2017-2018 Title 1 Budget

Below is an explanation of how the Title 1 funds are used at Florida Avenue:

Helping Hands / Helping hands are tutors hired for the classroom. Helping hands work in classrooms to provide support for the teacher. The teacher works with small groups and the helping hand works with small groups during intervention blocks and work stations.
Para-Educators / Para-educators are hired to work in the classroom with students during the intervention block.
Tutors / Tutors are certified teachers that are hired to work in the classroom with students. Tutors work with students during the intervention block and work with teachers during small group instruction.
Professional Development for Teachers / Teachers participate in on-going professional development throughout the school year. Teachers attend PLC during the day to plan for instruction and assessment.Teachers attend after-school professional development to address planning for school strengths and weaknesses based on data. Teachers also attend professional conferences to share back with all teachers to improve reading, math and technology instruction.
Mental Health Provider / A mental health provider is at FAE at least twice a week to provide support for students who need extra guidance and strategies to help with attendance, studying, and making friends.
Field Trips / The admission cost of field trips for all students is paid for by title 1 funds. The cost of bus transportation is paid for by students.
Intervention programs / FAE provides intervention time for students during math and reading. The following online programs are used during intervention blocks: Moby Max, BrainPop, NearPod
K – 3rd grade also uses BURST as a reading intervention daily
Instructional Materials / Materials and books needed for core instruction are purchased to be used in the classroom for all students. Examples of materials include chart paper, sentence strips, paper for work stations, etc. Books are also purchased for teachers to use during guided reading and Read-Aloud times
Technology / Technology is purchased for classrooms to be used by students. Examples of technology include computers, laptops, projectors and interactive boards, and visual presenters
Online Subscriptions / Online subscriptions for the classroom are purchased to be used by teachers to increase technology integration including BrainPop and NearPod. Online programs are purchased to improve student achievement and provide interventions including MobyMax and BURST.
Parental Involvement / Agendas for communication, students in upper grades are provided with an agenda to be used for communicating all homework assignments
Supplies and materials are purchased for parent activities