Benet Academy Mothers Club Constitution
Document Revision March 2011
Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be Benet Academy Mothers Club.
Article II: Objective
- Provide opportunities for Benet parents to nurture the Benedictine value of building family through work and prayer.
- Promote close cooperation, understanding and communication between parents, students and staff of Benet Academy.
- Sponsor social activities to support relationships between mother and child.
- Support Benet Academy Administration as well as Student Government initiatives through service and fundraising.
- Provide support through prayer and outreach for our Benet Academy community.
Article III: Membership
The Membership shall consist of all mothers and/or guardians of current students at Benet Academy.
The Executive Board consists of the President, First Vice President (President Elect), Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Moderator.
The Board of Directors of the organization shall include the elected offices referred to as the Executive Board, the current committee chairwomen of standing committees listed in this document and the immediate Past President.
Article IV. Executive Board Responsibilities
Section 1. The Executive Board members are expected to attend regular board meetings and any additional meetings called by any member of the Executive Board.
Section2. The Executive Board term of office will last one year beginning after the May initiation with twoexceptions: the first is the office of First VicePresident (President Elect), who then becomes President in her second year. The second exception is Treasurer whose term lasts two years due to the learning curve associated with the position.
Section 3. With the exception of Treasurer (which is a mandatory two year term), no Executive Board member shall be eligible for more than two consecutive terms in the same officeunless no eligible candidate is found.
Section 4. The elected offices of the Executive Board (President, First Vice President (President Elect), Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) shallideally be filled by any member of a previous Mothers Club Board of Directorsor any active member of the Mothers Club.
Section 5. The Executive Board shall propose the year end disbursement of funds at the AprilExecutive BoardMeeting.
Section 6. All documentation and reporting between the outgoing and incoming Executive Boards must be transferred within a month of the Installation Dinner.
Section 7. Executive Board members are not eligible to chair on a committee but may serve on a committee.
Section 8. The Executive Board shall manage the business affairs and formulate the policies of the Mothers Club always under the direction of the Club Moderator.
Section 9. Duties
The President will preside at all meetings of the Mothers Club and Executive Board. The President will appoint all standing committee chairpersons and will be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominations Committee. She will work closely with Benet Academy Principal, Student Government Moderator, and Dads Club President. She shall assist the Treasurer in preparing the annual budget. She shall sign checks exceeding $2000 or in the absence of the Treasurer. She is responsible for maintaining the Mothers Club closet.
The First Vice President (President Elect) will assume all duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or at her request. She shall be responsible for planning “Moms’ Night Out”. She shall serve as chair of the Nominations Committee and perform duties as outlined in Article VII.
The Second Vice President will assume all duties of the First Vice President in the event of the First Vice President’s absence. The Second Vice President will plan all aspects of the Installation Dinner to be held in May. She shall be the Mothers Club Historian and will be responsible for compiling a digital history.
The Secretary will prepare minutes of all meetings and post on Mothers Club Website. In addition, she will communicate upcoming meetings and other pertinent information to Mothers Club Members. She will be responsible for acknowledging life events of Benet staff with a card on behalf of the Mothers Club.
The Treasurer will receive and disburse all Mothers Club funds and will keep an accurate account of same. The Treasurer will email a financial report on a monthly basis to the Executive Board for review and approval showing in detail the receipts and expenditures of the Club. She shall place all monies in a depository approved by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall pay by check all bills that have been submitted and approved for payment. The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks in accordance with these bylaws. Any check over $2000 must be co-signed by either the President or Club Moderator. All records and financial statements must be current and made available for audit if required.
The Moderatorwillwork closely with the Mothers Club Executive Board and offer guidance as necessary. Along with the Mothers Club President, he will be an ex-officio member of all committees. The Moderator will sign all contracts for goods or services used by the Mothers Club and may co-sign any check over $2000. The Moderator will communicate important information to the school administration.
Article V. Fiscal Responsibilities of the Executive Board
Section 1.All contracts for goods or services must be signed by the Mothers Club moderator or a representative of the school. This assures that no Chairperson is personally liable for the contractual agreement.
Section 2. At the sole discretion of the President, items with a value not exceeding $200 may be authorized for purchase by the President, without a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Section 3. While the President has the authority to approve donations up to $200, any requests above that must be approved by the Mothers Club Executive Board.
Section 4. The following guidelines shall be used to acknowledge special occasions.
- Appreciation: In an effort to be equitable, a once a year gift will be given by the Executive Board President to the school President, Principal, Assistant Principal, Dean, Assistant Dean, maintenance and support staff on any date selected by the Mothers Club President. The Moderator will be honored on his birthday and Christmas.
- Committee Members: A thank you note will be the appropriate way to thank committee members. Stationery can be obtained from the Mothers Club President. Reimbursement for postage can be obtained from the Treasurer.
- Acknowledgement of Life Events: Benet staff who experience a birth or death of an immediate family member will receive a note of sympathy or congratulations from the Secretary on behalf of the Mothers Club.
Section 5. All requests for payment of funds by committee members must be accompanied by a Reimbursement/Payment Request Form that has been reviewed and approved by the committee chairperson. Any unusual payment request or request over $2000 requires the authorization of the President or Moderator.
Article VI. Board of Directors
Section 1. Each member of the Board of Directors is responsible for an annual report of her work and any recommendations to be handed to her successor. All reports are due no later than 30 days following their event with the exception of Hospitality and Spirit Store committees who should submit by June 1.
- Reports should be thorough including names of committee chair(s), important dates, times, location, expenses and income. It should include suggestions for improving future events, copies of receipts and contracts, sample invitations, and liturgy booklet (if applicable).
- Event reports should be submitted electronically and in paper form to the President with one additional copy for incoming chair(s).
- Photos of the event should be submitted to Second Vice President for use in her historical account.
Section 2. Committee plans and budgets must be presented to the Executive Board insuring communication and understanding of all ongoing activities within the Mothers Club. The Chairwomen shall adhere to the Mothers Club Constitution.
Section 3. A representative from each is expected to attend the Board of Director meetings on a monthly basis, as their input is valuable to the Chairwomen of other committees. Co-chairwomen may alternate months of attendance, however, both should attend meetings prior to and immediately after their function.
Section 4. When voting; a simple majority of those present will be used. The President will vote in the event of a tie.
Section 5. The immediate Past President shall become an honorary advisor and voting member of the Board of Directors.
Article VII: Nominations
The Nominations Committee shall include the President-Elect, the Moderator, and up to three outgoing Board of Directors. The Nominations Committee shall be appointed by the President and approved at the OctoberExecutive Board meeting with a simple majority of those presentfor approval. The Nominations Committee shall be responsible for recruitment of the Executive Board and committee positions. The President-Elect shall chair the committee.
A member of the Nominations Committee shall prepare a nomination applicationsform to be included in the February minutes.
The Nominations Committee shall collect nomination applications up to and at the March meeting. The committee will meet to review the applications and nominees will be called to discuss their intentions. The committee will prepare a slate and/or ballot to be voted on at the Aprilgeneral Mothers Club meeting. A slate implies one name per office and a ballot implies two or more names for a position.
When a vacancy occurs on the Executive Board before the end of the term, a special election will be held. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the President may appoint a replacement.
Article VIII: Meetings and Quorum
Section 1. The Benet Academy Mothers Club will meet as scheduled by the Executive Board. Typically, this will be the third Wednesday of the month with the exception of December, June and July when meetings are not scheduled.
Section 2. The Executive Board will be convened at the request of the President or any two members of the Executive Board.
Article IX: CommitteeDescriptions
Each committee chairperson shall be appointed by the President and will select as many members as necessary to carry out the work of the committee. No chairperson will serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position unless the chair opening has been announced at a Mothers Club meeting, posted in the meeting notes and no new person has come forward.
- Used Books -The Used Books Committee provides an opportunity for the Benet Community to sell current textbooks. The Committee has the responsibility to decide which textbooks to collect, determines condition of the books and sets the selling price.
- Directory -As a service to the Benet community, Mothers Club provides a comprehensive directory of current students for Benet distribution only. Working with the administration, this should be distributed no later than the October Mothers Club meeting.
- Spirit Store – The Spirit Store operates as a venue for the Benet Community to purchase spirit items during mutually agreed upon day(s). The Committee Chairs have the discretion to choose which items to sell and establish pricing. The Chairs are responsible for establishing a volunteer work schedule. The Chairs are also responsible for creating and maintaining a report that shows inventory based on items bought and sold.
The Spirit Store Committee Chairs work closely with the On-line Spirit Store Chairs to determine which items to sell on-line, establish pricing and determine how to handle inventory. The on-line Spirit Store Chairs are responsible for creating and maintaining the on-line site.
- Yard Sign Chairs establish signage designs and pricing. They are responsible for filling orders and distributing signs.
- Graduation Sign Chairs establish signage designs and pricing. They are responsible for filling orders and distributing signs.
- Homecoming – This committee is established to assist the Student Government, Athletic Department and Administration in promoting Homecoming week.
- Mother/Son Event – This committee is established to promote an opportunity for Mother and Son to socialize at a Mothers Club sponsored event. The date selection and venue requires Executive Board approval.
- Mother/Daughter Event – This committee is established to promote an opportunity for Mother and Daughter to socialize at a Mothers Club sponsored event. The date selection and venue requires Executive Board approval.
- Mother/Daughter Junior/Senior Mass & Fashion Show – This committee is established with the objective of showcasing our female seniors. This committee provides an opportunity for junior and senior mothers and daughters to celebrate Mass and have a social to further mother/daughter bonds. Dates and venue require Executive Board approval.
- Mother/Son Junior/Senior Mass – This committee is established to provide an opportunity for junior and senior mothers and sons to celebrate Mass and have a social to further mother/son bonds. Dates and venue require Executive Board approval.
- Hospitality –This committee provides three meals for the Benet faculty and staff as a means of appreciation from the Mothers Club. The date will be mutually agreed upon by the Benet Principal and Hospitality Committee. This committee also assists at Mothers Club meetings and functions. Hospitality is responsible for ordering refreshments from Sodexo for Mothers Club meetings.
- Newsletter –The Chairwoman assists the President in keeping the Mothers Club membership aware of events and news of the Benet community. This function can occur electronically or in print format. Publication dates are mutually agreed upon by the Newsletter Chairwoman and the Mothers Club President.
- Benet Cares - This committee works in conjunction with the President to help our Benet families in times of crisis, terminal illness and death. This committee provides meals, transportation, comfort and prayers to ease the stress and burden of life changing events.
- Benet Moms Prayer Group-This group gathers at Benet to meet and pray for the special intentions of Benet students, faculty and parents. Meeting dates and times are determined by Committee Chair starting in mid-September thru May. The prayer groups are held immediately after all-school Masses, which provides a wonderful opportunity to share in our children’s faith life at Benet. This blessed group of moms generate a special bond of friendship and support throughout the year.
Committee Chair Guidelines
All forms needed to conduct Mothers Club business are found in the committee start-up folders. These forms are to include:
- Prior Revenue and Expense Report
- Reimbursement Payment Request
- Business Office Printing Request
- Notice of Mothers Club Event
- Complimentary Ticket List
- At Cost Sale (Spirit Store only)
- Merchandise Donation (Spirit Store only)
Complimentary Ticket List: The Mothers Club President shall provide all committees with a list of Benet staff members eligible to receive complimentary tickets to Mothers Club sponsored events. This list should include Benet faculty and staff with students currently enrolled at Benet. In addition, the following Administration positions shall receive complimentary tickets: President, Principal, Assistant Principal, Dean of Students, Assistant Dean of Students, Mothers Club Moderator, Mothers Club President.
Prom Tickets: Mothers Club will purchase one Prom bid for both the Mother/Son Communion Breakfast and the Mother/Daughter Fashion Show each year. Chairpersons of these committees should complete a reimbursement payment request form and submit it to the Treasurer. The Treasurer will add the cost of the two bids to the annual Prom donation.
Left-over Favors: All favors left over from events are to be placed in the Mothers Club closet for possible future use. This information should be reported at the next Board meeting so that other committees can consider using these items.
Contracts: All contracts for goods or services must be signed by the Mothers Club Moderator or a representative of the school. This assures that no Chairperson is personally liable for the contractual agreement.
Article X: Amendments
The Mothers Club Constitution may be amended at any Benet Academy Mothers Club Meeting by a two thirds vote of the Board of Directors. The Constitution is to be reviewed annually. Any committee to revise the Constitution will be appointed by the President from among the members of the Benet Academy Mothers Club.
This Constitution was revised and amended in the years 1992, 1997, 2000, 2005 and 2011. The name of the organization was changed in 1995.
The 2011 Constitution revision committee members are: Karen Callahan, Karen Flavin, Judy Koziol, Clare Nelson and JeanneSchimeck.