This poll was conducted November 23, 2016 through November 30, 2016. It involved 4436 U-reporters. Age groupsof 13 year-olds and under (95 people) and 35 year-olds and over (85 people) were withdrawn from the analysis; therefore, it was based on the answers of 4256 people at the age of 14 to 34 years.
Data is presented in percentages, among those respondents who replied to questions. Data is not representative because the socio-demographic characteristics of registered U-reporters do not reflect the general characteristics of Ukrainian youth.
Poll № 3 “Youth Policy”
The aim of this poll is to determine the level of U-reporters’ awareness aboutgovernment initiatives (measures)for youth, their attitude towards formation of youth policy and involvement into youth organizations
Are you aware of initiatives (measures) provided for youth by public institutions?
Fig.1. U-reporters’ awareness aboutinitiatives (measures) for youth (N=4221), by gender, age, region of residence (data is presented excluding those who have not defined their own clear position), %
16% of U-reporters claimed that they do know about government initiatives provided for youth by state, while 56% are unaware of such thing.If there are no fundamental gender or age differences among the small percentage of informed U-reporters, group of those who are unaware of state youth activities is dominated by men (58%; women – 54%) and the oldest among reporters – 25-34 year-olds (62%; 20-24 year-olds -56%; 18-19 year-olds – 55%; 14-17 year-olds – 53%). In terms of difference in regions of residence, it is noticeable thatyoung U-reporters from Kyivare better informedabout government initiatives aimed at youth. The highest percentage of those who answered affirmatively is among them (19%; in other regions – 13-17%%) and vice versa the lowest is among those who said that they are unaware of this topic (50%; in other regions within 54-60 %%). Least aware of state youth activities are reporters from Easter region of the country – 60%.Almost every third U-reporter (28%) was unable to give a clearly defined answer, selecting the option "difficult to answer" (Fig. 1).
Would you like to join the process of formation of youth policy?
Fig. 2. U-reporters’ willingness to participate in the process of formation of youth policy, %
(N=3812, those who answered the question)
61% of U-reporters would like to join the process of formation of youth policy, 18% are not willing to be involved in the process and one in five U-reporters has not determinedposition regarding such forms of social activity (fig.2).
Fig. 3. U-reporters’ willingness to participate in the formation of youth policy, %, by gender and age[1]and depending on the awareness of public measures for youth [2]
(N=3812, those who answered the question)
There are representatives of both genders among those U-reporters who are willing to join the process of formation of youth policy.Younger U-reporters are more attracted by the prospect of direct participation in this kind of "state formation" in comparison to the older ones - percentages of affirmative answers to the question about willingness to take part in the process of formation of youth policy grow from 57% amongst 25-24-year to 67% among 14-17-year-olds.Private social activity was mostly declared by U-reporters from the capital and the Center 64 and 63%% (in other regions within 59-61%%). Whereas among those who are unable to decide on active or passive position on this issue are mostly women and older U-reporters (women 23% vs 19% of men; 26% of 25-34-year-old, compared to 16% of 14-17-year-olds and 20-12%% 18-24 year olds). There are less doubters among the inhabitants of the Center of the country – 15%, in comparison to U-reporters from other regions, where those are in the range of 21-23%%. (Fig. 3).
The responses show that those young U-reporters who are aware of some state initiatives aimed at young people are more willing to join the process of formation of the state policy. There are 76% of such respondents in contrast to unaware U-reporters (54%).Among those who had expressed a desire to join the formation of the state policy for young people, three times more U-reporters do not know about existence of certain youth state measures than those who are knowledgeable in this matter. 21%among those who do not know about initiatives and 9% among those who are aware of them. (Fig. 3).
Are you a member of youth organization?
(Men; women)
Fig. 4. U-reporters’ involvement in youth organizations[3], %
(N=3591, those who answered the question)
One in five U-reporters regardless of gender and age characteristics, are members of certain youth organization. 17% are not members of youth organizations but they are engaged in social activities, and this applies mainly to older U-reporters (25-34 years) – 22%, against 16-18%% of other age groups. 36%of all U-reporters showed their willingness to become members of youth organizations. There are mostly women among such respondents – 37% (32% among men).
In addition, the willingness to become a part of youth organization depends on the age of U-reporter: the younger the respondent is – the higher is the readiness to own membership in the organization, and vice versa – the older the respondent is – the lower it is. Therefore the option “No, but I would like to be” in response to the question “Are you a member of youth organization” was chosen by 41% of young people at the age of 14 to 17 years and by 27% of 25-34 year-olds. Option “No” was chosen by 33% of 25-34 years old U-reporters and by21% of boys and girls at the age of 14-17. (Fig. 4).
Fig. 5. U-reporters’ involvement in youth organizations[4], %
(N=3591, those who answered the questions)
Depending on the region of residence of U-reporters, the fact of membership in youth organizations is significantly more often noted by respondents from Kyiv and South of the country (32% and 30%%, respectively). There is about the same share of young people who are not members of organizations but are engaged in social activities in all regions (15-20%%).In comparison to residents from southern regions and Kyiv (in the range 28-29%%) significantly more U-reporters from the Centre, West, North and East (in the range 35-39%%) showed the desire to join the organization. (Fig. 5).
Therefore, the majority of youth (56%) is not aware of initiatives (measures) provided for youth by state. However, 61% of U-reporters have declared their willingness to join the development of youth policy. According to the poll, 36% of responses came from young people who are involved in public activities, 19% of them are members of youth organizations. Moreover, 36% of U-reporters said that they have a desire to enter the ranks of one of them.
[1]Answers of those U-reporters, who did not indicate their gender and age are not included in the figure
[2]The figure presents only results of those who answered "Yes" or "No" about their awareness of government initiatives for young people
[3]Answersofthosewhodidnotindicatetheirage and genderarenotpresentedin the figure.
[4]Answersofthosewhodidnotindicatetheirregionarenotpresentedin the figure.