folio 53 piece 62

Goods appraised at Sawley and given by the king’s highness unto Sir Arthur Darcy, knight

Bells, lead, vestments, copes etc £109 10s 11d

Corn in the garners and the field £ 62 15s 4d

Sum £172 6s 3d


folio 60 Sawley Abbey viewed by Sir Ralph Ellarcarr

piece 69

Ornaments Bells, lead, vestments, copes etc

of the Church appraised at £109 10s 11d

Household Stuff £ 14 15d

Cattle Kine, oxen, horses and sheep £110 14s 4d

Husbandry stuff £ 3 16s 4d

Sum [torn]

Memorandum where is very little

of … upon the same


folio 63 Her… … for … which goods and cattle …

piece 74 and delivered unto him an …

the King’s Commissioners at the S…

of the house of Sawley

In oxen, kine and young cattle £85

In sheep £22 19s

In wheat and haver sown off the ground £27

In corn in the garners £35 15s 4d

In household stuff £14 15d

Utensils of husbandry £ 3 16s 3d

Horses and mares 53s 4d

Bells £26 13s 4d

The lead of the choir and in other places £53 6s 8d

Ornaments of the church £29 5s 5d

Sum £300 12s 7d

[Should be £300 10s 7d]

Whereof the said Sir Arthur Darcye

asks allowance for diverse payments

and warrants, as follows

Paid to Master Beckwith, the King’s receiver, as

appears by his bill dated 12 May 27 Henry VIII £34 19s 10d

Paid to 18 of the monks by a bill sent from

Master Chancellor and Master Ownlay dated

12 June 27 Henry VIII £18

Sir Arthur Darcye asks allowance for £172 6s [?9]d

as appears by the King’s warrant dated

12 June 27 Henry VIII [£172] [6s] …

For books delivered to the monks [£4]

Sum £229 6s …

And thus there remains, clear, to the King

Sum £71 … …