BeltonHigh School
Orchestra Handbook
John Fairlie
BeltonHigh School, NorthBeltonMiddle School
Alyssa Meyer
BeltonHigh School, LakeBeltonMiddle School
Rebekah Ward
BeltonHigh School, SouthBeltonMiddle School
BISD Orchestra Handbook
This handbook is designed to be a standard for organization and operational procedures for the expanding orchestra program in Belton schools. Students and Directors must exhibit the highest professional standards at all times for the orchestra program to continue the successful growth we are now experiencing in BISD.
The mission of the BISD Orchestra program is to teach values such as respect, class, work ethic, teamwork, while providing students with positive life experiences and leadership through the pursuit of excellence in Fine Arts.
Students and Parents should read this handbook, as it is a valuable tool to ensure the continued success of the orchestra program.
John Fairlie, BHS & NBMS Orchestra Director
Alyssa Meyer, LBMS Orchestra Director, BHS Assistant Orchestra Director
Rebekah Ward, SBMS Orchestra Director, BHS Assistant Orchestra Director
Table of Contents
Orchestra Calendar …………………….4
Supply Checklist………………………. 5
Instruments……………………………. 5
Instrument Storage …………….………6
Orchestra Room & Practice Room ….…6
Expectations…………………………… 6
Consequences………………………….. 6
Grading Policies……………………….. 7
Tips for Success……………………….. 7
Practice …………………………………7
Concert Dress Code ……………………8
Attendance Policy.…………….………. 8
Eligibility……………………………… 8
UIL Concert & SR Contest…….……... 9
Drug Testing…………………………...9
Parent Drop-Off & Pick-Up…....………9
Communication……………….……… 10
Orchestra Handbook Agreement Form ……….…11
Contact Information Form………………………..12
Rental Agreement……………………………….....13
Drug Testing Agreement……..……………………14
2014-2015 Belton Orchestra Calendar
August 2014
27thWednesday- All Supplies due in class (see supply list)
September 2014
9th Tuesday – High School Performances @ Open House 5:30 p.m.
10th Wednesday - First $50 payment due (if renting BISD instrument)
October 2014
11th Saturday- High School Region orchestra auditions @ TempleHS
15th Wednesday- Second $50 payment due (if renting BISD instrument)
21st Tuesday- High School/SBMS Fall Concert @ PAC 7 p.m.
25th Saturday- High School All-State orchestra taping auditions @ AMCHS
27th Monday- NBMS/LBMS Fall Concert @ NBMS 7 p.m.
November 2014
8th Saturday- Middle School Region orchestra auditions @ Harker Hts. HS
December 2014
9thTuesday- LBMS/BHS
Holiday Concert @ PAC 7 p.m.
13th Saturday- HS/MS All Region Clinic/Concert @ Baylor
18thThursday- SBMS/NBMS
Holiday Concert @ NBMS 7 p.m.
February 2015
7th Saturday- HS UIL Solo & Ensemble Competition @ Harker Hts. HS
9th Monday- MS/HS Pre-UIL Concert @ PAC 7 p.m.
27th Friday- MS/HS UIL @ TempleHigh School
April 2015
10th Friday MS/HS Solo and Ensemble Competition @ SBMS
May 2015
11th Monday- SBMS/LBMS
Spring Concert @ SBMS 7 p.m.
14th Thursday- NBMS/BHS
Spring Concert @ PAC 7 p.m.
NOTE: Event times/locations subject to change!
Supply Checklist
All supplies are due by Wednesday, August 27
- Instrument
- Pencil
- Method Book – Expressive Techniques for Orchestra **NEW BOOK!
by Brungard, Alexander, Dackow & Anderson
- 1” Black Binder
- Lock for instrument locker (if given a locker)
- Spare Strings (suggested)
- Music Stand (for home practice)
- Clean Cloth (piece of an old, clean t-shirt, washcloth, or handkerchief)
- Shoulder Rest (violin and viola only)
- Rock Stop (cello and bass only)
- Rosin (to be kept in instrument case)
All students are encouraged to rent or purchase their own instruments. Listed below are stores we highly recommend and have approved as our instrument vendors.
The Band RoomLisle Violin Shop
2805 N Loop 1214510 Burke Rd.
Belton, TX76513Pasadena, TX77504
254-939-6200281-487-7303 or 800-545-4553
All students playing an instrument owned by Belton ISD will be required to pay a maintenance fee of $100 per year. There will be a limited number of violins/violas available under special circumstances. The fee is intended to help offset a small part of the normal repair and upkeep cost of these expensive school owned instruments.
Students are encouraged to rent their own instruments so they don’t have to take the instruments back and forth to school everyday. At least one week before the last day of school the instruments MUST be checked in (returned) at the school.
Instrument usage fee can be paid in two separate installments of $50 each (Sept. 11th- first payment due, October 16th- second payment due). Checks should be made out to BISD.
All fees are non-refundable. If a student moves or is no longer part of the orchestra program, they will not receive a refund. All orchestra students that use a school-owned instrument will be responsible for paying the full fee regardless of the enrollment date.
Students will not be denied from playing an instrument because they are unable to pay this fee. Contact the orchestra director if you need assistance.
Instrument Storage (if available)
Each student will have a locker assigned to him or her (if available) for his or her instrument and orchestra supplies. Use of a lock is very strongly encouraged. Lockers are for storage of instruments and music only. Please keep schoolbooks, coats, athletic wear, etc. in other appropriate locations.
Orchestra & Practice Rooms
These are your rooms to use! Show respect and pride by keeping them neat and clean.
- No food, drinks, or gum allowed in orchestra room or ensemble/practice rooms
- Keep orchestra locker clean and neat
- No writing on stands, chairs, walls, lockers, etc.
- Only orchestra students are allowed in the orchestra room at any time
- Be on time.
- Follow directions.
- When interacting with others, check body language, voice tone and words (Be Positive)
- Have your instrument and all supplies necessary to play your instrument.PENCIL!
- No gum, food or drink is allowed in the orchestra rehearsal room.
- Clipped fingernails on the left hand*
*Left hand fingernails must be kept short enough for students to use the tips of their fingers when holding down the string on the fingerboard. For most people, this means that the fingernails should not extend beyond the tip of the finger. Artificial or acrylic fingernails should not be worn.
If rules are not followed there will be consequences including:
- Warning
- Parent phone call
- Office referral
- Severe consequences might include being excluded from extracurricular activities or removal from the program
High School Grading Policy
65% Major Grade:
The major grades are made up of a combination of assigned written quizzes, playing exams, tests, and concerts. The Director will notify the students at least one week in advance of all quizzes or exams. Quizzes may be either a playing quiz or written quiz.
35% Minor Grade:
The minor grades are made up of daily participation in class and individual playing checks/quizzes.
Concerts are a major test grade. A grade will be assigned according to the student’s performance. All students are required to stay for the entire concert. No student is permitted to leave early without director’s permission or 20 points will be deducted from the concert grade.
Tips for a Successful Year in Orchestra
- Always be prepared for class
- Instruments and parts (shoulder rest, rosin, rock stop)
- Orchestra binder and method book
- Pencil
- Other handouts as applicable
- Practice
- Set a goal when you practice
- Pick a daily time to practice and stick to it
- Eliminate distractions
- Use a music stand
- Practice with good posture, always listening for a beautiful sound, musical expression, and accurate intonation
- Start practicing slow and work up to the actual tempo
Individual home practice is an important part of any musician’s learning process. It is very important to our orchestra that effort is being made by each student for learning individual parts outside of the classroom. Class meetings and rehearsals are not to be used as a practice session, but as time for working out ensemble concerns.Just as in any other class, if there is a problem in the music that you cannot handle, please talk to your orchestra director.
Concert Dress Code
High School:
All Black concert attire, with uniform supplied by school
Black blouse - Part of uniform
Black dress pants – Part of uniform
Black dress shoes- No flip flops
Black long-sleeved shirt – Part of uniform
Red long tie – Part of uniform
Black dress pants – Part of uniform
Black socks- Absolutely no white socks
Black dress shoes
Attendance Policy
Orchestra activities are planned so that the least amount of activities will conflict. All students are encouraged to participate in as many activities as they wish, but at the same time, orchestra members are required to participate in all orchestra events, rehearsals and performances - remembering that a grade is given for each event.
IMPORTANT: In the event of a conflict, the student has the responsibility of submitting a signed note, email, or phone call from a parent or the appropriate teacher or sponsor stating the reason for the conflict. Notes that have not been submitted prior to two weeks before the orchestra event may not be considered. This note does not automatically excuse an absence. Each case is considered individually and privately according to its circumstances.
It is very important that each student maintains passing grades in all classes in addition to orchestra. If you are having trouble passing a class, please notify your conductor. We expect each member of the Belton Orchestra to do all the work necessary to pass all his or her classes. School performances (events held on a BISD campus) are required regardless of a student’s grades. UIL Contests/Extra-Curricular activities (events not held on a BISD campus and/or UIL events) are directly affected by students’ eligibility. All grades must be passing to attend contests and school orchestra trips (events outside of BISD)
UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Competition
This year the Belton High School Orchestra Program will be competing as one in the annual UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Competition. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to work towards a common goal, stretch themselves musically, collaborate with students from other High Schools, and receive feedback from other professional orchestra directors around the state of Texas.
However, this wonderful opportunity takes preparation and work on behalf of both the directors and students. Students will be required to attend the Pre-UIL concert at the beginning of February to be eligible to participate in the competition.
If, in case of emergency or unavoidable scheduling conflict, please refer to the attendance policy above for instructions.
Drug Testing
All BISD students participating in extracurricular activities are required to agree to random drug testing during the academic school year. More information can be found on the attached drug testing consent form, as well as the BISD website,
Parent Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Please take note of when students are scheduled to arrive for concerts and special events. Doors will be unlocked at the time indicated on the arrival sheet. Supervision prior to this time will not be provided.
Students are expected to be picked up from field trips and special events at the time indicated on the itenerary. Please make arrangements prior to the event if you forsee a conflict. If you have not picked up your child thirty minutes after the indicated finish time, the police will be called to come wait for you.
NOTE: CHARMS may not be up and running at the beginning of the year. Please refer to your Handbook for the calendar, supply list, handouts and other information.
Charms Office-
This is a web-based program in which parents and students may view the orchestra calendar, view handouts, communicate with the director, etc. It also allows directors to contact students AND parents through e-mail.
- Log on to
- Locate the “Parent/Student Login” section of the web page
- Log-in to your child’s program account using the following login: School Code: BeltonOrch
- This will bring up the main parent page. This will allow you to look at your child’s orchestra calendar, supply list, handouts and other files
- Clicking on an event on the calendar brings up details for that event, such as times, attendance requirements and equipment/uniform necessities. Clicking on “event list” puts all the calendar information in a list form for easy printing.
- When you enter your child’s ID NUMBER, another more detailed screen appears with even more options to view your child’s instrument assignment, financial records, forms and inventory. Enter your child’s ID FIRST- then you may create your own, unique password by clicking on the “keys icon”
- Help the director maintain his/her records”
- Student Information Form- if the director has allowed it, you may help make changes to your child’s student information page (such as updating phone numbers, and email addresses if they change) to help the teacher communicate with you more directly.
Information may also be obtained by going to the BHS Orchestra Website, at
*****The four pages that follow need to be returned to your orchestra director*****
Orchestra Handbook Agreement Page
Please return this page to your director.
I have received, reviewed and understand the policies and guidelines in the BISD Orchestra Handbook. I understand what is expected of me as an orchestra member. I will follow the rules and guidelines for the class as stated by the Director and in this handbook and will accept the consequences for my actions.
Student Name (print): ______
Grade ______School ______
I have received, reviewed and understand the policies and guidelines in the BISD Orchestra Handbook. I understand what is expected of my student as an orchestra member. I will encourage my student to follow the rules and guidelines for the class as stated by the Director and in this handbook and my child will accept the consequences for his/her actions.
Student Signature ______
Parent signature ______
Date ______
For Parents / Guardians:
Please check if you are interested in receiving information about the following opportunities
______Chaperoning trips/activities
______Planning/Organizing reception after concerts
______Volunteering when needed
Contact Information
Please return this page to your director.
Please print
Student Information
First Name ______
Last Name______
Mailing Address______
City, St., Zip ______
Home Phone (_____) ______
Student Cell Phone (_____) ______
Student Email ______
Birthdate ______
Private Lesson Teacher (if applicable) ______
_____ I am interested in receiving information about private lessons for my orchestra student
Feel free to write “same as above” for any repeated information
Adult Contact 1
First Name ______
Last Name______
City, St., Zip______
Occupation/ Skills______
Home Phone ______
Work Phone______
Cell Phone ______
Email 1______
Email 2______
Is it ok to contact you by email (circle): YES NO
Adult Contact 2
First Name ______
Last Name______
City, St., Zip______
Occupation/ Skills______
Home Phone ______
Work Phone______
Cell Phone ______
Email 1______
Email 2______
Is it ok to contact you by email (circle): YES NO
Instrument Rental Information Sheet
- Instrument
- Pencil
- Method Book – Expressive Techniques for Orchestra **NEW BOOK!
by Brungard, Alexander, Dackow & Anderson
- 1” Black Binder
- Lock for instrument locker (if given a locker)
- Spare Strings (suggested)
- Music Stand (for home practice)
- Clean Cloth (piece of an old, clean t-shirt, washcloth, or handkerchief)
- Shoulder Rest (violin and viola only)
- Rock Stop (cello and bass only)
- Rosin (to be kept in instrument case)
Student’s Name (printed) ______
School ______
Please initial next to one of the following options:
______1. I have or will rent my child’s instrument from one of the recommended vendors, listed in the orchestra handbook
______2. Availability permitting, I would like to rent a BISD instrument, agreeing to the procedures and $100 maintenance fee described in the orchestra handbook
*******Important Note: BISD Instruments will not come with all the required supplies. Please see the bolded items above that need to be purchased separately*******
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Date ______
Belton ISD Student Drug Testing
Consent Form
PRINT Student Name: ______
I understand and agree that participation in school-sponsored extracurricular activities is voluntary and a privilege. I understand that as part of my voluntary participation in school-sponsored extracurricular activities, I am consenting to participation in the BISD’s Random Student Drug Testing program. The list of school-sponsored extracurricular activities can be accessed on the BISD website ( by following the links to District Policies, FNF LOCAL.
I understand that if I decline to consent to participation in the Random Student Drug Testing program that I will be unable to participate in competitive extracurricular activities in BISD for the entire academic school year, 2013-2014.
I have read Board Policy FNF (LOCAL) and understand that my child’s participation in school-sponsored extracurricular activities and enrollment in corresponding courses is voluntary and a privilege. I understand that as part of my child’s voluntary participation in school-sponsored extracurricular activities, I am consenting to his/her participation in BISD’s Random Student Drug Testing program for the entire academic school year, 2013-2014.
I understand that if I decline to consent to my child’s participation in the Random Student Drug Testing program, my child will be unable to participate in school-sponsored extracurricular activities.
As evidenced by my signature below, I hereby consent to allow the student named above to undergo random drug testing for the presence of alcohol, illicit drugs and/or banned substances in accordance with Board Policy FNF (LOCAL). I understand that the urine collection process will be overseen by a qualified vendor and that samples will be sent to a certified medical laboratory for testing, and that samples will be coded for confidentiality. I hereby consent to the vendor selected by the BISD, its laboratory, doctors, employees, and/or agents to perform urinalysis testing for the detection of alcohol, illicit drugs and/or banned substances, and to confer with any necessary third parties regarding the results in order to confirm the results of the urinalysis. I further understand and consent to the vendor selected by BISD, its doctors, employees and/or agents, to release results of tests to the BISD in accordance with Board Policy FNF (LOCAL). I understand that the consent granted herein effective for the entire 2013-14 school year.
PRINTED NAME Parent/Guardian/CustodianDaytime phone number
SIGNATURE Parent/Guardian/CustodianDate