lambert, Art Schott and Dan Williams.

Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator, and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.

Absent: Tom Erickson.

Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Lambert, second by Schott, motion carried.

Minutes: Dahlin made the motion to approve the minutes from the meeting held on June 18, 2012 seconded by Williams, motion carried.

Council Member Doeden arrived at 7:32 pm.

Public Forum and Visitors:

Jim Bolin, South Dakota House of Representatives Candidate, greeted the Council. He asked that if anyone had questions or concerns to please give him a call. Council thanked Mr. Bolin for the visit.

Committee/Mayor Reports

Ordinance Review Committee: City Administrator Zeimetz gave Council a draft copy of the revised ordinances. Zeimetz asked Council to look it over and to contact him with any questions. Toby from SECOG will be attending the July 16, 2012 Council Meeting to discuss the revised ordinances.

Finance Utility Committee: Lambert and Williams recently met with Telephone Manager Hansen to go over what has been happening in the Telephone/Internet/Cable Television Department. Lambert updated the Council on a few items and discussed the CATV budget. Williams noted that Hansen was very thorough, and is doing a great job.

(Amended at the July 16th Council Meeting that Dahlin was also present at the Finance Committee meeting.)

Public Works Committee: Council Members were sent a memo from Lewis and Clark’s Executive Director Troy Larson regarding the meeting held on June 28. The memo states that all 19 Lewis and Clark members will be made aware of Beresford’s excess water capacity. The members have until July 26, 2012 to show interest in the opportunity.

City Administrator Zeimetz informed the Council that the 32 million gallons of permitted water from Lewis and Clark has now expired. It was noted that due to the dry hot weather, the City is going through an average 317,000 gallons a day. The Water Department and South Dakota Rural Water Association employees are pressure testing all water mains and services throughout the water distribution system.

Mayor Fedderson read a thank-you note to the Council from the family of Elizabeth Sebern, thanking them for the flowers.

New Business

Appointment to Beresford Planning Commission: Mayor Fedderson asked the Council to appoint Stanford Peterson to the Planning & Zoning Board. Lambert made the motion to appoint Stanford Peterson to the Planning & Zoning Board, term expiring June 2017, seconded by Schott. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Resolution 2012-12 Classifying components of a fund balance as defined in GASB 54: Dahlin made the motion to adopt Resolution 2012-12, seconded by Doeden. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.



WHEREAS, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has issued Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions with the intent of improving financial reporting by providing fund balance classifications that will be more easily understood; and

WHERAS, the new classifications reflect an approach that focuses, not on financial resources available for appropriations within a fund, but on the extent to which amounts in the fund can be spent; and

WHEREAS, the classification and reporting of fund balance components as required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54 will become effective starting with the 2011 fiscal year reporting.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Beresford, SD does hereby adopt the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions, and direct the Finance Officer to prepare financial reports which accurately categorize fund balance and provide other disclosures as required by the Statement.

Dated this 2nd day of July, 2012 ______

K. James Fedderson, Mayor



Kathy Moller, Finance Officer

Bonding Resolution 2012-13 for Housing Redevelopment Corp. Guarantee: Schott made the motion to adopt Resolution 2012-13, seconded by Dahlin. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Resolution 2012-13 (published separate of minutes)

Resolution 2012-14 Adopting updating the 2011 update to the Lincoln Co. and Minnehaha Co. Multi-Hazard Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan: Schott made the motion to adopt Resolution 2012-14, seconded by Williams. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.


A resolution by the Beresford City Council, declaring City support for the adoption of the Lincoln County and Minnehaha County Multi-Hazard Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan 2011 Update.

WHEREAS, the Beresford City Council supports the contents of the Lincoln County and Minnehaha County Multi-Hazard Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan 2011 Update; and

WHERAS, the Lincoln County and Minnehaha County Multi-Hazard Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan 2011 Update will be utilized as a guide for planning as related to FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation, and other purposes as deemed appropriate by the Beresford City Council.

NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the Beresford City Council do hereby adopt, support, and will facilitate the Lincoln County and Minnehaha County Multi-Hazard Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan 2011 Update’s implementation.

Adopted this 2nd day of July, 2012


K. James Fedderson, Mayor ATTEST: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer

Review Wage for P/T Police Officer Schurch: Zeimetz stated that Police Officer Schurch has been employed with the City over three years and qualifies for $13.50/hour instead of $13.00/hour agreed upon at the June 18, 2012 Council Meeting. Schott made the motion to pay part-time Police Officer Michael Schurch $13.50/hour, seconded by Dahlin. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Land Water Conservation Fund Grants Available: Zeimetz informed the Council of the Land Water Conservation Fund Grant that is available. The grant would be written for new playground equipment at Bulow Park. The Council would have to commit to 50% of the projected costs. The consensus of the Council was to go forward with the grant. Zeimetz will have more details by the August 6, 2012 Council Meeting.

Discussion & Information Items

Special Council Meeting on July 9: Zeimetz reminded Council of the special meeting on July 9, 2012 to discuss Next Generation 911 and how it will affect all dispatch centers in South Dakota including the Beresford Dispatch Center. A special meeting notice will be published in the Beresford Republic. Union County Commissioner, Milt Ustad, Sherriff Dan Limoges, and Chief Dispatcher Judy Oberg are invited to attend to assist with any questions. Doeden questioned the necessity of the meeting. Lambert stated the meeting is needed to keep the public informed to dispel any rumors. Dahlin encouraged everyone to invite the public to attend. Lambert noted that this is a very big decision for the City to make. The current dispatch is not 9-1-1 Next Generation ready which is being required in the near future.

Payment of Bills:

A motion was made by Schott, seconded by Dahlin, to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.

A-1 Portable Toilets, rental, $75.50; AAA Collections, employee garnishment, $77.84; Aarons Pro Window Cleaning, service, $45.00;

AFLAC, insurance, $1,558.30; Badger Communications, resale, $37.08; Baker & Taylor, books, $514.71; Beal Distributing, beer, $14,608.13; Beresford Cablevision, cable billing, $285.70; Beresford Fire Dept., state fire school lodging & mileage, $4,419.68; Beresford Municipal Tele Dept., billing, $4,752.67; Beresford Municipal Utilities, billing, $14,110.14; Brookings/Swiftel, toll, $5.84; Brown & Saenger, office supplies, $396.57; CDW Govt., council microphones, $134.48; CHR Solutions, Internet repair, $200.00;

Centurylink, E911 Circuits, $265.70; Centurylink, toll, $94.67; Chesterman Co., supplies, $674.65; Concrete Materials, asphalt mix, $1,877.40; Consortia Consulting by Telec, consulting fee, $2,800.00; Country Sunshine, plants & flowers, $77.50; Crossroads Hotel, lodging, $216.00; DAD’s Repair, service, $53.06; Dakota Beverage, beer, $10,381.25; Davidson Titles, books, $18.67; DeRaad Heating & Cooling, service, $91.80; Diesel Machinery, Edge, $366.31; DGR Engineers engineer services, $504.00; Eastern Farmers Coop, fuel, $3,099.21; Eastway Auto Service, tire repair, $17.50; Ende, Dale, used golf balls, $30.00; Erickson’s Heating & A/C, service, $130.61;

Fedderson, David, equipment repair, $65.00; FedEx, shipping, $45.95; Frieberg ETAL, legal services, $6,942.95; Graham Tire Co., tires, $588.06; Ground Control, property clean up, $60.00; Hach Company, supplies, $134.55; Hawkins Water Treatment, chemicals, $2,163.29; HD Supply Waterworks, water treatment plant repair, $4,416.45; Hillyard, supplies, $425.72; Homestead Building, supplies, $254.64; IBEW Local #426, union dues, $664.00; Intense Graphics, advertising, $469.33; Jet Truck Plaza, fire dept. fuel, $163.17;

John Deere Landscapes, interconnect board, $451.58; Johnson Brothers, liquor, $5,992.78; Kansas City Life, insurance, $163.20;

Kennedy, Ruth, mileage & meals, $315.93; Larson Drapery, shades, $775.00; Loren Fischer Disposal, garbage hauling contract, $5,200.00; MidAmerican Energy, natural gas, $239.25; Midwest Tape, audiobooks & DVD’s, $248.90; Muller Auto Parts, repairs, $1,636.57; Mr. Golf Car, lease cars, $2,500.00; NANP, annual cost, $25.00; Neves Uniforms & Equipment, clothing allowance, $89.94; Office Elements, toner, $58.20; Olson’s Hardware, supplies, $1,534.57; Oxmoor House, books, $73.82; Pepsiamericas, resale, $195.68;

Premier Pyrotechnics, 2012 fireworks display, $1,350.00; Printing Plus, supplies, $221.00; Queen City Wholesale, supplies, $2,066.80;

Quill Corporation, supplies, $283.20; Ramkota Hotel, lodging, $126.00; Republic National Distributing, liquor, $5,632.14; Royal Bake Shop, catering, $120.80; SD Association of Rural Water, pressure data logger fee, $150.00; SD Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources, drinking water fee, $600.00; SD Dept. of Health Lab, lab fees, $64.00; SD Library Network, membership, $675.00; SD Supplemental Retirement Plan, SDSRP, $400.00; Sioux Falls Humane Society, animal care fee, $37.50; Steckelberg, David, mileage & meals, $459.80; Stuart C Irby, underground hardware, $2,970.00; Tessman Seed Company, cedar bales & grass seed, $349.25;

The Vernon Company, advertising, $1,014.18; Tiedeman Refrigeration, service, $71.66; Toshiba Business Solutions, copier lease, $236.99; Upstart, t-shirts & mugs, $40.25; Unemployment Ins Div. of SD, insurance, $675.00; United Parcel Service, shipping fees, $295.45; USAC, schools & libraries, $3,253.33; Variety Foods, catering, $877.40; Verizon Wireless, service, $836.22; Walt’s Homestyle Food, resale, $60.00; Wellmark, insurance, $34,403.05; Wells Fargo Remittance Center, credit card charges, $2,260.39; WESCO, pipe, $942.95; Zeimetz, Jerry, car allowance, $300.00; Zep Manufacturing, insect repellent, $54.10.

June 2012 Payroll Total:

Finance $4,844.80; Gov’t Bldg. $160.66; Police $17,262.59; Dispatch $12,496.80; Street $8,881.97; Parks $1,945.96; Liquor $7,227.18; Water $7,043.80; Electric $22,647.03; Sewer $4,621.13; Telephone $25,416.47; Rubble/Recycling $1,316.97; Planning & Zoning $550.00; Library $6,649.78; Bldg. Inspector $1,000.00; Swimming Pool $8,632.58; City Administrator $6,003.20; Golf Course $8,983.49; Clubhouse $8,122.70; Event Center $441.85.

Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. on a motion by Lambert, second by Doeden, motion carried.


Kathy Moller, Finance Officer

Recorded by Elaine Johnson