1110 N. Coventry Ave.

Clovis, CA 93611

January, 2018


Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth;

Shall you not know it?(NKJV)

Be alert...I'm about to do something brand-new. (MSG)

(Isaiah 43:19)

For the last several years, the Lord has given us a prophetic theme for the ministry at the beginning of the year. "Strategic Positioning", "Supernatural Acceleration", "Synergetic Relationships", and "Implementation" have been themes that have hallmarked our outreaches during the past few years.The theme that has been impressed in our spirits for 2018 is "Expediting New Beginnings".

We are believing this is not only the start of a new year, but the beginning of a new spiritual season in the ministry of Harvestime and in the lives of our partners around the world--including YOU. The past is just that: It is past! Stop living in it. Step dwelling on it. Stop trying to rewrite it mentally. God is ready to expedite new things! It is a year of "new beginnings" plural. It is not just "a new beginning"--singular. God has many new things to reveal and do in you and through you in the coming year. These things will be supernaturally expedited and simply spring forth. It may be a new God-given ministry, plan, idea, or book.

Among other meanings, to "expedite" means "to facilitate". In the business world, expediting is a concept of planning progress--establishing goals for projects, making sure required goods arrive at the appointed time, imposing deadlines, supervising, and enabling progress on projects.

During the coming year, God will facilitate new things in your life. He wants to give you new goals and supernaturally supply what you need to accomplish them. Instead of lagging behind in your personal and spiritual life, He wants you to advance expeditiously--to experience new beginnings and new accomplishments for the Kingdom of God.

To become part of this expediting of these new manifestations, you must leave the past in the past and live each day as a new beginning. Open your heart and mind to new things--new ways to do necessary tasks. New ideas. New expansion in your ministry.


As we look forward to the expediting of new beginnings in 2018, we have established the following objectives for the ministry of Harvestime:

-Develop new networking relationships with other ministries with a common goal of

reaping the spiritual harvest-fields of the nations of the world.

-Plant new Harvestime Institutes around the world.

-Continue translation of Harvestime materials into new languages.

-Add new books to The Legacy Bible Outline Series.

-Utilize new technologies to increase our outreach around the globe.

-Write, publish, and post to the Internet new materials to impact the world for Jesus.

-Increase the international prison ministry outreach.

-Continue the prison and rest home ministries.

We are so grateful for your continued support of Harvestime. Your financial gifts enable us to fulfill the vision. Your prayers are the spiritual impetus behind all we do. Along with this newsletter we are sending guidelines for "Praying For Harvestime" to enable your focused prayers for this ministry. Again, thank you so much for being co-laborers with us in the harvest-fields of the world.

Yours for the harvest,

Argis and Patricia Hulsey

"There is a huge difference between a good idea and a God-idea. Good ideas may impress, but God-ideas will impact for eternity. They can change the course of history."

-The Kendrick brothers in the War Room

"So often we think about life in terms of what's happening today, this week, or next month. We need to try to look at things as God does, with an eye for eternity. Is what you are doing now making a lasting impact? Will it matter in another year, another decade, another century? Begin dedicating yourself to things that will still be important long after you are gone."

-John Maxwell

"...this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14, KJV)


-Pray for new networking relationships for the ministry that will expand our outreaches.

-Pray that the Lord of the harvest will raise up and dispatch laborers into the harvest-fields of the world and "fill our barns with a great harvest..." (Psalm 144:13, MSG).

-Pray for the students enrolled in Harvestime schools around the world, that God will raise them up as mighty spiritual harvesters and proof-producers.

-Pray for new Harvestime Institutes to be established.

-Pray for increased finances to enable us to continue extending this ministry to the nations.

-Pray for those translating Harvestime materials into various languages and ask God to raise up translators for additional languages.

-Intercede for the network of pastors, evangelists, teachers, schools, missionaries, chaplains, our web-mistress, bookkeeper, technological advisers, board members, and others who are part of the Harvestime team.

-Ask God to provide guidance in the development of new training materials.

-Seek God's blessing upon our international prison ministry.

-Pray for inmates to be released from the bondage of sin and to experience new life in Christ.

-Pray for accelerated distribution of the prison ministry materials we are providing for chaplains and inmates.

-Pray for new relationships with chaplains and prison ministries around the world.

-Ask God to supernaturally draw people to our websites.

-Pray for the Harvestime International Network website and the Biblical Counseling Database website to greatly impact the world.

-Use these Scriptures to guide your prayers. Pray for:

-Open doors for the gospel to be heard: Colossians 4:3

-Wisdom to speak the gospel message clearly: Ephesians 6:19

-Boldness in the sharing gospel: Ephesians 6:19

-The spread of the gospel: 2 Thessalonians 3:1

-Positive response to the gospel: 2 Thessalonians 3:1

-Protection from evil for our Harvestime co-laborers: 2 Thessalonians 3:2

-Acceptable service to God: Romans 15:31